




人脸头发以下、眉毛以上的部分,或某些动物头部大致与此相当的部位(俗称“脑门子”):~头。~角(jiǎo )。牌匾:门~。匾~。规定数量:~数。~外。定~。余~。超~。空~。……


1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……





汉语拼音:xiǎo é xìn dài



  1. On one of her first assignments abroad, she spent countless days poring over the books of a struggling Kenyan microfinance firm.


  2. The word "microcredit" did not exist before the seventies.


  3. Throughout the crisis, the Bank has helped keep children in school, health clinics open, and microfinance loans flowing to women.


  4. For instance, Mr Khanna's worldview has no room for the recent controversy over profiteering among microfinance lenders.


  5. Rabeder will then invest the proceeds in his own non-profit organisation, MyMicroCredit, which he set up a few months ago.


  6. But to be the first person to take a major social change in market across the world. It's quite reference to the microcredit summa.


  7. At the bottom of the pyramid, many Latin American countries are seeing a boom in microcredit. The best example is Peru.


  8. Declining remittances and a tightening of micro-finance lending would further restrict the funds available to women to run their households.


  9. The bank said it would offer services including small loans and consumer credit, but gave no details.


  1. 小额信贷问题依旧

    Agricultural Credit Ask for Reform Regulation

  2. 看到小额信贷一词

    If you see the word microfinance.

  3. 真实小额信贷与女性扶贫

    Real Microfinance and Assisting Poor Women

  4. 浅析农村信用社农户小额信贷

    Brief Analysis on Peasant Household Microfinance of Rural Credit Cooperative

  5. 一些小额信贷机构因此垮掉了。

    As a result, some microfinance outfits collapsed.

  6. 小额信贷为我们指明了我们前进的方向。

    And microcredit provides the direction in which we have to go.

  7. 农村小额信贷的国际比较及启示研究

    An International Comparison and Enlightenment Research of Rural Microcredit

  8. 综上所述, 小额信贷确实有它的效果存在。

    That said, microcredit did have discernible effects.

  9. 农村信用社小额信贷可持续发展问题分析

    Analysis for Sustainable Development of Retail Credit of Rural Credit Cooperatives

  10. 农户小额信贷可持续发展的经济学分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Sustainable Development of Microfinance for Farmers

  11. 孟加拉国出版了题为小额信贷状况的书。

    Bangladesh published a book entitled State of Microcredit.

  12. 小额信贷也可对个人和家庭产生积极的影响。

    Microcredit can also have a positive impact on individuals and families.

  13. 我叫玉荣,多年使用小额信贷的一名牧民。

    My name is Yurong and I am a herdswoman who has been using microfinance for some years now.

  14. 但小额信贷远还没有达到其为贫困人群服务的目的。

    Microfinance have not achieve the purpose of the services for the poor.

  15. 我国自90年代初开始引进并推行农村小额信贷扶贫模式。

    China began to introduce and practise the micro finance projects from 20 centry 90 s.

  16. 现在我利用每天的奶食品收入能按时还着小额信贷。

    Now I'm selling diary product and use the income to repay micro loan on time.

  17. 现在我利用每天得奶食品收入能按时还着小额信贷。

    Now I'm selling diary product and use the income to repay micro loan on time.

  18. 系统研究为在农村推广和建立小额信贷制度奠定了基础。

    The system research result established basis for promotion of small loan business in the countryside.

  19. 移动和无线技术对许多小额信贷服务来说将非常重要。

    Mobile or wireless technology will be important to many microfinance services.

  20. 应利用管理技能开发和小额信贷举措,减少青年创业的障碍。

    Management skill development and microfinance initiatives should be used to reduce barriers to youth entrepreneurship.

  21. 诸如全民医疗和小额信贷之类的政策更强化了这架机器。

    But as Andrew Walker and Nicholas Farrelly of Australian National University put it, Thailands elite is less conceptually adroit, calculating power in zerosum terms.


  1. 问:小额信贷协议拼音怎么拼?小额信贷协议的读音是什么?小额信贷协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小额信贷协议的读音是xiǎo é xìn dài xié yì,小额信贷协议翻译成英文是 small agreement


