




核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……



汉语拼音:xīn jì







  1. 计算;计算的才能。

    《史记·平準书》:“ 弘羊 , 雒阳 贾人子,以心计,年十三侍中。”《新五代史·唐臣传·张延朗》:“ 延朗 号为有心计,以三司为己任,而天下钱穀亦无所建明。” 清 王韬 《洋泾浜海市说》:“ 英 人於诸国中最桀黠,工心计,贸迁有无,靡处不至。”

  2. 内心考虑。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·昭帝纪》:“帝崩於 未央宫 ,无嗣。大臣议所立, 武帝 子独有 广陵王 胥 , 胥 本以行失道,先帝所不用。 光 心计不安。”《三国志·魏志·袁绍传》“﹝ 尚 熙 ﹞败走奔 辽东 , 公孙康 诱斩之” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 曹丕 《典略》:“ 康 亦心计曰:‘今不取 熙 尚 ,无以为説於国家。’”

  3. 谋略,计谋。

    唐 张巡 《守睢阳作》诗:“无人报天子,心计欲何施。”《红楼梦》第一○六回:“如今枉费心计,挣了一辈子的强,偏偏儿的落到人后头了!” 祖慰 《被礁石划破的水流》:“为了争夺一个孤儿的两万多元的遗产,她用尽心计。”

  4. 犹心情。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《请假启》:“心计焦迫,进退罔躓。”



  1. He was, upon the whole, the more liberalminded, though, with greater subtlety, he had not so much heart.


  2. He is often found planning over-the-top maneuvers reminiscent of Wile-E-Coyote in attempts to capture the goats of Goat Village.


  3. Because very little contact with the outside world, he did not like his students to the complex scheming to keep his child alone.


  4. An elderly woman of about fifty-five, with a plump face and shrewd eyes, came out to greet her.


  5. She was just urging my mother to hurry up and buy foreign currency. It seems women are all good schemers.


  6. They are better guarded by their calculations than a virgin by her mother and her convent.


  7. She was a designing, an audacious and an unscrupulous young person .


  8. If she was a prudent girl, she had to find some way to encourage his courtship .


  9. If you love need so much calculation and lies to fulfill, it has QingZao crisp and sweet fruit juice, orange generous sweet amiable?


  1. 做事有心计

    do things intelligently.

  2. 别耍心计,肖恩。

    Don't play games,Sean.

  3. 别耍心计,肖恩。

    Don't play games, Sean.

  4. 他这人工于心计。

    He was entirely strategic.

  5. 愚人常短于心计。

    A fool always comes short of his reckoning.

  6. 他既冷漠又有心计。

    He has a cold and calculating mind.

  7. 一个工于心计的冷酷杀手

    a cold and calculating killer.

  8. 这个年轻人做事很有心计。

    This young chap does things intelligently.

  9. 她心地善良,但却工于心计。

    She's got a good heart but she's calculating.

  10. 一分谨慎胜于十分心计。

    A grain of prudence is worth a pound of craft.

  11. 他用尽心计把他们争取过来。

    He was at great pains to win them over.

  12. 我没有想到你会这样有心计。

    I never realized you could be so calculating.

  13. 他看上去很有心计,你觉得呢?

    He seems a bit calculating, don't you think?

  14. 魔鬼巧心计,织网却不密。

    The devil is subtle, yet weaves a web.

  15. 她的心计深, 先生, 心计深, 但是乔希的心计更深。

    She's deep, Sir, deep, but Josh is deeper.

  16. 何况他还是个有头脑,有心计的人。

    He had a mind and a heart too.

  17. 麦迪文在心计里翻唱,差远矣。

    Chet Baker, My Funny Valentine.

  18. 丹妮的方法显得有点虚伪, 有点工于心计。

    There was a measure of hypocrisy and calculation in Tennie's method.

  19. 她工于心计, 但她的丈夫却为人坦率。

    She is calculating, but her husband is frank.

  20. 你不是我想的那中工于心计的女人。

    You're not the manipulative psycho I thought you were.

  21. 振动筛质心计算的快捷方法

    A Shortcut Method to Calculate the Centroid of Viberating Screen

  22. 我真没有想到你会这样有心计。

    I never realized you could be so calculating.

  23. 那工于心计的人逃避甘蔗园的诚实劳动。

    The crafty man fled from honest work in the cane fields.

  24. 不得不承认, 他是个挺有心计的男子。

    Have to admit, he is a quite clever man.

  25. 既要花力气又要有心计才能维持生存。

    It took energy and cunning just to survive.

  26. 我曾费尽心计帮助他振作, 但是失败了。

    I tried to make him grow up and failed.

  27. 她没什么心计,而且能感觉出她对钱没什么兴趣。

    She was not calculating and evidenced no specific interest in money.

  28. 这个工人尽管盛气凌人,工于心计,却受到了提拔。

    The worker was promoted despite aggressive and manipulative behaviour.

  29. 恩里科很有心计,是一只狡猾的老狐狸。

    Enrico was too good, an old fox, cunning.

  30. 那种表里反差强烈的男人,也许是善于心计的。

    That list of contrast men, maybe good at calculation.


  1. 问:心计拼音怎么拼?心计的读音是什么?心计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心计的读音是xīnjì,心计翻译成英文是 calculation



“心计”是个多义词,它可以指心计(文雨著言情小说), 心计(安东尼·明格拉导演的美国电影), 心计(汉语词汇)。