







汉语拼音:jǔ shì







  1. 全世界;普天下。

    《庄子·逍遥游》:“举世誉之而不加劝,举世非之而不加沮。” 唐 方干 《德政上睦州胡中丞》诗:“羣书已熟无人似,五字研成举世传。” 陈毅 《哭叶军长希夷同志》诗:“‘七七’开抗战,君自海外回。东进杀 倭 寇,举世惊风雷。”



  1. One thing that stands out is Norway's determination not to let Mr Breivik's appalling deeds affect its unusual way of life.


  2. Pride and Prejudice It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


  3. Last month, the company dropped a bombshell, announcing it might spin-off or sell its Personal Systems Group, which sells PC hardware.


  4. It's a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


  5. One week later, he heard of her death. She had perished in New York, in the event that shocked the world.


  6. It's actually very seldom that a political figure with a legal background makes such a bold-faced announcement.


  7. It was the first national park in the world. After Yellowstone became Public Park, many other area of great scenic importance was set aside.


  8. Ms Read may have sat tight but hers was not the only response to the world-shaking events.


  9. However, the complexity and inequality will not influence the objective sustainability of capital globalization development.


  1. 使举世若狂

    set the world madding.

  2. 点燃举世的烛光

    Light The Candles Round The World

  3. 你的求婚,举世震惊。

    Your wooing shocks the world.

  4. 这是举世公认的事实

    It is the fact acknowledged from China to Peru.

  5. 她非凡的才能举世公认。

    Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition.

  6. 丹麦芭蕾舞举世闻名

    Danish Ballet Dances the World Over

  7. 我们确实不是举世闻名

    So we're not globally famous.

  8. 他的表演举世无匹。

    His performance has never been paralleled.

  9. 教师们薪给太薄,举世皆然。

    Teachers are underpaid the world over.

  10. 那位化学家赢得举世公认。

    The chemist has won worldwide recognition.

  11. 举世都对这个消息感到震惊。

    The whole world was surprised at the news.

  12. 这位作家后来举世闻名。

    The author later became worldwide famous.

  13. 这就是举世闻名的紫禁城。

    This is the world famous Forbidden city.

  14. 英国习俗和传统举世闻名。

    British customs and traditions are famous all over the world.

  15. 举世同庆, 愿你圣诞快乐。

    Joy to the world.Wishing you an extremely merry Christmas.

  16. 莎士比亚得悲剧举世闻名。

    The tragedies written by Shakespeare are famous all around the world.

  17. 莎士比亚的悲剧举世闻名。

    The tragedies written by Shakespeare are famous all around the world.

  18. 莎士比亚的悲剧举世闻名。

    The tragedies written by Shakespeare are famous all around the world.

  19. 他们举世闻名行了重婚婚礼。

    They want through a bigamous marriage ceremony.

  20. 李白是举世最伟大的诗人之一。

    Li Bai is one of the greatest poet's the world over.

  21. 李白是举世最伟大得诗人之一。

    Li Bai is one of the greatest poet's the world over.

  22. 举世皆浊我独清, 众人皆醉我独醒。

    Everyone is filthy whereas I am pure, everyone is drunk whereas I am sober.

  23. 香港邮政服务效率超卓,举世知名。

    Hong Kong has maintained a high international reputation for its efficient postal services.

  24. 西斯廷教学的壁画举世闻名。

    The fresco in the Sistine chapel are worldfamous.

  25. 他作为一个权威已得到举世公认。

    As an authority he has got generally acknowledged over the world.

  26. 第凡尼乐园是举世闻名得游乐园。

    The Tivoli Gardens are famous around the world as an amusement park.

  27. 第凡尼乐园是举世闻名的游乐园。

    The Tivoli Gardens are famous around the world as an amusement park.

  28. 英国这个农村的绿色是举世绝伦的。

    The green of this English country is unsurpassed.

  29. 据说他曾经是一位举世文明的作家。

    It is said that he is a world famous writer.

  30. 你得到了一个举世难寻的好丈夫。

    You have the best husband in the whole world.


  1. 问:举世拼音怎么拼?举世的读音是什么?举世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:举世的读音是jǔshì,举世翻译成英文是 the whole world

  2. 问:举世瞩目拼音怎么拼?举世瞩目的读音是什么?举世瞩目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:举世瞩目的读音是jǔshìzhǔmù,举世瞩目翻译成英文是 to be a focus of world attention; people fr...

  3. 问:举世闻名拼音怎么拼?举世闻名的读音是什么?举世闻名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:举世闻名的读音是jǔshìwénmíng,举世闻名翻译成英文是 world-famous

  4. 问:举世无双拼音怎么拼?举世无双的读音是什么?举世无双翻译成英文是什么?

    答:举世无双的读音是jǔshìwúshuāng,举世无双翻译成英文是 second to none; It is used to describe sth's high...

  5. 问:举世无比的人拼音怎么拼?举世无比的人的读音是什么?举世无比的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:举世无比的人的读音是,举世无比的人翻译成英文是 world-beater




拼音:jǔshì 英文:[throughout the world]      基本解释 [throughout the world] 整个人世;全世界 举世闻名 举世混浊,而我独清。——《史记·屈原贾生列传》 详细解释 全世界;普天下。 《庄子·逍遥游》:“举世誉之而不加劝,举世非之而不加沮。” 唐 方干 《德政上睦州胡中丞》诗:“羣书已熟无人似,五字研成举世传。” 清 田兰芳《皇清太学生信菴袁公(袁可立孙)墓志铭》:“君所笃嗜而不忍须臾舍者,乃举世所莫及。” 陈毅 《哭叶军长希夷同志》诗:“‘七七’开抗战,君自海外回。东进杀 倭 寇,举世惊风雷。”