







汉语拼音:xià fán







  1. 神话中,神仙降至人间称“下凡”。

    《红楼梦》第一二○回:“方知石兄下凡一次,磨出光明,修成圆觉,也可谓无復遗憾了!” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第八章:“他们是下凡的天神吗?”



  1. Jeanie was one, like the angels in heaven, that rather weep for sinners, than reckon their transgressions.


  2. He said the play itself was no masterpiece, but that the Lunts, of course, were absolute angels.


  3. God was touched by his deeds, and he sent two immortals to the earthly world to carry the mountains away.


  4. The Jade Emperor sends Xiao Qi back to the mortal world. Shortly after, she meets Dong Yong and starts living with him.


  5. There was a king who had a very beautiful daughter , and everyone praised her as the fairy down from the heaven .


  6. Hou Yi was a great archer and brought his magic bow from heaven with him.


  7. She appeared like an angel. Out of this filthy mass , She is alone, They cannot touch her.


  8. And sometimes the Master descends from the higher world with borrowed karma. How does it sound to you, to borrow the karma?


  9. Lulu: Well, you'd better come down. There's work right here on Earth for you to do.


  1. 七仙女下凡

    Seven Fairies Come Down to the Human World.

  2. 天神下凡巴比伦

    Avatars of the Goddess in Babylon

  3. 招请神女下凡

    invite a goddess to come down to earth

  4. 朱庇特下凡人间。

    Jupiter descended to mankind

  5. 下凡来为了爱你。

    Turning mortal for thy love.

  6. 于是就下凡到这里。

    So they came down here.

  7. 倘若她是下凡的天使?

    What if she's an angel sent here from heaven?

  8. 仙女下凡卡通版小游戏

    Fairy descended cartoon version Games

  9. 红暖星它为你下凡,

    Red warm star descends to the world for you

  10. 下凡的神仙超自然力的灵魂。

    A supernatural being; a ghost or specter.

  11. 你借了驯鹿才能下凡了吧?

    Did you have to borrow a reindeer to get down here?

  12. 下凡超自然生灵的出现或到来

    The appearance or arrival of a supernatural being.

  13. 从而月之民下凡到了地上生活。

    And so, the people of the moon came down to live.

  14. 怎样一个女神曾经下凡于我们中间?

    What kind of goddess has lived among us?

  15. 在天上犯了错被罚下凡间当牛。

    He made mistakes in the Heaven and was punished as an ox in the Earth.

  16. 传说太阳派两个儿子下凡来帮助他们。

    Legend has it that the sun sent down two of his sons to help them.

  17. 太好了, 玉帝。那我现在可以下凡去了?

    Great, dad. So can I go down now ?

  18. 原来老人是神仙下凡,他带走了年兽。

    The Nian saw the wisdom in this, and the old man, who was actually a god in disguise, took the beast away.

  19. 后羿善射箭, 下凡时随身带着他的神弓。

    Hou Yi was a great archer and brought his magic bow from heaven with him.

  20. 在我国神话中,神仙是不能随便下凡的。

    In Chinese legend, the immortals are not allowed to descend to earth casually.

  21. 这个法术从天庭召唤出一对天犬下凡。

    The spell summons a pair of hounsfrom the Celestial Sphere.

  22. 有一天, 这七个织女下凡来, 在河里玩。

    One day, the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river.

  23. 传说,羊卓雍湖是天上一位仙女下凡变成的。

    It is said that a fairy maiden left the Heaven and became the lake on earth.

  24. 就好像某神灵下凡,一夜之间带来了这些变化。

    As if some deus ex machina had wrought these changes overnight.

  25. 一天, 天上的织女和绪仙女下凡游戏, 在银河洗澡。

    Day, the Sun and the sky Mrs. fairy descend to the world game in the Galaxy bath.

  26. 老牛是天顶太白金星下凡转世的,所以会说话。

    Cow is zenithal too the platinum star fall, so will speak of reincarnation.

  27. 施法者从天堂召唤一个天界神力得化身下凡。

    The caster calls down a manifestation of heavenly power from the Celestial Sphere.

  28. 施法者从天堂召唤一个天界神力的化身下凡。

    The caster calls down a manifestation of heavenly power from the Celestial Sphere.

  29. 露露嗯,妳最好下凡来。妳在地球上还有工作要做呢!

    Lulu Well, youd better come down. Theres work right here on Earth for you to do.

  30. 附近有个老虎洞,天庭下凡的黑虎为非作歹,残害百姓。

    In a cave nearby lived an evil Black Tiger, who escaped from the forbidden kingdom.


  1. 问:下凡拼音怎么拼?下凡的读音是什么?下凡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下凡的读音是xiàfán,下凡翻译成英文是 to descend to the real world