


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà chú






大厨 [@@@@@、大柜子。《红楼梦.第五回》:「进入门来,只见有十数个大厨皆用封条封着。」@@@@@、主厨、大厨师。如:「多年媳妇熬成婆,他终于成为餐饮界数一数二的大厨。」#####]
  1. @@@@@、大柜子。《红楼梦.第五回》:「进入门来,只见有十数个大厨皆用封条封着。」@@@@@、主厨、大厨师。如:「多年媳妇熬成婆,他终于成为餐饮界数一数二的大厨。」



  1. I love watching cooking shows and I make it a point to watch the shows of celebrity chefs when I have the time.


  2. Mr. Givens, the General Manager of the hotel warmly arranged time for the children to investigate how our chefs run a large hotel kitchen.


  3. "I've never used these for food, " she said, kneading it between her index finger and thumb, a chef inspecting an unfamiliar piece of meat.


  4. The mosque has its own chef that prepared the food, may Allah reward him for his talent.


  5. Top chefs across the US are frantically dusting off their CVs - the White House has announced it is looking for a new executive chef.


  6. if I offer it four times a week, they will wipe out their Chinese chef without mercy.


  7. Angela: We would like the chicken hot pot please, and please can you tell the chef not to put MSG in it?


  8. Chief Cook: I put the blanket on the pan first, and then I switched off the stove and used a fixed foam extinguisher to put it off.


  9. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, let me introduce you to a veteran chef.


  1. 虽然我不是大厨

    I'm no chef.

  2. 往前一步是大厨。

    Going forwards one foot there is the chef.

  3. 我知道了,你是大厨

    I get it, you're a chef.

  4. 这是我们大厨得拿手菜。

    It's our chef's recommendation.

  5. 她是一位最棒的大厨。

    She was a most phenomenal cook.

  6. 第五桌的东西再两秒就好了,大厨。

    Table five's coming up in two seconds, chef.

  7. 布里 金斯跟我们说你是个专业大厨。

    Bree, Keith tells us you're a professional chef.

  8. 这座清真寺自备大厨烹煮食物, 愿阿拉赐给他天赋。

    The mosque has its own chef that prepared the food, may Allah reward him for his talent.

  9. 亨特先生和夫人, 让我介绍你们给经验丰富的李大厨。

    Mr. and Mrs. Hunt, let me introduce you to a veteran chef.

  10. 客家大厨津城献艺

    The known chef shows skill in Tianjint

  11. 给大厨塞了点钱

    Slip the chef a few bucks.

  12. 大厨推荐,鲜虾搅饭

    This is called shrimp etouf.

  13. 大厨的刀法可真棒!

    The chef's knife skills are excellent.

  14. 大厨的刀法可真棒!

    The chef's knife skills are excellent.

  15. 大厨正在重新做一个。

    The chef is cooking a new one right now.

  16. 这是我们大厨的拿手菜。

    It's our chef's recommendation.

  17. 我的大厨会做几样菜

    My chef will bring a couple things.

  18. 大厨叫他的助手负责烧烤。

    The chief chef asked his assistant to take care of the roasting.

  19. 大厨知道你喜欢会非常高兴的

    The chef will be so pleased you like it.

  20. 对,赶时髦的人喜欢跟随大厨的脚步

    Yeah. Fancy ones like the chef's use.

  21. 没花我多长时间,真是大厨啊

    Took me no time to make it. My kind of chef.

  22. 从没有大厨, 仅靠书本来学习如何烹调。

    but no great chef ever learns how to cook by reading a cookbook only.

  23. 本地的一名大厨到此,给大家呈现如何。

    a local chef stops by to show us what to.

  24. 我很高兴宣布, 我做的菜有美食大厨的风味。

    I am happy to say that I can cook like a gourmet chef.

  25. 一部备受关注的关于一只老鼠成为大厨的电影。

    that provocative movie about a rat becoming a master chef.

  26. 我敬我刚刚被升为午餐大厨的老妹一杯。

    Here is to my sister, the newly appointed head lunch chef.

  27. 成为一名大厨,感受到寻找食材的重重困难!

    Become a Master Chef, and find out just how hard it is to find the ingredients for food!

  28. 厨房经营不善, 即便有一位好大厨, 也难免是空谈。

    A great chef with a poor kitchen is like a great idea that never happens.

  29. 船长大厨,你能讲一下昨晚厨房里着火的情况吗?

    Captain Chief Cook, would you please tell me the fire in the galley last night.

  30. 然后, 各位首脑还不忘和这些年轻的大厨们合影留念。

    Afterwards the leaders posed for pictures with the young chefs.



“大厨”是个多义词,它可以指大厨(马军襄执导电视连续剧), 大厨(《钢铁侠》导演乔恩·费儒自编自导自演), 大厨(李志洲演唱歌曲), 大厨(丹尼尔·科恩执导法国电影), 大厨(手机游戏)。