




1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……



汉语拼音:jiù jiào







  1. 前往受教;接受教导。

    唐 李庾 《西都赋》:“左立太学,前惇广文,膳丰中厨,就教九年,稽以博士,总之成约。”《醒世恒言·卢太学诗酒傲王侯》:“见 卢柟 决不肯来,却倒情愿自去就教。” 清 无名氏 《后会仙记》:“﹝ 青青柳 ﹞復吟曰:‘学问无穷水接天,竿头日进古人言,男儿欲遂冲霄志,只在功深与志坚。’ 仇 皆唯唯就教。”



  1. His mother taught him to sew when he was a child.


  2. Mozart's father was a musician employed at a noble's court who was teaching his son to sing and play almost before he could walk.


  3. So teach one thing at a time, until they've learned the skill, and then move on to the next.


  4. While my mother went out to work, my grandmother, who spoke no English, looked after me, teaching me to speak her native tongue.


  5. If cough persists for more than 1 week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by fever, rash, or persistent headache, consult a doctor.


  6. Then teach you to distinguish high-quality friendships were connected to an ordinary start from the following thought.


  7. Kelly: I will teach you about Internet chat if you help me with my English so that I can chat with foreigners!


  8. If you're lucky, your parents taught you this skill when you were a kid.


  9. She meditates daily; her father, Anthony, a clinical psychologist, taught her how when she was a child.


  1. 我就教不了你

    I can't teach you.

  2. 那我现在就教你飞翔。

    I will teach you to fly then.

  3. 从那时起他就教英语。

    He's teach English since then.

  4. 谁想学英文,我就教他。

    I'll teach English to whoever wants to learn it.

  5. 唔, 他们在医学院就教你用砷?

    Well, they teach you about arsenic in medical school?

  6. 用这只翅膀?那就教我们吧。

    With this wing? Teach us, then

  7. 她在空闲的时候就教我英语。

    She teaches me English at odd hours.

  8. 没过几年,徒弟就教师傅了。

    Within a few years the protege was teaching his master.

  9. 所以我就教了他如何换保险丝。

    So I taught him how to change a fuse

  10. 讨论完我得论文, 我就教他中文。

    After the discussion of my dissertation I taught him Chinese.

  11. 讨论完我的论文,我就教他中文。

    After the discussion of my dissertation I taught him Chinese.

  12. 当他还是孩子时,他母亲就教他缝纫。

    As a child his mother taught him to sew.

  13. 假如情况允许的话, 我就教你英语。

    I will teach you English provided circumstances permit.

  14. 我女儿6岁时,我就教她怎样做除法。

    I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six.

  15. 好的,我就教她骑女用马鞍吧!

    All right, mammy. I'll teach her to ride sidesaddle.

  16. 我妈妈是中文翻译, 他从小就教我汉语。

    My mother is a Chinese interpreter, she taught me Chinese since I was young.

  17. 好的,奶妈。我就教她骑横座马鞍吧。

    All right, Mammy. Ill teach her to ride sidesaddle.

  18. 他从两周前就教你们英语了,对吗?

    He has taught you English since two weeks ago, hasn't he?

  19. 没问题。我哥哥很久以前就教我打水球了。

    No problem. My brother introduced me to water polo a long time ago.

  20. 像是我理应像孔子一样, 有教无类, 来者就教。

    I am not like Confucius who would teach any level regardless. I am sorry.

  21. 我明天就教这一课,我得赶紧准备一下。

    I have to swot it up because I'll teach it tomorrow.

  22. 在我6岁的时候,父母就教我读写孟加拉语。

    By the time I was6 my parents had taught me to read and write Bengali.

  23. 当他还是孩子的时候,他母亲就教他缝。短元音

    His mother taught him to sew when he was a child.

  24. 在特别小的时候父母就教他们背唐诗弹钢琴。

    While very young, they learn to recite and the piano.

  25. 我记得, 当我仅仅三岁的时候, 她就教我背诵唐诗。

    I remember that she taught me to recite a poem of Tang poetry when I was only three years old.

  26. 一开始就教我们想左向右向后转,还要踏步。

    We would like to teach a beginning turn back left to right, but also stepping.

  27. 摩德斯通先生坚持要我学习,所以母亲就教我功课。

    Mr. Murdstone insisted on my studying and so my mother gave the lessons.

  28. 每当我们上课累了的时候, 他就教我们唱一些英文歌曲。

    When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs.

  29. 在学校, 甚至是在幼儿园, 你们就教我们要做个乖孩子。

    At school, even in kindergarten, you teach us how to behave in the world.

  30. 不一会儿, 他就教我使用锤子和凿子, 我又开始挖船体。

    Later, after he taught me the proper use of hammer and chisel, I began to hollow out the hull.


  1. 问:就教拼音怎么拼?就教的读音是什么?就教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就教的读音是jiùjiào,就教翻译成英文是 Ask for advice; consult.



词目: 就教 注音: jiù jiào 释义: [ask for advice] 向对方求教;向人请教 示例: 肯请就教/能有机会向各位就教,我很高兴