




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:jī shēn







  1. 踏进,跨入。

    黄裳 《榆下说书·关于柳如是》:“名士得以跻身其间,原因是他们或则本身就是大地主,或则可以向大官僚转化。”《文汇报》1983.6.29:“我虽然很想跻身于电影行业,但从没有主动要求过。”



  1. Thanks in part to its oil wealth, Norway is one of the richest nations in the world, with a generous cradle-to-grave welfare system.


  2. Yang, who graduated from Ohio State University, was one of 12 real estate developers among the top 40, Forbes said.


  3. Deng Chengxiu, though a scholar out of the circle, also ranked as one of these scholars in his own way.


  4. Haier's goal, he said, was to be among the top five white goods producers in Europe by 2014.


  5. One of the parties, however, when critically examined, did not seem, strictly speaking, to come under the species.


  6. Even though the sale made him a multi-millionaire, he continued to represent and promote KFC until his death in 1990.


  7. In the Banker's top 1000 ranking in July 2004, the Bank was No. 344 among the 500 largest banks around the globe.


  8. He said he does not feel that he deserves to be in the company of the many transformative figures who have been honored by this prize.


  9. At least the title of C. P. Snow's The Two Cultures has entered into the general currency of thought in the Western world.


  1. 他已跻身于政界。

    Hes cut out a niche for himself in politics.

  2. 最终他跻身于社会上层。

    Finally, he is perched on top of society.

  3. 它将跻身于七宗罪之中

    It did make the top seven.

  4. 她因为婚姻关系而跻身贵族。

    She married into the aristocracy.

  5. 她青云直上地跻身于明星界。

    She is on the escalator to stardom.

  6. 他一步步地跻身于上流社会。

    He edged himself into the best society.

  7. 希望有一天我们能跻身榜首。

    We really hope to have a number one hit some day.

  8. 他因婚姻关系跻身于法国贵族。

    He married into the French aristocracy.

  9. 蒂托很快地跻身于上层社会。

    Tito was making his way rapidly in high quarters.

  10. 跻身于国内钢铁物流企业先进行列。

    To become a leadin player in domestic steel logistics business.

  11. 兄弟二人跻身于现代作家的行列。

    The two brothers ranged with modern writers.

  12. 他跻身法国最优秀剧作家的行列。

    He numbers among the best French playwrights.

  13. 双星上升一名,本月跻身前三甲。

    Double star rises,ascend this month before the body 3 armour.

  14. 他跻身政界的第一次尝试没有成功。

    His first sortie into politics was unsuccessful.

  15. 奋力拼搏而跻身于上层社会的人们。

    People who have fought their way to the top of the human pile.

  16. 汤姆下决心要从下层起跻身于名流。

    Tom made up his mind to hew a way for himself to distinction through the ranks.

  17. 其店铺跻身欧陆最时尚的店铺之列。

    Its shops are among the most stylish on the Continent.

  18. 我们正让劳斯莱斯跻身新得业务领域。

    We are entering Royce into a new league of business.

  19. 我们正让劳斯莱斯跻身新的业务领域。

    We are entering Royce into a new league of business.

  20. 去年一年中,公司已跻身一流之列。

    Over the past year, the company has joined the big league.

  21. 她的时髦穿戴足以让她跻身榜单吗?

    Could her wardrobe choices have deemed the tot worthy of inclusion

  22. 雷蒙威手表迅速跻身于华贵手表之列。

    Raymond Weil watches quickly set their mark among luxury watches.

  23. 雷蒙威手表迅速跻身于华贵手表之列。

    Raymond Weil watches quickly set their mark among luxury watches.

  24. 他通过结婚而跻身于音乐行家的圈子。

    He had married into a clan of music experts.

  25. 能跻身于顾问委员会是个莫大得荣誉。

    There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.

  26. 能跻身于顾问委员会是个莫大的荣誉。

    There was considerable kudos attached to being on the advisory board.

  27. 这部作品使他跻身伟大小说家的行列。

    The work entitled him to a place among the great novelists.

  28. 跻身阿拉伯议会的商人达到前所未有的数目。

    And an unprecedented number of businessmen now sit in Arab parliaments.

  29. 约翰尼夸口说他可以在5年内跻身公司总裁。

    Johnny boasted that he could become the company s president in five years.

  30. 拉帕姆最近意识到跻身于上流社会的必要。

    Lapham has recently become conscious of the need to move in good society.


  1. 问:跻身拼音怎么拼?跻身的读音是什么?跻身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跻身的读音是jīshēn,跻身翻译成英文是 ascend


