







汉语拼音:tān tú






  1. 浅水海滩。

    竺可桢 《十年的综合考察》:“由于我国是港湾和浅海发达的国家,在 渤海湾 、 胶州湾 、 长江 口、 杭州湾 ,以及各地已进行的滩涂调查工作,对于进一步发展水产、盐业、潮汐发电、农田水利、航运等方面都将发挥作用。”《人民日报》1963.3.29:“已经进行养殖的沿海港湾滩涂还不到可以养殖的十分之一。”



  1. They mainly Shanghai Rental Group, and Shanghai China Star Group, and Shanghai Min her group, the Shanghai shoals made to the company.


  2. Lijiang River flows to xing ping, where the river and its tributaries, Kihei confluence, forming a broad surface area and tidal flats.


  3. Extraoral vast shoals of the Pearl River waterfront, the underwater beach off the coast to slow gradient.


  4. Third, establish a Coastal Shoals Carbon Trading Association and an Ecological Compensation Energy Farm Association.


  5. Land reclaimed from mudflats, upon passing the acceptance test, shall be reserved by the Municipal Land Reserve Center.


  6. in implementing reed-paper integration, developing green paper industry and recycling economy by taking advantage of shallows.


  7. The fact of ownership of tidal flats is the ownership of land not only has a solid historical basis but a sound support from empirical law.


  8. The paper mainly focused on interests protection of those who use waters and tidal land owned by the whole people.


  9. Concerning foundation design of power equipment on thick soft soil layer in coastal region, the overwhelming question is settlement control.


  1. 滩涂沉积物

    tidal flat sediment.

  2. 淤泥质滩涂

    Mud flat

  3. 海滨滩涂地

    madflat along tbe shore.

  4. 滩涂水资源

    tidal land water resources.

  5. 滩涂土地资源

    land resource

  6. 滩涂湿地土壤

    tidal wetland soil

  7. 渔业水域滩涂

    fishery water area.

  8. 滩涂生态系统

    Costal tidal ecosystem

  9. 沿海滩涂资源

    coastal shoal resources.

  10. 滩涂围垦土壤

    reclaimed tidal flat soil

  11. 沿海滩涂开发

    coastal marsh development.

  12. 滨海滩涂地

    Marine foreland.

  13. 盐城滩涂开发

    development of Yancheng shoal.

  14. 海岸带滩涂湿地

    Coastal zone and beach wetland

  15. 沿海滩涂甘紫菜

    Porphyra tenera Kjellm in coastal beach

  16. 滩涂利用与管理

    utilization and management of tidelands

  17. 泉州湾滩涂沉积物

    tidal flat sediments of Quanzhou Bay

  18. 海水已经漫过滩涂。

    The seawater has already inundated the beach.

  19. 退潮的时候就是滩涂。

    And it emerges when the tide subsides.

  20. 滩涂富营养水体生态

    Eutrophicated beach ponds

  21. 我国沿海滩涂的研究

    A Study on Shoaly Land in China

  22. 浅海滩涂面积118万亩。

    Shallow beach area of 118 mu.

  23. 滩涂贝类池塘健康养殖技术

    Technique of Healthy Mudflat Shellfish Culture in Pond

  24. 滩涂贝类围塘健康养殖技术

    Healthy culture of mudflat shellfish in ponds

  25. 泥螺的滩涂蓄水养殖技术

    Techniques for Culture of Bullacta exarata in Retaining Water Intertidal Zone

  26. 国内外滩涂开发与研究进展

    Polder development at home and abroad and its research advance

  27. 盐城滩涂野生动物资源丰富。

    The resources of wild animals are plentiful in Yancheng seashore.

  28. 浙江滩涂围垦的现状与展望

    Current situation and prospect of beach reclamation in Zhejiang province

  29. 江苏沿海滩涂水土保持措施探讨

    Measurement on the Step of Water and Soil Preservation Along the Jiangsu Coastline

  30. 滩涂开发利用及评价模式浅析

    Study on the Model of Exploitation, Utilization and Evaluation of the Coastal Beach


  1. 问:滩涂拼音怎么拼?滩涂的读音是什么?滩涂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滩涂的读音是tāntú,滩涂翻译成英文是 A low-lying beach land.

  2. 问:滩涂湿地拼音怎么拼?滩涂湿地的读音是什么?滩涂湿地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滩涂湿地的读音是tāntú shīdì,滩涂湿地翻译成英文是 Tideland Marsh

  3. 问:滩涂体验学习场拼音怎么拼?滩涂体验学习场的读音是什么?滩涂体验学习场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滩涂体验学习场的读音是tāntú tǐyàn xuéxí chǎng,滩涂体验学习场翻译成英文是 Tideland Education and Experience Center...