




跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……



汉语拼音:jǐn suí









  1. what you're trying to do, is trying to put the logic in here you're trying to make it all follow so it makes sense as an argument.


  2. You know, if you can get a couple of the popular kids to sign up, the rest will fall right in line.


  3. In two thousand seven China launched its first moon orbiter. India followed the next year with its own scientific mission.


  4. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels.


  5. Normally this would be one of their parents, but when hatched artificially, they can just as well imprint on a human.


  6. Christopher Darden followed Clark, telling the jury that Simpson could be "a great football player" and "a murderer" as well.


  7. Markets seem to have realised that their pessimism in the wake of the Japanese earthquake was overdone and have recovered some ground.


  8. Two other research firms report that the U. S. is still the top smartphone market by volume, although China is not far behind.


  9. And yet the men of civil eminence, who came immediately behind the military escort, were better worth a thoughtful observer's eye.


  1. 紧随的旋律

    col canto.

  2. 安娜紧随在后。

    Anna followed close behind.

  3. 紧随你之后

    After you.

  4. 随即紧随这之后

    Immediately after this.

  5. 他愿意紧随群众。

    He preferred to stick with the common herd.

  6. 新月紧随我影

    Crescent moon follows in my shadow.

  7. 饥荒常紧随战争之后。

    Famine often follows on the heels of war.

  8. 紧随某事而来

    in the wake of sth.

  9. 紧随某事而来

    in the wake of something

  10. 紧随一次呼吸的语音

    a speech sound followed by a puff of breath

  11. 紧随其次的是新西兰。

    New Zealand was next.

  12. 悲哀常常紧随快乐, 乐极生悲。

    Grief often treads upon the heels of pleasure.

  13. 紧随新潮思想的电影制片人。

    a film maker who follows New Wave ideas.

  14. 紧随德国之后的第二大

    the second biggest, after Germany

  15. 英仙座紧随仙后座之后。

    Perseus the Hero follows Cassiopeia across the night sky.

  16. 汽车和信用卡债务紧随其后。

    Car and card debt is next.

  17. 他的爱犬紧随在他的后面。

    His dog was following close behind him.

  18. 紧随战争的是多年的经济紧缩。

    War was followed by many years of austerity.

  19. 群狼紧随其后,齐声大叫。

    The wolves swung in behind, yelping in chorus.

  20. 小小骑士乘着马驹紧随其后。

    The littlest knight followed on his pony.

  21. 酷意味着紧随流行的,成功的生活方式。

    Cool means a popular and successful life style.

  22. 她领先紧随其后的对手12分。

    She has a 12point lead over her nearest rival.

  23. 我心中的行者紧随其后

    The traveller in me is close behind

  24. 他站了起来紧随我上了楼。

    He stood up and heeled me upstairs.

  25. 领事紧随其后,他们开始静静上升。

    The Consul followed and they were borne silently upward.

  26. 律师后面紧随的是会计, 然后是科学家。

    After the lawyer came the accountant, then the scientist.

  27. 他在前面跑, 其他人紧随其後。

    He ran ahead, with the others hard on his heels.

  28. 她紧随冠军之后获得第二名。

    She tailed the champion to take the second place.

  29. 他在前面跑,其他人紧随其后。

    He ran ahead, with the others hard on his heels.

  30. 他在前头跑,其他人紧随其后。

    He ran ahead, with the others hard on his heels.


  1. 问:紧随拼音怎么拼?紧随的读音是什么?紧随翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧随的读音是jǐnsuí,紧随翻译成英文是 Follow.

  2. 问:紧随形势拼音怎么拼?紧随形势的读音是什么?紧随形势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧随形势的读音是Jǐn suí xíngshì,紧随形势翻译成英文是 to keep up to date

  3. 问:紧随某人拼音怎么拼?紧随某人的读音是什么?紧随某人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧随某人的读音是Jǐn suí mǒurén,紧随某人翻译成英文是 to follow in somebody's wake

  4. 问:紧随元拼音怎么拼?紧随元的读音是什么?紧随元翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧随元的读音是jǐn suí yuán,紧随元翻译成英文是 immediate successor




【拼音】jǐn suí

【释义】[tag] 表示紧跟,通常没有恶意

【示例】《东周列国志​》第三回:“尹球保著褒后母子​,紧随幽王之后行不多步,早有犬戎兵拦住,乃是小将古里赤。” 蔡东藩​ 《清史演义》第二回:“努尔哈赤道:‘不必!有我当先开路,汝等紧随便是。’”