


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……





汉语拼音:guò huǒ







  1. 说话、做事超过适当的分寸或限度。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“没些儿斟量,没些儿惧惮,做得过火。”《歧路灯》第四三回:“ 王紫泥 在牀上翻起身来道:‘ 老贾 ,你也太小心过火了, 谭相公 不是那一号儿人。’” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·初生之犊不怕虎》:“对于青少年的培养和训练,要注意既不要贪多图快,用力过火;也不要娇养溺爱,过于保守。”



  1. I wait for him to make the next move. He turns his head and locks eyes with me.


  2. After three books on this, it got to be a bit much, in a way.


  3. One of the men has apologized for the incident, calling it "a prank which went way too far" .


  4. All that sounded extravagant or irrational in the progress of the reconciliation might have no origin but in the language of the relators.


  5. Even clothes that on the surface look over-the-top proved to have an element of conservatism (in the ecological sense).


  6. Villagers in Jombang in East Java remembered him, as a boy, tied to the flagpole in the front yard for some jest that had gone too far.


  7. MaJingPing trying to DuTieYing communication, I wish du and tough, but don't overdo do not get the essential effect.


  8. Had the game gone too far? Was it a game any longer? In those prewar days, I stood to lose a great deal, for the sake of a hobby.


  9. Some have good work in them, but it tends to be overwritten, boring and elitist, not a reflection of the general mood in the public.


  1. 玩笑开得过火。

    The joke is overdone.

  2. 豆子煮过火了。

    The peas are overboiled.

  3. 豆子煮过火了。

    The peas are overboiled.

  4. 把事情做得过火

    carry something to excess

  5. 不要说得太过火

    draw itmild

  6. 不要做得太过火。

    Dont overdo it.

  7. 业余演员往往表演过火。

    Amateur actors often overact.

  8. 里根可能些许过火。

    Reagan may have wanted to push the country further right than it wanted to go.

  9. 她表示同情, 但有些过火。

    She showed her sympathy, but she rather overdid it.

  10. 将一个滑稽角色扮演过火

    overplay a comic role

  11. 他的辩解多少有点过火。

    His explanation overreached somewhat.

  12. 这算是玩过火的少年恶作剧

    it's a teenage prank gone wrong.

  13. 她特别小心不把肉烹调过火。

    She took particular care not to overcook the meat.

  14. 我弟弟有时会开玩笑开得过火。

    My Brother carries things too far some times.

  15. 而且我认为主角的表演很过火。

    And I think the hero tends to go over the top.

  16. 好像这是经受过火的折磨的世界。

    This is the world that has been tortured by fire.

  17. 利用你的长处但是不要做的过火。

    Then focus on your strengths but dont overdo it.

  18. 我们庆祝圣诞节时总是做得很过火

    We always overdo at Christmas.

  19. 我会帮你的,但我不能做的过火。

    I'll help you, but I can't get too far out on a limb.

  20. 演员把剧中的角色演得极端过火。

    The actor hammed up the part dreadfully.

  21. 凯姆跳过火, 抓住了哈罗德的胳膊。

    Kam sprang over the fire and seized Harold by the arm.

  22. 凯姆跳过火,抓住了哈罗德的胳膊。

    Kam sprang over the fire and seized Harold by the arm.

  23. 乔治。布什的外交政策有点过火。

    George Bush has gone a little too far in his foreign policy.

  24. 据说这名演员在试镜时表演太过火。

    This actor is known to ham during an audition.

  25. 据说这名演员在试镜时表演太过火。

    This actor is known to ham during an audition.

  26. 控制食品价格飞涨的政策措施有可能过火。

    Policy measures to control runaway food price inflation could work too well.

  27. 好吧,我想我确实有点儿过火了。行了,很过火。

    Well, I guess I did lose control a little? Okay, a lot.

  28. 生的,或者是稍稍过火的菠菜才最有益处。

    Eat spinach raw or lightly cooked to get the most benefit.

  29. 理查森先生过火的社交生活容易招惹事端。

    Mr Richardson is too gregarious for his own good.

  30. 天秤座出去找些乐子吧, 但是不要过火。

    Get out and have some fun but dont overdo it.


  1. 问:过火拼音怎么拼?过火的读音是什么?过火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:过火的读音是guòhuǒ,过火翻译成英文是 excessive

  2. 问:过火的拼音怎么拼?过火的的读音是什么?过火的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:过火的的读音是guò huǒ de,过火的翻译成英文是 hard-burned

  3. 问:过火砖拼音怎么拼?过火砖的读音是什么?过火砖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:过火砖的读音是guò huǒ zhuān,过火砖翻译成英文是 hard burned brick

