







汉语拼音:chuāng líng







  1. 亦作“窻欞”。即窗格。

    唐 裴铏 《传奇·崔炜》:“ 煒 恐悸汗流,挥刃携艾,断窗櫺跃出,拔键而走。”《水浒传》第五六回:“ 时迁 溜下来,去身边取箇芦管儿,就窗櫺眼裡只一吹,把那碗灯早吹了。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷二:“先人与公同修舡,以纸补其窻欞。” 郭沫若 《高渐离》第三幕:“这儿就是岔子了,你们看,这窗櫺上不是泥印吗?”参见“ 窗格 ”。

  2. 亦作“窻欞”。见“ 窗櫺 ”。



  1. A thousand tons of wet snow had slithered down the window-panes, and I had to climb onto a chair to see the long grey landscape.


  2. Out of the window she peered, the mother of Sisera wailed through the lattice: 'Why is his chariot so long in coming?


  3. It whispers at my window, Beckoning me to follow.


  4. And for the house he made windows of narrow lights.


  5. On the side walls of the portico were narrow windows with palm trees carved on each side. The side rooms of the temple also had overhangs .


  6. Across the window lattice, those who climb in the cabinet of the sun painted red, with deep tipsy.


  7. The evening sky to me is like a window , and a light lamp , and a waiting behind it .


  8. Scarlet ivy climbs all over the walls and circles the mini Ionic columns on the window in an artistic way.


  9. Through the carved antique windowsills, a morning light is painting a golden hue for those dedicated bonsais across the yard.


  1. 劈理窗棂构造

    cleavage mullion.

  2. 又为殿作了严紧的窗棂。

    He made narrow clerestory windows in the temple.

  3. 又为殿做了严紧的窗棂。

    He made narrow clerestory windows in the temple.

  4. 星光从你渐黑得窗棂退隐。

    And from thy darkened window fades the light.

  5. 星光从你渐黑的窗棂退隐。

    And from thy darkened window fades the light.

  6. 然而你飞去了,从窗棂之隙飞去。

    You flew away, through window lattice.

  7. 门洞两旁与廊子的周围都有窗棂。

    The gateway and its portico had openings all around.

  8. 里边都有窗棂, 柱上有雕刻的棕树。

    The faces of the projecting walls were decorated with palm trees.

  9. 里边都有窗棂,柱上有雕刻得棕树。

    The faces of the projecting walls were decorated with palm trees.

  10. 我喜欢隔着窗棂看看屋外的雨。

    I like to look at the house across the window lattice rain.

  11. 他为殿作了有固定窗棂的窗户。

    And for the house he made windows with fixed lattices.

  12. 窗棂前的絮语,呼唤着我与之同行。

    It whispers at my window, Beckoning me to follow.

  13. 窗棂构造与挤压带后浇带的结构与施工

    Structure and Construction of Later Casting Zone.

  14. 如一群野鸟, 思念飞入你的窗棂。

    My thoughts fly in at your window, a flock of wild birds.

  15. 是谁彻夜哭泣, 泪水打湿了我的窗棂。

    Who cried throughout the night, her tear has wet my pane.

  16. 是谁彻夜哭泣,泪水打湿了我得窗棂。

    Who cried throughout the night, her tear has wet my pane.

  17. 古代的窗棂都是用纸做的, 一捅就破。

    In ancient times, window lattices were all made of paper, which could be broken with just one prod.

  18. 古代的窗棂都是用纸做的,一捅就破。

    In ancient times, window lattices were all made of paper, which could be broken with just one prod.

  19. 拉开窗帘, 让清新的空气涌进来, 哪怕挤破窗棂。

    Undraw the window curtain, let fresh air pour in, do not fear to crush the window sash.

  20. 拉开窗帘,让清新得空气涌进来,哪怕挤破窗棂。

    Undraw the window curtain, let fresh air pour in, do not fear to crush the window sash.

  21. 我曾在我房屋的窗户内, 从我窗棂之间, 往外观看。

    At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice.

  22. 雨声却格外明晰, 有节拍地敲打着未启的窗棂。

    The rain but particularly clear, rhythmic beat against the Windows of not rev.

  23. 欣赏那些在桥上和圆柱上, 门口以及窗棂上得精致雕刻。

    Admire the fine carving on bridges and columns, above doorways and windows.

  24. 欣赏那些在桥上和圆柱上,门口以及窗棂上的精致雕刻。

    Admire the fine carving on bridges and columns, above doorways and windows.

  25. 听着雨打窗棂的声音, 所有的好梦便会飘然而至。

    Listen to the voice of the rain on the window frames, all the dreams will be floated to.

  26. 越过窗棂, 那些爬在漆红柜上的阳光, 有着深深的醉意。

    Across the window lattice, those who climb in the cabinet of the sun painted red, with deep tipsy.

  27. 秋雨敲打着每家每户的窗棂,你叩开了每个人的心扉。

    Choice banging every household of the window lattice, are you tapping into everyone's hearts.

  28. 晴了一天后,天空又乌云密布,顷刻间便雨打窗棂。

    After a fine day, the sky had clouded over and suddenly rain lashed against the windows.

  29. 一片落叶,悄悄飞越边窗棂,飘落在我奋笔的纸笺之上!

    A falling leaf was quietly flying across my window, and gently landed on my letter paper, on which I was writing attentively.

  30. 廊这边那边都有严紧的窗棂和棕树。殿的旁屋和槛就是这样。

    And there were narrow windows and palm trees on the one side and on the other side, on the sides of the porch, and upon the side chambers of the house, and thick planks.


  1. 问:窗棂拼音怎么拼?窗棂的读音是什么?窗棂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窗棂的读音是chuānglíng,窗棂翻译成英文是 Window curtain.



窗棂(chuāng líng)窗棂,即窗格(窗里面的横的或竖的格)。窗棂不同于窗框,窗框是窗的四周木框(铁框、铝框……)。窗棂为较为正式用语,为文人墨客所喜爱。