


积聚,储藏,保存:~藏。~洪。~发(fà )。~养。积~。储~。兼收并~。存于心中:~志。~怨。~谋。~意。含~。等待:“孰谓时之可~?”……






1. 坏 [huài]2. 坏 [pēi]3. 坏 [pī]4. 坏 [péi]坏 [huài]品质恶劣,有害:~蛋。~人。~事。~水。人体、东西受了损伤,被 毁: 破~。败~。质量差,不完美:这所房子不~。表示程度深(用在动词后面):忙~……






  1. He said: "They are deliberately destabilising the company, and there is no end in sight. "


  2. In the context of an industry in precipitous decline, beset by a campaign of sabotage and a crisis in funding, this might seem a detail.


  3. When vandalism escalates into violence, the BAU must track down a pack of ensues who kill their victims for the thrill of it.


  4. Critics say that the president has merely managed to shift the blame to opposition "sabotage" .


  5. The leaks are the result of bad maintenance of pipes as well as sabotage.


  6. All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals.


  7. In another dramatic series of paintings and in an installation, the topic of the deliberate destruction of printed matter is addressed.


  8. Those officers running the Cambridge ring might be accused of sabotage. They might be shot.


  9. A determined, malicious user equipped with a network-monitoring tool can intercept user names and passwords.


  1. 对他人财产的蓄意破坏

    malice mischief

  2. 描述的都是一样的蓄意破坏。

    All describe the same kind of vandalism

  3. 蓄意破坏或使人损失财产的人。

    Someone who willfully destroys or defaces property.

  4. 密探因犯有蓄意破坏罪而被捕。

    The secret agent was arrested on a charge of sabotage.

  5. 这家商店因为遭到蓄意破坏而关。

    The shop was closed due to vandalism.

  6. 砸店铺,敲车窗,普通的蓄意破坏。

    Shops were hit, car windows broken, general mayhem.

  7. 砸店铺,敲车窗,普通的蓄意破坏。

    Shops were hit, car windows broken, general mayhem.

  8. 我不想他成为一个蓄意破坏者。

    I didn't raise him to be a vandal.

  9. 供水主管道被叛乱分子蓄意破坏了。

    The main pipeline supplying water was sabotaged by rebels.

  10. 发生好几起对电台财产的蓄意破坏。

    Several acts of sabotage are committed against radio station.

  11. 那家工厂的火灾是有人蓄意破坏引起的。

    The fire at the factory was caused by sabotage.

  12. 那家工厂得火灾是有人蓄意破坏引起得。

    The fire at the factory was caused by sabotage.

  13. 密探因被指控犯有蓄意破坏罪而被捕。

    The secret agent was arrested on a charge of sabotage.

  14. 对环境的这种蓄意破坏是一件可憎的事。

    Such deliberate destruction of the environment is an obscenity.

  15. 令我担忧的问题之一是蓄意破坏案件的上升。

    One of the things that concerns me is the rise in vandalism.

  16. 令我担忧的问题之一是蓄意破坏案件的上升。

    One of the things that concerns me is the rise in vandalism.

  17. 这些泄漏是因为疏于维护和蓄意破坏造成的。

    The leaks are the result of bad maintenance of pipes as well as sabotage.

  18. 以色列继续实施集体惩罚政策和蓄意破坏活动。

    Israel continues its policy of collective punishment and intentional destruction.

  19. 有一个潜假设, 即网络是安全得从人类得蓄意破坏。

    There is an unspoken assumption that the networks are safe from deliberate human sabotage.

  20. 有一个潜假设,即网络是安全的从人类的蓄意破坏。

    There is an unspoken assumption that the networks are safe from deliberate human sabotage.

  21. 负责剑桥团伙的官员将被指控为蓄意破坏, 甚至会被枪决。

    Those officers running the Cambridge ring might be accused of sabotage. They might be shot.

  22. 蓄意进行破坏

    deliberately sabotage

  23. 这种蓄意杀害平民和肆意破坏财产的行径也构成了战争罪。

    Such wilful killing of civilians and wanton destruction of property also constitute war crimes.