







汉语拼音:tàn qiú








  1. 探索寻求。

    宋 陆游 《抄书》诗:“储积山崇崇,探求海茫茫。” 明 王守仁 《<朱子晚年定论>序》:“其后謫官 龙场 ,居夷处困,动心忍性之餘,恍若有悟,体念探求,再更寒暑。” 清 李渔 《比目鱼·发端》:“戏在戏中寻不出,教人枉费探求力。” 孙犁 《秀露集·关于儿童文学》:“这方面的材料是很丰富的,很值得我们去探求。”



  1. Our instinctive unease about making babies by human cloning cannot be ruled out in grappling with that possibility.


  2. Her manner indicated that the matter was closed and I didn't insist further, sensing that to do so would have been rude.


  3. I felt he lacked imagination, and he certainly did not share my restless passion for the possibilities of scientific intelligence.


  4. And that at the age of 11, after years and years of searching for answers, a doctor finally put a name to Wineman's condition.


  5. Everybody is trying to search the essence of regional architecture from many different points of view, whether regional material or culture.


  6. If you are a seeker of truth and information, there has never been a better time than now to find it.


  7. To do that, I look out as far as I can toward the horizon of what's new and exciting in technology to see where a given path might lead me.


  8. It twinkles like fireflies in my heart, to find its meaning in the dusk of despair, the word that I had to say to her.


  9. Two vital ingredients seem to be necessary to make a scientist: the curiosity to seek out mysteries and the creativity to solve them.


  1. 放胆探求深一点。

    Just dig a little deeper.

  2. 探求大自然的奥秘

    to wrest secrets from Nature

  3. 他们正在探求真理。

    They are groping after the truth.

  4. 科学就是探求真理。

    Science means the exploration of truth.

  5. 他们是真理探求者。

    They are seekers after truth.

  6. 他们是真理探求者。

    They are seekers after truth.

  7. 如饥似渴探求真理的人。

    voracious seekers after truth

  8. 唐乐古谱节拍探求

    Study On Beat Of The Tang Music Tablature

  9. 追寻野鹅?探求真我

    Pursuing the Wild Goose, Questing for the Real Self

  10. 询问请求坚决的询问或探求

    An emphatic question or inquiry.

  11. 就是探求、发现和爱的责任。

    For seeking, finding, and loving.

  12. 哲学体系哲学上探求与证实的体系

    A system of philosophical inquiry or demonstration.

  13. 深邃, 宽广 和高度 正象我探求。

    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight.

  14. 用数学思想方法探求函数最值

    Inquiring minimax of function with mathematical thinking

  15. 九叶派诗的内向性美学探求

    On the Inmost Aesthetics Pursuit of JiuYe Faction Poems

  16. 他不是一个真正探求真理的人。

    He's not a real searcher after truth.

  17. 经济学家们开始探求经济衰退的原因。

    Economists started to grope around for explanations of the recession.

  18. 我们似乎非作这样一种探求不可。

    We seem to he committed to this sort of approach.

  19. 探求清洁注射用针显得尤为迫切。

    Out of all the unbecoming parts of drug addiction, the search for clean needles is particularly ghastly.

  20. 这种气质的意境是值得神仙去探求的。

    Here was an empire, worthy of demigods to attain.

  21. 在这方面, 马克思主义进行了不懈的探求

    As to this aspect, Marxism has searched untiringly.

  22. 物理学并不探求原子或光的本质。

    Physics does not inquire into the essence of atoms or of light.

  23. 物理学并不探求原子或光得本质。

    Physics does not inquire into the essence of atoms or of light.

  24. 公告的制发客体和主体权限探求

    Searching after the Limits of Authority of the Subject and Object Concerning the Decision and Issuing a Proclamation

  25. 移情就是感知和探求别人需求的能力。

    Empathy is the ability to feel into and identify with the needs of another human being.

  26. 移情就是感知和探求别人需求得能力。

    Empathy is the ability to feel into and identify with the needs of another human being.

  27. 博采众长,探求高校德育新理念下的德育方法

    Exploring the Moral Education Method of the New Idea in Universities

  28. 召开学术研讨会,探求杨公风水的真缔。

    Convene a seminar, investigate the true Di of Yang Gong's geomancy.

  29. 何谓对这类事物究根问底,探求真理?

    What is the investigation into the truth in this matter ?

  30. 探求真理的知识, 大家都面临各种不同的对抗。

    We all faced different types of antagonism.


  1. 问:探求拼音怎么拼?探求的读音是什么?探求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:探求的读音是tànqiú,探求翻译成英文是 seek

  2. 问:探求者拼音怎么拼?探求者的读音是什么?探求者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:探求者的读音是,探求者翻译成英文是 hunter

  3. 问:探求现象变化的拼音怎么拼?探求现象变化的的读音是什么?探求现象变化的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:探求现象变化的的读音是,探求现象变化的翻译成英文是 diachronic


