







汉语拼音:fù cún







赋存 [fù cún]
  1. 赋存拼音:fùcún解释:蕴藏和储存量(泛指矿藏);赋予其存在的条件;存在形式、相态等。有时在一种地质体中一种元素可以出现多种赋存状态,它们之间常有一定联系,处于某种平衡,如中类质同象态的Pb与微细分散状PbS之间处于某种平衡,受岩浆中硫逸度控制。类质同象状态元素以离子或原子置换形式进入其他元素的晶格,构成固溶体,也称固溶体或结构混入物形式。表生粘土矿物、土壤和其他胶体物质对元素的吸附作用最常见,对元素的迁移和富集有重要影响。



  1. The failure of the rock mass is usually caused by initiation, development, expand, transfixion of the cracks under the external load.


  2. Transformation of each existing form of phosphorus by oxalic acid is the largest.


  3. The deposit concealed under Quaternary system, and with plenty of underground. water.


  4. The current coal seam gas occurrence is the result of coal seam with complex geological evolution.


  5. With diverse shapes and different scale, the ore bodies are hosted along the contact belt between the intrusives and carbonate rocks.


  6. The toxicity of vanadium depends on its total content, oxidation states and existence speciation.


  7. The relationship between high acid-value and high calcium content, state of calcium, harm of calcium in the crude oil were introduced.


  8. The occurrence of microamounts of phosphorus in hematite was investigated by means of chemical phase analysis.


  9. Silver is closely associated with galena and exists mainly in the form of isomorphism in galena.


  1. 水资源赋存

    existing forms and features of water resources.

  2. 赋存和运移

    storage and transport.

  3. 赋存运移特征

    hosting and migration characteristics.

  4. 河台金矿床金赋存状态研究

    A Study on the Occurrence of Gold in Hetai Gold Deposit

  5. 朱家街井田煤层赋存特征

    The host characteristics of Zhujiajie well field coal seam

  6. 塘沽地热系统水化学赋存环境

    Depositing environment of hydrochemistry in Tanggu geothermal system

  7. 河东金矿床矿体赋存规律研究

    Research on the hosting rule of gold ore body of Hedong gold deposit

  8. 内蒙古官地银矿床银的赋存状态

    Occurrence state of silver in the Guandi silver deposit, Inner Mongolia

  9. 原煤中汞分布赋存规律的测定与分析

    Measurement and Analysis of Mercury Distribution in Raw Coal

  10. 沈阳红阳三矿煤中硫的赋存状态

    Distribution of Sulfur in Coal of Hongyang Third Mine in Shenyang

  11. 煤层气资源量及其赋存规律的影响因素

    The Influence Elements of Coal Seam Gas Resources Amount and Its Exist Regular Patten.

  12. 西台吉乃尔盐湖地下卤水的赋存特征

    Storage characteristics of ground brines of west taijinar salt lake

  13. 对云岗井田瓦斯赋存规律及成因探讨

    Probing into gas occurrence law and formation cause of yungang coal mine

  14. 介绍了紫金山金矿矿床赋存的基本特征。

    The basic characteristics of gold deposit were introduced in the paper.

  15. 草酸对各赋存形态磷转化作用均最大。

    Transformation of each existing form of phosphorus by oxalic acid is the largest.

  16. 钒的赋存状态主要有吸附态和类质同象态。

    The occurrences of vanadium are mainly in adsorption and isomorphism states.

  17. 鄂尔多斯盆地赋存有侏罗纪优质煤炭资源。

    There are high quality coal resources in Jurassic strata of Ordos Basin.

  18. 屯兰矿瓦斯赋存, 涌出规律及防治技术探讨

    Study on Gas Inherent Rules, Gushing Rules, Prevention and Cure Technology

  19. 屯兰矿奥灰岩溶水赋存条件及分布规律

    Inherent Conditions and Distribution Regular of Ordovician Karst Water in Tunlan Coal Mine

  20. 丹峰煤田富蜡褐煤资源赋存特征及开发利用

    Occurrence Character and Exploitation and Utilization of Waxy lignite Resource in Danfeng Coalfield.

  21. 冀中坳陷晚新生代地质构造特征及其油气赋存

    The Characteristics of Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Jizhong Depression in late Cenozoic era

  22. 自然金、显微裂隙金及包裹金组成金的主要赋存状态。

    The main occurrence states of Au the native Au the microfissure Au and the inclusion Au.

  23. 江苏伏牛山铜矿床伴生金的赋存状态研究

    The Mode of Occurrence of Associated Gold in the Funiushan Copper Deposit, Jiangsu Province

  24. 油页岩主要赋存于新近系邕宁群,与褐煤伴生。

    The oil shale associating with lignite formed in Yongning Series of Neozoic.

  25. 矿物药绿矾及炮制品中铁赋存状态的研究

    The Study of the Existential State of Iron in the Green Vitriols and Preparations of Mineral Drugs

  26. 主要赋存于中下三叠统地层中,为沉积型矿床。

    Mainly occurs in the middle and lower Triassic strata, in order to sedimentary deposits.

  27. 得到了动态断裂韧性随着赋存深度的增大而增大的规律。

    And the rules of the dynamic fracture toughness increasing with the depth were obtained.

  28. 安徽沙溪斑岩铜矿床中伴生金的赋存状态

    The Mode of Occurrence of Associated Gold in the Shaxi Porphyry Copper Deposit, Anhui

  29. 煎茶岭硫化镍矿床矿石组分特征及其赋存状态

    Ore composition and hosting condition in the Jianchaling sulfide nickel deposit, Shaanxi province

  30. 安徽铜陵某铁帽型金 铁矿床金的赋存状态研究

    Gold occurrence in a gossan type gold deposit in Tongling, Anhui