











汉语拼音:zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn







  1. When I grew up in a roadside field, the pedestrian to see, from time to time someone will be saying too much sun Yinghong my little face.

  2. A positive goal is always going to be far more attractive than nagging people about their eating habits, or pointing out the excess flesh.

  3. Passing by a village, somebody pointed at him in the back: "Look, this man is riding a mule to Beijing. "

  4. All the passengers came on deck. We took pictures and pointed at the site, but we weren't allowed to get off the boat.

  5. By the time he's walked two blocks, at least a hundred rats are at his heels, and people begin to point and shout.

  6. This person may suddenly try to direct your work, change the direction of a project, and generally try to push you around.

  7. Therefore, I never look to my parents for lifting me much property and I would never give my son too many advices.

  8. So when a large corporation reveals its new identity, there are hundreds of internet sites flinging their opinions back at it.

  9. I've always been curious about it because ever since I was a child, people have made comments about where I come from.


  1. 对人指指点点

    and point fingers anything.

  2. 外人就来指指点点

    while we're still figuring things out.

  3. 指指点点是不礼貌的。

    It is rude to point.

  4. 我不是来这指指点点的

    I'm not looking to point fingers here.

  5. 没有人再对我们指指点点

    No more pointing fingers at us.

  6. 在我们的家里对我们指指点点

    in our backyard in judgment of us when we have done.

  7. 我不喜欢被人指指点点的。

    And I don't want people talking about me.

  8. 我们一定不要指指点点, 横加指责。

    We must not point fingers and cast blame.

  9. 对外国人指指点点,盯著他们看。

    You out foreigners and stare at them.

  10. 你凭什么对我和我丈夫指指点点?

    What makes you think you know anything about me or my husband?

  11. 甚至仿佛听到他们窃窃私语,指指点点。

    As if even hear them to steal steal murmurous, gesticulate.

  12. 你对外国人指指点点并且盯著他们。

    You point out foreigners and stare at them.

  13. 并且避免街坊四邻再对你们家指指点点

    and give your neighbors even more to gossip about.

  14. 总比待在这里,被你指指点点的好。

    Not as bad as staying here and getting picked apart by you.

  15. 真正的历史,实际上是不由我们来指指点点的。

    The true history is beyond our gesticulation in deed.

  16. 只要手术后不再是被人指指点点的怪物

    If I end up anything above a pointandstare freak.

  17. 盛名之累之一是在街上遭人指指点点。

    One the penalties of fame that people point at you in the street.

  18. 可这真的很让人郁闷 所有人都对我指指点点。

    But it's not funny, knowing everyone is out there judging me.

  19. 在公共场合对陌生人指指点点或议论纷纷都不礼貌。

    It's not polite to point or talk about strangers in public.

  20. 当了名人的麻烦之一是在街上被人指指点点。

    One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you on the street.

  21. 我是不是打破了你那个不许指指点点的安全网?

    Did I just fall through your safety net of no criticism?

  22. 他们伸出来的不是援助之手,而是指指点点的手指头。

    There had been no helping hand at the end of their outstretched arm, only a pointing finger.

  23. 激光笔很少会在胸罩上指指点点 一般都直接用手!

    A laser pointer rarely accompanies a bra.

  24. 永远也不要因为某人太胖或太丑而对其指指点点。

    Never point at someone and laugh because they are too fat or ugly.

  25. 突然他们停住了,聚在一起,指指点点,似乎在倾听着什么。

    Once, indeed, they paused, drew into a group, and seemed to point and listen.

  26. 当了名人的麻烦之一是人们在街上对你指指点点。

    One of the penalties of fame is that people point at you in the street.

  27. 餐间交谈时用筷子指指点点也是一种不礼貌得行为。

    Pointing with chopsticks when chatting over dinner is also a misbehaviour.

  28. 餐间交谈时用筷子指指点点也是一种不礼貌的行为。

    Pointing with chopsticks when chatting over dinner is also a misbehaviour.

  29. 几个小调皮甚至还围上来指指点点,我心里真不是滋味。

    Skin of a few canzonet still is surrounded even come up gesticulate, flavor is not really in my heart.





指指点点 词语 指指点点 拼音 zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn 解释 :指频繁挑出他人的缺点咄咄逼人,或背后评论人。