


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……


处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:jīng bàn







  1. 经手办理。如:这件事是他一手经办的。



  1. When investigators asked him for the gestores' billing records, he said he did not have time to track them down.


  2. And just as Mr. Cicero had described, investigators found mysterious codes at the bottom of invoices from the gestores.


  3. Just a moment, please, I'll put you through to the department charge.


  4. The case is the first to be brought by its new structured-products group. It will not be the last.


  5. Attn: - As a courtesy to domain name holders, we are sending you this notification for your business Domain name search engine registration.


  6. For company shipper, this column should be filled with the name of the handler.


  7. A handler shall, within the scope of its duties, handle the external investment business according to the approval opinions of the approver.


  8. Let me check who is in charge of the matter.


  9. All in all, this bill was designed to keep money in the pockets of Florida residents instead of in the pockets of insurance agencies .


  1. 社会保险经办机构

    society insurance agency organization

  2. 牵头经办人

    Lead manager.

  3. 我不是经办人员。

    I'm not the person in charge.

  4. 联席牵头经办人

    joint lead manager

  5. 你公司经办预约保险吗?

    Do you handle open cover ?

  6. 事情已经办利落了。

    The matter is all settled.

  7. 经办人执业证件号码

    Registered number of responsible person

  8. 这事是通过代理人经办的。

    It was done by deputy.

  9. 我料想你已经办了。

    I expect you have already done it.

  10. 由公证经办的由公证实行或布置的

    Executed or drawn up by a notary public.

  11. 我必须和经办人员确认一下。

    I'll have to confirm this with the person in charge.

  12. 固然经办婚姻已不再是一种制度。

    While arranged marriages are no longer the norm.

  13. 我们一楼的外汇兑换台经办此事。

    We take care of it at the foreign exchange desk on the first floor.

  14. 我们一楼得外汇兑换台经办此事。

    We take care of it at the foreign exchange desk on the first floor.

  15. 相关总经办工作的当地关系的协调。

    To coordinate local relationship related of Admin work.

  16. 我们希望孩子们进一所教派经办的学校。

    We want our children to go to a denominational school.

  17. 我们在纽约的代理商经办在整个美国的销售。

    Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.

  18. 我们在一楼大门处经办兑钱之事。

    We can take care of the exchange on the first floor at the main entrance.

  19. 相关总经办工作得当地关系得协调。

    To coordinate local relationship related of Admin work.

  20. 甲方经办人员为施福康, 乙方经办人员为潘伟新。

    The secretary of party A is Shi Fukang, and the party B is Pan Weixin.

  21. 也有各种事情是由地方行政官经办的。

    There are also various matters that are dealt with by the magistrates.

  22. 失业保险金由社会保险经办机构按月发放。

    Unemployment insurance compensation is paid monthly by social insurance agencies.

  23. 我们当时保留了一笔钱以支付经办费用。

    We held up on a sum of money to cover costs of handling.

  24. 社会医疗保险事务经办的流程改造与重组

    Social and Medical Insurance Matters are Handled by the Transformation and Restructuring Process

  25. 好吧,但我已经办过一次婚礼了

    I'm gonna make all those people who showed up the first time.

  26. 正是罗伯特李自己亲自经办了那次拍卖。

    It was Robert Lee who negotiated the auction.

  27. 完成总经理或总经办交办的其他工作任务。

    Accomplish other works as GM or GM office required.

  28. 关于印发优化失业保险经办业务流程指南的通知

    Notice on Issuance of Guidelines for Optimizing Unemployment Insurance Operational Procedures

  29. 我向阿尔芭要一些文件,你去年经办的一些事情。

    I asked Alba for some papers, some of the things you did last year.

  30. 哈尔特建议对两名主要经办人进行彻查。

    Mr. Halter proposed a thorough investigation of the two main gestores.


  1. 问:经办拼音怎么拼?经办的读音是什么?经办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经办的读音是jīngbàn,经办翻译成英文是 handle

  2. 问:经办银行拼音怎么拼?经办银行的读音是什么?经办银行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经办银行的读音是jīng bàn yín háng,经办银行翻译成英文是 dealing bank

  3. 问:经办业务人拼音怎么拼?经办业务人的读音是什么?经办业务人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经办业务人的读音是,经办业务人翻译成英文是 walla


经办,读音为jīng bàn,汉语词语,意思是指经手办理。