







汉语拼音:mǎ lì



  1. On this date in 1797, the creator of one of literature's most famous monsters was born to Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin in London.


  2. When we reached Njoro's boma he led me to his wife's hut, then called Kamari's worried mother out and stood aside as I entered.


  3. Soling this problem for Tom and Mary depends not on how much they loved each other but on how much they understood the opposite sex.


  4. And then, abruptly, she had ended it. 'I'm in love with you', she'd told him matter-of-factly, 'and it's beginning to hurt. '


  5. He seemed relieved, and went off to his boma . Kamari came up the path a few minutes later.


  6. Situation: As John is getting dressed for an important interview, his wife, Mary, is helping him pick out his clothes.


  7. While carrying the paint can from the garage to the house, Marry was afraid that some of it might spill on her new skirt.


  8. and Marissa smiled to see Professor Bell coming to the front.


  9. While carrying the paint can from the garage to the house, Marry was afraid that some of it might ill on her new skirt.


  1. 玛莉得意洋洋。

    Mary was bubbling with joy.

  2. 玛莉善于学习。

    Mary is a good learner.

  3. 哇, 玛莉, 真难得。

    Wow, Mary! I'm impressed.

  4. 哇,玛莉,真难得。

    Wow ,Mary ! I'm impressed.

  5. 替我向玛莉问好!

    Say hello to Mary.

  6. 但玛莉不这么想。

    But Mary didn't.

  7. 玛莉想去散散步。

    Mary feels like taking a walk.

  8. 我比玛莉占优势。

    I was more advantaged than Mary.

  9. 玛莉, 祝你生日快乐!

    Ha y birthday to you, Mary!

  10. 玛莉,祝你生日快乐!

    Ha y birthday to you , Mary !

  11. 玛莉将要去做头发。

    Mary is going to have her hair done.

  12. 玛莉看起来浑身湿透。

    Mark looked like a drowned rat.

  13. 玛莉要嫁给乔治。

    Mary is going to marry George.

  14. 我们支持玛莉当班长。

    We got behind Mary to be class president.

  15. 玛莉打瞌睡不断地点头。

    Mary nidnoded her head.

  16. 我是清洁部的玛莉。

    I'm Mary from housekeeping.

  17. 玛莉溜冰时摔断腿。

    Mary broke her leg skating.

  18. 我是清洁部得玛莉。

    I'm Mary from housekeeping .

  19. 你好, 玛莉。我是东东。

    Hi, Mary. This is Dong Dong peaking.

  20. 来一杯咖啡吗,玛莉?

    Are you having a coffee, Mary ?

  21. 我碰见你的朋友玛莉。

    I met your friend mary.

  22. 约翰给玛莉一本字典。

    A dictionary was given to Mary by John.

  23. 你好, 东东在吗?? ? 玛莉。

    Hello, is Dong Dong in This is Mary speaking.

  24. 玛莉与乔治非常要好。

    Mary is very pally with George.

  25. 玛莉在我悲哀时安慰我。

    Mary comforted me in my grief.

  26. 玛莉和比尔智力相仿。

    Mary is quite equal to Bill in brains.

  27. 听!玛莉正在隔壁唱歌呢。

    Listen! Mary is singing in the next room.

  28. 玛莉在美容沙龙烫头发。

    Mary is at the beauty salon getting a perm.

  29. 玛莉就要洗她的小狗

    Mary is going to bathe her puppy.

  30. 玛莉比我高两个年级。

    Mary is two grades above me.


  1. 问:玛莉卡拼音怎么拼?玛莉卡的读音是什么?玛莉卡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉卡的读音是Mǎlìkǎ,玛莉卡翻译成英文是 Malika

  2. 问:玛莉绿拼音怎么拼?玛莉绿的读音是什么?玛莉绿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉绿的读音是mǎ lì lǜ,玛莉绿翻译成英文是 Mary Green

  3. 问:玛莉外宿中拼音怎么拼?玛莉外宿中的读音是什么?玛莉外宿中翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉外宿中的读音是,玛莉外宿中翻译成英文是 Mary Stayed Out All Night

  4. 问:玛莉·奥斯蒙拼音怎么拼?玛莉·奥斯蒙的读音是什么?玛莉·奥斯蒙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉·奥斯蒙的读音是Mǎlì·Àosīméng,玛莉·奥斯蒙翻译成英文是 Marie Osmond

  5. 问:玛莉亚†狂热拼音怎么拼?玛莉亚†狂热的读音是什么?玛莉亚†狂热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉亚†狂热的读音是,玛莉亚†狂热翻译成英文是 Maria Holic

  6. 问:玛莉亚的凝望拼音怎么拼?玛莉亚的凝望的读音是什么?玛莉亚的凝望翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉亚的凝望的读音是,玛莉亚的凝望翻译成英文是 Maria sama ga Miteru

  7. 问:玛莉有隻小绵羊拼音怎么拼?玛莉有隻小绵羊的读音是什么?玛莉有隻小绵羊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉有隻小绵羊的读音是,玛莉有隻小绵羊翻译成英文是 Mary Had a Little Lamb

  8. 问:玛莉亚·嘉西亚·古欣娜塔拼音怎么拼?玛莉亚·嘉西亚·古欣娜塔的读音是什么?玛莉亚·嘉西亚·古欣娜塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玛莉亚·嘉西亚·古欣娜塔的读音是Mǎlìyà·Jiāxīyà·Gǔxīnnàtǎ,玛莉亚·嘉西亚·古欣娜塔翻译成英文是 Maria Grazia Cucinotta



“玛莉”是个多义词,它可以指玛莉(动画《噬魂师》中的人物), 玛莉(美国广告策划人), 玛莉(漫画《月夜的奶酪》中的人物)。