




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:niè zi






  1. 拔除毛发或夹取细物的用具。一般用金属制成。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·葅绿》:“若有麤毛,镊子拔除,柔毛则剔之。” 谌容 《人到中年》十四:“她一边从 姜亚芬 手中接过适时递过来的剪子、镊子和各种特殊用处的手术针,一边细声细语地同小病人说着话。”



  1. Sara removes a small, dark blue piece of cloth from a pile of bloodied cotton swabs with a pair of tweezers.


  2. You can use a pair of forceps to Collect pollen, i. e. pick the anthers into the capsules, then mark the name of pollen parent.


  3. The utility model relates to a medical appliance, particularly a pair of tweezers used in the process of a bone transplantation operation.


  4. The utility model relates to a pair of improved plastic forceps, which comprises a forceps support foot and a pair of tweezers.


  5. At last Chloe is able to grip the edge with her tweezers and peel it off like a glove from a finger.


  6. The tweezers' subject is anti-too type which is not easy to let objects off.


  7. Finally his hiking partner, Lindsey Holm, grabbed it with a pair of pliers and after several sharp tugs, yanked it free.


  8. I used a little tweezer which I made from a hair clip. And I built rubber around the end of the tweezer so it wouldn't crush the glass.


  9. At first his sleep was brittle. His hunger tried to nip through his stupor like a pair of forceps, but he subconsciously blocked it.


  1. 镊子,吸引

    Forceps. Give me some suction.

  2. 精细小镊子

    fine pincers.

  3. 金钢石镊子

    diamond tweezers

  4. 它有小镊子,我知道

    It's got tweezers. I know.

  5. 用镊子拔你的眉毛。

    Use tweezers to pluck your eyebrows.

  6. 用镊子拔你得眉毛。

    Use tweezers to pluck your eyebrows.

  7. 医疗器械精制显微镜镊子

    medical instruments microscopic forceps , fine pattern

  8. 我能借你的镊子吗?

    Can I borrow your nipper

  9. 我能借你得镊子吗?

    Can I borrow your nipper.

  10. 我能借妳的小镊子吗?

    Can I borrow your nipper

  11. 我能借妳得小镊子吗?

    Can I borrow your nipper.

  12. 医疗器械弯式解剖镊子

    Medical instruments dissection forceps, curved

  13. 用镊子拔掉蜜蜂的螫刺。

    Remove the bee sting with tweezers.

  14. 镊子脱毛器也使用电流脱毛。

    Tweezer epilators also use electric current to remove hair.

  15. 使用镊子浸泡棉球在服药。

    Using tweezers immerse cotton pellet in medication.

  16. 她在用小镊子拔眉毛。

    She was plucking her eyebrows with tweezers.

  17. 我能借你的小镊子吗

    Can I borrow your nipper

  18. 我能借你得小镊子吗

    Can I borrow your nipper.

  19. 只需备有解剖刀和镊子。

    A scalpel and tweezers are the only tools needed.

  20. 她用镊子把它拔了出来。

    She plucked it out with a pair of tweezers.

  21. 你要用镊子来夹这标本。

    You'll need tweezers to hold up the specimen.

  22. 钳住,钳出用镊子处理或拔出

    To handle or extract with tweezers.

  23. 全新电热镊子及烙铁双功能。

    New dual function tweezers and soldering pen combination.

  24. 医疗器械材料。结构和检验。镊子

    Materials, finish and testing of medical instruments forceps

  25. 医疗器械。德巴基氏血管镊子

    Medical instruments vessel forceps type De Bakey

  26. 我时常借助镊子来搞定这些造型。

    I use tweezers to manipulate the paper shapes.

  27. 自动切换电热镊子及烙铁双功能。

    Auto shift to tweezers or soldering iron function.

  28. 蜜蜂的螫刺应该用小镊子拔出来。

    Bee stings should be removed with tweezers.

  29. 我需要一些包垫,镊子,以及夹钳。

    I'll need some lap pads, forceps, metzenbaums and satinsky clamps.

  30. 大麻吸食者用来夹取大麻的金属镊子。

    metal tweezers used by marijuana smokers to hold a roach.


  1. 问:镊子拼音怎么拼?镊子的读音是什么?镊子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镊子的读音是nièzi,镊子翻译成英文是 tweezers

  2. 问:镊子钳拼音怎么拼?镊子钳的读音是什么?镊子钳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:镊子钳的读音是nièziqián,镊子钳翻译成英文是 tweezers



镊子(niè zī)用于块状药品或金属颗粒的取用。不可使其加热,不可夹酸性药品 ,用完后必须使其保持清洁。 镊子用于夹取毛发、细刺及其他细小东西的器具。镊子是手机维修中经常使用的工具,常常用它夹持导线、元件及集成电路引脚等。不同的场合需要不同的镊子,一般要准备直头、平头、弯头镊子各一把。 2014年03月04日西班牙和澳大利亚科学家研制出世界上体积最小的镊子,可夹起单个病毒或分子。