








天黑的时间,与“日”或“昼”相对:~晚。日日~~。~阑(夜将尽时)。~盲。~幕。~宵。~话。~袭。~行(xíng )。~战。……



汉语拼音:měi tiān měi yè



  1. you are always on my mind, all day just all the time.


  2. I think about it every night and day spread my wings and fly away.


  3. Every night and every day now, Though I know you've gone away, Somewhere in my heart I'm always Dancing with you in the summer rain.


  4. During the last year something sad happened, which I've been going over in my head every single day, morning and night.


  5. and every night I'll haunt the place, and every day, till I find an opportunity of entering.


  6. I want to plant a tree for you, to commemorate the night every day of our acquaintance.


  7. Every day and night, every word you say.


  8. I am loving you every day and every night.


  9. Everyday 'n everynight it just goes on


  1. 每天每夜,小孩都喜欢靠近我,然后戳戳我得肚腩。

    Day and night they continued to approach me, poking and prodding at my belly.

  2. 每天每夜,小孩都喜欢靠近我,然后戳戳我的肚腩。

    Day and night they continued to approach me, poking and prodding at my belly.

  3. 每天夜深人静的时候,梦想会是什么呢。我在想

    Every late night, I wonder what a dream actually is

  4. 每天夜深人静得时候,梦想会是什么呢。我在想

    Every late night, I wonder what a dream actually is.

  5. 他每天都要夜观星宿。

    He observes the constellations every night.

  6. 他每天都要夜观星宿。

    He observes the constellations every night.

  7. 我简直难以容忍你们这些夜猫子每天半夜才回家。

    Is imply cant stand you owls coming back home mid night everyday.

  8. 每天没有日没夜得放,没日没夜得炸!

    On the night a day of the release, day and night of the bombing!

  9. 每天没有日没夜的放,没日没夜的炸!

    On the night a day of the release, day and night of the bombing!

  10. 你难道不觉得我每天每分钟

    You don't think I carry that with me.

  11. 你会不会为我守候,思念我每日每夜?

    Will you be there for me, thinking of me evry day.

  12. 逾期的话,每天每本书罚款五毛钱。

    You'll have to pay a fine of 50 cents per book for each day overdue.

  13. 逾期得话, 每天每本书罚款五毛钱。

    You'll have to pay a fine of 50 cents per book for each day overdue.

  14. 因而,我们每天每一分钟都活的、过的很受束缚。

    Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day.

  15. 每夜沐浴,是一个你可以开始转向内在的休息时间。

    The nightly bath is a time of rest where one can begin to turn inward.

  16. 你们的太阳每天每分钟都在被绘出磁性和重力的印记。

    Your sun is being patterned magnetically with gravity every second of the day.

  17. 他一夜也不在家里呆,每夜都出去。

    He never stay in a single night he goes out every night.

  18. 这一切是不是虚数,是每天和每小时的现实。

    All this is not imaginary, it is daily and hourly reality.

  19. 在祷告中,我每天、每时刻蒙受圣灵的引导。

    In prayer, I am to be led by the Spirit every day and every hour.

  20. 一个程序猿每天的每一刻都宅在家里。

    A computer programmer spends all day, every day, alone in his tiny apartment.

  21. 每天,每处,我们的孩子延伸他们的梦想到你脚下。

    And every day, everywhere, our children spread their dreams beneath our feet.

  22. 折叠高度和介质参数每天或每班次变动的次数?

    How often do you change pleat height or media parameters per day working shift

  23. 我虔诚的运行这段脚本,每天,每小时,有时每5分钟。

    I checked this script religiously. Every day, every hour, every 5 minutes sometimes.

  24. 我虔诚得运行这段脚本,每天,每小时,有时每5分钟。

    I checked this script religiously. Every day, every hour, every 3 minutes sometimes.

  25. 每一夜, 狼都会嚎啕大哭, 就像她弟弟那天一样。

    Every night, the wolf would howl and cry, just like her brother did that day.

  26. 我们可以每天看到每一个田里 正在生长的农作物

    We'll see crops as theygrow in all the fields in every farmer's field around the planet every day.

  27. 考试前一个星期,他每天都挑灯夜读。

    He studied night after night in the week before the exam.

  28. 拉里每天一直睡到中午, 他是一个夜猫子。

    Larry sleeps until noon every day. He's a night person.

  29. 每天我皆需供支收英语映觜, 我词汇量没有除夜。

    I need to receive and answer emails in English every day, but I don't know many English words.

  30. 因此, 最好养成每天学习或每隔一天学习的好习惯。

    Get into the habit of some learning every day or other day.

