


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……





汉语拼音:tuī qiú








  1. 寻求;探索。

    《后汉书·独行传·王烈》:“后有老父遗劒於路,行道一人见而守之,至暮,老父还,寻得劒,怪而问其姓名,以事告 烈 。 烈 使推求,乃先盗牛者也。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·作酱等法》“作鱁鮧法”原注:“昔 汉武帝 逐夷至於海滨,闻有香气而不见物,令人推求,乃是渔父造鱼肠於坑中,以至土覆之,香气上达。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录二》:“ 宋 儒事事言理,此理从何处推求耶?” 孙中山 《革命军的基础在高深的学问》:“由 中国 和 俄国 革命的结果不同,推求当中原因,便是我们的一个大教训。”

  2. 追究。

    元 刘壎 《隐居通议·文章八》:“惧 陈公 借此以为辞召之柄,则朝廷推求,罪必相及。”



  1. The result shows that the method for obtaining the ultimate load with the law of internal force changes is accurate.

  2. The relatienship between the foundation pressure and the Settlement can be Predicted by this formula.

  3. the Manning formula is applied to deduce the equation expressing the advance process of the irrigation water flow in ditches.

  4. Meanwhile, studying the property of Chinese Character and understanding meaning of a word has higher exegesis value.

  5. Intelligent optimization is a new way of design flood frequency curve optimization fitting.

  6. The design flood hydrograph is computed using observation discharge data.

  7. Based on previous research works, a designed short duration storm pattern suitable for jinan city is established.

  8. Because of the difficulty in measuring the undersea earthquakes, the fault structure can not be accurately reconstructed.

  9. A retrospective matrix deductive method for atomic spectroscopic terms of equivalent electronic complicated configuration


  1. 推求地面沉降的原因

    inquire into the causes of surface subsidence

  2. 小流域暴雨设计的推求

    Inquiring into storm rainfall in small river basin

  3. 从应力边界条件推求应力函数

    Deduce Stress Function by Stress Boundary Condition

  4. 陆地蒸发量推求的新方法

    New Approach for ascertaining evaporation volume of the land

  5. 封冻期流量推求方法的探讨

    Exploration for volume calculation method in the freezing period

  6. 两种推求杂化轨道的方法

    Two methods for deducing hybrid orbital

  7. 浙西小流域洪水推求方法浅析

    Preliminary analysis of calculating flood method in water basin of western Zhejiang

  8. 推求水文单位线的优化计算法

    Optimization Method for Calculating Composite Unit Hydrograph

  9. 搜索法推求单重现期暴雨公式

    To Inquire into Rainstorm Formula in Single Recurrence Interval by Searching Method

  10. 论同科电子形成光谱项的推求

    On the Inference of Spectral Term of Equal Electrons

  11. 河流决口损失量推求方法的探讨

    Discussion on estimate method of the Loss Discharge for Breached Bank Created by Flood

  12. 利用最小二乘方原理推求单位线

    Ascertain Unit Hydrograph with Least Square Theory

  13. 曲面搜索法推求暴雨强度公式参数

    Calculating Rainfall Intensity Formula Through the Method of Searching in Curved Face

  14. 推求可能最大暴雨放大方法的研究

    Research on probable maximum storm amplification method.

  15. 推求小流域设计洪峰的迭代解法

    Iteration method for calculating design flood peak discharge of little basins.

  16. 与推求总散射截面有关问题的讨论

    Discuss the Problems of Finding the Total Scattering Cross Section

  17. 高要水文站潮流量推求方法的探讨

    Calculation Method of Tide Discharge of Gaoyao Hydrographic Station

  18. 关于无资料水库径流深推求的探讨

    About Regulation of Water log and Rdated Constmct of Hei hng Jiang Cultivated Area

  19. 五个同科电子形成的光谱项的推求

    Inference of spectral term of five equal electrons

  20. 由实测暴雨推求设计洪水方法的探讨

    Study on the Method for Design Flood Calculating by Observed Rainfall

  21. 两因素同时校正法推求河道洪水流量

    River Discharge Data Derived by Two Simultaneously Corrected Factors Method

  22. 平板门闸孔淹没出流流量系数推求

    Ascertain of submerge flow modulus of flat strobe hole

  23. 梯级水库推求全流域来水量方法探讨

    Discussion on the Calculation Method of Inflow of the Whole Basin for Step Reservoirs

  24. 推求暴雨强度公式的统计资料年限分析

    Analysis of Statistical Data Years for Storm Intensity Calculation Formula.

  25. 单位线法推求流域出口洪水过程综述

    Expounding for Predicting the Flood Processing in the Outlet of the Basin with the Unit Line Method

  26. 沿河水源地吸夺河水量的推求方法

    The Calculation Approach for the Water Quantity Needed of the Water Source Area along the River

  27. 应用彭曼法推求水稻灌溉定额的分析

    Analysis of computing irrigation norm of rice by Pengman method

  28. 比降法推求洪峰流量精度的影响因素

    Effection factors on the accuracy of flood peak discharge using gradiet method

  29. 运用迭代法推求潜水含水层渗透系数

    Application of iterative method for evaluation of permeability coefficient of phreatic aquifer

  30. 单桩侧摩擦阻力曲线的推求与拟合

    The side skin friction curves ascertainment and imitation of single pile


  1. 问:推求拼音怎么拼?推求的读音是什么?推求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推求的读音是tuīqiú,推求翻译成英文是 to inquire into; to analyze and study




拼音:tuīqiú 基本解释 [inquire into;ascertain] 以知道的条件为据,推究、探索未知 推求义理 详细解释 1. 寻求;探索。 《后汉书·独行传·王烈》:“后有老父遗劒於路,行道一人见而守之,至暮,老父还,寻得劒,怪而问其姓名,以事告 烈 。 烈 使推求,乃先盗牛者也。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·作酱等法》“作鱁鮧法”原注:“昔 汉武帝 逐夷至於海滨,闻有香气而不见物,令人推求,乃是渔父造鱼肠於坑中,以至土覆之,香气上达。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录二》:“ 宋 儒事事言理,此理从何处推求耶?” 孙中山 《革命军的基础在高深的学问》:“由 中国 和 俄国 革命的结果不同,推求当中原因,便是我们的一个大教训。” 2. 追究。 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·文章八》:“惧 陈公 借此以为辞召之柄,则朝廷推求,罪必相及。”