







汉语拼音:chǎn chú








  1. 根除;消灭。

    《元典章新集·刑部·禁骚扰》:“滥官污吏,豪横之家……等把持官府,现任官员洁己者尚不能铲除,一有交通赃贿,亦皆俛首禀命,惟其所使。” 朱德 《战局时局》诗:“四万万人争解放,铲除封建建神州。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二六:“认定了本镇腐败势力的中心,一股脑儿把它铲除,才是合理的办法。”

  2. 清除。

    清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·颐养·疗病》:“予生无他癖,惟好著书,忧藉以消,怒藉以释,牢骚不平之气,藉以剷除。”《天地会诗歌选·乔老苗杀富救贫歌》:“情不移,心不软,剷除那班狗强盗。” 瞿秋白 《论大众文艺·“我们”是谁?》:“这种病根必须完全剷除。”



  1. Or if I bring the sword upon that land, and say to the sword: Pass through the land: and I destroy man and beast out of it.


  2. He wanted an uncompromising stand against Hamas, he said. "The first priority is to eliminate Hamas. "


  3. He was the last survivor, and before he passed on, he proudly told me that they were successful in eradicating the foul unburied creature.


  4. But he took a tough line on the worsening Islamist insurgency in the north Caucasus, promising to "exterminate the bandits" .


  5. Having been embarrassed once by such a gaffe, you might have thought that Apple would have cracked down hard on such careless behaviour.


  6. He said the global fight should not focus on specific religions, but rather on eradicating the root causes that breed terrorism.


  7. And I applaud the president's proven willingness to take the fight against terrorism to its breeding ground.


  8. In the early years of the Afghanistan war, coalition policy included widespread forced eradication.


  9. He cared for the sheep, if there was something around that was going to threaten the sheep; he took care of the situation.


  1. 铲除这些东西

    on a regular basis.

  2. 草皮铲除器

    skim colter.

  3. 铲除问题的根源

    to strike at the root of the problem

  4. 是人类铲除了它。

    We vanquished it. Puff.

  5. 铲除台阶上的雪。

    Shovel the snow away from the steps.

  6. 铲除台阶上得雪。

    Shovel the snow away from the steps.

  7. 园林工人铲除了杂草。

    The gardener dug out the weeds

  8. 我们来铲除这些罪恶。

    Let us have riddance of these evils.

  9. 宠狗便后, 敬请铲除

    If Your Dog Poops Please Scoop

  10. 但它们必须要被铲除么?

    Must it be weeded out

  11. 前面的走道上的雪铲除。

    right in front of these things.

  12. 我们必须铲除它的根源。

    We must attack its root causes.

  13. 铲除一切殖民主义残余宣言

    Declaration on the eradication of all remnants of colonialism

  14. 我们要彻底铲除这些害虫。

    We need to exterminate these vermin.

  15. 弘扬科学精神铲除邪教土壤

    Expanding Spirit of Science and Eradicating Soil Of Heresy

  16. 将军们得把叛国者全部铲除。

    The generals have to root out traitors.

  17. 我们要铲除权奸, 重整江山。

    We need to take out powerful and treacherous court officials and regenerate the country.

  18. 我们要铲除权奸,重整江山。

    We need to take out powerful and treacherous court officials and regenerate the country.

  19. 我们劳动的任务是铲除杂草。

    Our task was to uproot weeds.

  20. 将疟疾从人类社会中铲除。

    We've been able to take malaria out of a society.

  21. 旅客仍滞留机场等待铲除大雪。

    Passengers still stranded as NY fights to dig out.

  22. 当地政府必须尽快铲除腐恶。

    The local government should exclude these despotic officials and ruthless bandits.

  23. 铲除殖民主义国际十年行动计划

    Plan of Action of the International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism

  24. 昨天, 妈妈铲除了花园里面得杂草。

    Yesterday, Mom weeded the entire garden.

  25. 恐怖主义是一个不易铲除的毒瘤。

    Terrorism is a cancer not easy to eradicate.

  26. 昨天,妈妈铲除了花园里面的杂草。

    Yesterday, Mom weeded the entire garden.

  27. 过去他们曾毫不犹豫地铲除对手。

    They have not hesitated in the past to liquidate their rivals.

  28. 那一年他们铲除了20多个恶霸。

    They did away with more than 20 local despots that year.

  29. 列入黑名单以进行铲除或联合抵制。

    put on a blacklist so as to banish or cause to be boycotted.

  30. 反恐战争和铲除贫困是息息相关的。

    The war against terror is bound up in the war against poverty.


  1. 问:铲除拼音怎么拼?铲除的读音是什么?铲除翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铲除的读音是chǎnchú,铲除翻译成英文是 eradicate

  2. 问:铲除剂拼音怎么拼?铲除剂的读音是什么?铲除剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铲除剂的读音是chǎn chú jì,铲除剂翻译成英文是 eradicant

  3. 问:铲除的拼音怎么拼?铲除的的读音是什么?铲除的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铲除的的读音是,铲除的翻译成英文是 eradicant

  4. 问:铲除草皮拼音怎么拼?铲除草皮的读音是什么?铲除草皮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铲除草皮的读音是chǎn chú cǎo pí,铲除草皮翻译成英文是 scalping

  5. 问:铲除场地表土拼音怎么拼?铲除场地表土的读音是什么?铲除场地表土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铲除场地表土的读音是chǎn chú chǎng dì biǎo tǔ,铲除场地表土翻译成英文是 stripping of site




【注音】:chǎn chú

【释义】:1. 根除;彻底消灭。如:铲除这块土地上的种种罪恶。如:大部分土地上的草木已被铲除,以堆放松木。