




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:zhì shēn







  1. 存身。谓自己处于某种环境或场合。

    宋 陆游 《携瘿樽醉梅花下》诗:“肯从 放翁 来住山,谁云置身不得所?” 清 曾国藩 《复刘霞仙中丞书》:“所居疑在 蓬岛 之间,置身若在 周 秦 以前。” 陈毅 《陪巴西朋友访杭州》诗:“置身如在画屏中,景色 钱塘 傲太空。”



  1. Of course you'll seem to go up and down, and be in darkness and light.


  2. She grew up in affluent Washington circles, the daughter of a governor of the Federal Reserve System.


  3. It plods along sweetly and could be the sort of track that you might bop, albeit ironically, to at an indie disco.


  4. Create problem situations so that students rise to cognitive conflict or to be located in the desire to problem-solving situations.


  5. With a start she awoke to find that she was in fashion's crowd, on parade in a show place -- and such a show place!


  6. Exhibition Gallery, first floor, as if people outside on the deck of the ship.


  7. Pleasure of teaching is to create a pleasant context, to enable students to stay in a pleasant, easy to accept the learning atmosphere.


  8. Still, despite the modern touches, it still feels like the kind of rich, old-style country pub you want to curl up in and get to know.


  9. The sunshine spilt on the body. The special sense of touch occurred. It was as if I were away from the clamors.


  1. 置身于光明

    To dance in the sun.

  2. 宛若置身伊甸园

    The Garden of Eden.

  3. 我置身在静室。

    I am in a quiet room.

  4. 你不得不置身于

    And they will put you In situations.

  5. 嘉莉渴望能置身其中。

    Carrie longed to be of it.

  6. 让大家置身危险之中

    I put us all in danger.

  7. 我们仿佛置身于天堂!

    We were in heaven!

  8. 独自置身于黑暗之中。

    Like being alone in the dark.

  9. 独自置身于黑暗之中。

    Like being alone in the dark.

  10. 我们置身于奢侈品中。

    We are surrounded by luxuries.

  11. 美国应该置身战争之外。

    America must keep out of this war.

  12. 我觉得已经置身其中了

    I think we already have.

  13. 置身于工作的不适中。

    is, Lean into the discomfort of the work.

  14. 我觉得已经置身其中了。

    I think we already have.

  15. 我们似乎置身于幻境之中。

    We seem to be in fantasy land.

  16. 瑞典已置身在战争之外。

    Sweden has kept out of wars.

  17. 当贝没有置身事外

    When Bay didn't mind her own business.

  18. 我感觉像是置身于战场。

    I felt like I was in a battlefield.

  19. 没有哪个国家能置身度外

    No nation can isolate itself from these problems

  20. 我宁愿他置身于争论之外。

    I had just as soon he stayed out of the quarrel.

  21. 自己置身于学校的边缘角落。

    at the end of the planet at this school.

  22. 你真的需要让自己置身于

    You really need to put yourself.

  23. 我觉得像是置身仙境中了。

    I feel as if in a wonderland.

  24. 所以才不肯置身事外。

    That's why she won't stay out of it.

  25. 所以才不肯置身事外。

    That's why she won't stay out of it.

  26. 我们没有置身于他们的内战。

    We have not mingled with parties in their domestic struggles.

  27. 我们没有置身于他们得内战。

    We have not mingled with parties in their domestic struggles.

  28. 总统应当置身于政党政治之上。

    The President should stand above party politics.

  29. 我们要置身于男孩文化中。

    We need to put ourselves into boy culture.

  30. 哦,天啊,我好像置身其中了。

    Oh, please, yes. Oh, I'm so there.


  1. 问:置身拼音怎么拼?置身的读音是什么?置身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:置身的读音是zhìshēn,置身翻译成英文是 take up a position



汉语词汇,读音zhì shēn,意思是存身,处在的地方。谓自己处于某种环境或场合。