











汉语拼音:měi jiǔ jiā yáo








  1. Visitors are able to enjoy Australian food and drinks and attend cultural performances featuring the best of Australian art.

  2. She added that Beijing had "wined and dined" all the leaders of "these small Pacific nations" .

  3. and, for such select few, there was a special menu that was loaded with rich food and wine.

  4. Sharing food and sitting down with your family and friends and having a barbeque with some good meat and good beers -- that's slow food.

  5. For most people who celebrate Christmas, the holiday season is an occasion for gatherings of family and friends, feasting, and giving gifts.

  6. Wine dinner with a variety of dishes and snacks for people to drink all night up and quantity of entertainment.

  7. Graduate, feel one's mind is full of books, food & Wine hospitality received. Temporarily between, fully satisfied or contented.

  8. She is at present gone to look for the best nectar and ambrosia to regale me this evening.

  9. You are to enjoy the genuine traditional Chinese cuisine and wines as well as some wonderful entertainment program.


  1. 佳酿美肴。佳肴美酒。美酒佳肴

    Exquisite viands and excellent wine

  2. 美酒佳肴,爽而不腻。

    Good wine and delicacies, is refreshing but no meticulous.

  3. 所有来宾尽情享受美酒佳肴。

    All the guests enjoy good cheer.

  4. 今晚我们就美酒佳肴 相互了解了解。

    Tonight is about getting to know each other Over good food and fine wine.

  5. 法国以它的美酒佳肴闻名于世。

    France is famous for its fine food and wine.

  6. 当然, 我们很喜欢这里的美酒佳肴。

    Of course, we really enjoy the delicious wine and excellent food served here.

  7. 他们计划向世人展示新西兰的美酒佳肴。

    They are set to showcase the fine food and wine that New Zealand has to offer.

  8. 他们计划向世人展示新西兰的美酒佳肴。

    They are set to showcase the fine food and wine that New Zealand has to offer.

  9. 女神领着客人就坐,并以美酒佳肴相待。

    The goddess conducted her guests to seat and had them served with wine and other delicacies.

  10. 她今晚为款待我, 现在又去准备美酒佳肴去了。

    She is at present gone to look for the best nectar and ambrosia to regale me this evening.

  11. 我想在公园散步, 我们会美酒佳肴, 直到它的黑暗

    I wanna take walks in the park, and we'd wine and dine until it's dark

  12. 在餐桌上美酒佳肴一起能够让你感受心灵的延展。

    Mix in a good meal at a common table and the feeling strengthens and expands.

  13. 须臾茶毕,早已设下杯盘,那美酒佳肴自不必说。

    Soon they had finished their tea and sat down a collation of choice wine and delicacies.

  14. 圣诞宴是一次重要的家庭聚会, 席上满是美酒佳肴。

    One person in the family will ring a bell call everyone to come to the room.

  15. 许多女人都喜欢第一次约会就享受到美酒佳肴的款待。

    Most women like to be wined and dined on the first date.

  16. 许多女人都喜欢第一次约会就享受到美酒佳肴的款待。

    Most women like to be wined and dined on the first date.

  17. 除了溢美之词和美酒佳肴,可别指望法国拯救美国于伊拉克。

    Beyond nice speeches and some truly cuisine, don't expect France to liberate America from Iraq.

  18. 备有佳肴美酒

    keep a good table.

  19. 婚礼办得挺不错, 佳肴美酒, 筵席丰盛。

    It was a good wedding with lots to eat and drink.

  20. 美酒加佳肴。

    It was excellent, and the wine was good.

  21. 在他面前摆上了佳肴美酒,他饱食了一顿,恢复了精神。

    Food and wine were set before him and he ate and refreshed himself.

  22. 她渴望美酒和佳肴、绵绵爱意和浪漫情调。

    She wants to be wined and dined, courted and romanced.

  23. 亚历克斯范德沃特是个离不开社交场的人物, 喜欢佳肴美酒。

    Alex Vandervoort was a committed partygoer, and loved gourmet food and wine.

  24. 美酒、佳肴配浓厚的圣诞气氛,一切都为您而准备!

    Christmas decorations, fancy wines, delicate cookies and a great dinner buffet, everything is ready, just for you!

  25. 你喜欢佳肴和美酒。

    You love good cooking and fine wine.

  26. 法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。

    France is famous for its fine food and wine.

  27. 佳肴佐以美酒,可称完美无缺。

    The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.

  28. 该款美酒可以完美的搭配红肉类佳肴和大多数法国奶酪。

    This wine matches perfectly with meat dishes and most French cheeses.

  29. 该款美酒可以完美得搭配红肉类佳肴和大多数法国奶酪。

    This wine matches perfectly with meat dishes and most French cheeses.





【词目】 美酒佳肴

【读音】 měi jiǔ jiā yáo

【释义】 美酒:味道醇美的酒,好酒。佳肴:精美的菜肴。形容十分丰盛的宴席。


【近义词】 美味佳肴

【成语用法】 作主语、宾语、定语;指好酒好菜

【成语结构】 联合式成语