







汉语拼音:qiè dào






  1. 见“ 窃盗 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 窃盗 ”。偷窃劫夺。

    《管子·八观》:“里域横通,则攘夺窃盗者不止。”《淮南子·氾论训》:“发墓者诛,窃盗者刑,此执政之所司也。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·火》:“钻木取火的 燧人氏 却似乎没有犯窃盗罪。”

  3. 指小偷和强盗。

    《孔子家语·始诛》:“天下有大恶者五,而窃盗不与焉。” 前蜀 韦庄 《秦妇吟》:“诛锄窃盗若神功,惠爱生灵如赤子。”



  1. Looting , robbing, smuggling and plundering are the hobbies of every healthy pirate.

  2. Full security against theft of your phone - Phone cannot be operated once locked!

  3. As the Eighth Commandment states, the right of private property must be strictly protected.

  4. When the village people tried to take the wood back to the village after it was transported, they were accused of burglary .

  5. Storing cores in a secure area protects against theft and ensures accurate reconciliation of cores against remaining products.

  6. white day, doing nothing, just as guilty of the crime of theft.

  7. It's quite obvious there have been lots of robberies, thefts, blackmails, kidnapping, and murders in Taiwan these years.

  8. Fixed issue where stolen items would lose their stolen status if the player character was female.

  9. The activists, Junichi Sato, 33, and Toru Suzuki, 43, were found guilty of theft and trespass by the Aomori district court on Monday.


  1. 那窃盗的共犯

    the accomplice of the burglar

  2. 我要要求窃盗赔偿。

    I want to file a claim for pilferage.

  3. 非即时捕获之窃盗犯

    non manifestum furtum

  4. 重大窃盗罪入狱五年

    Five years for grand larceny.

  5. 我正在查你们的窃盗事迹。

    I'm on to your little theft ring.

  6. 你想怎样?告我窃盗罪?

    What are you gonna do, have me charged with breaking and entering?

  7. 他因微小窃盗遭到了解雇。

    He got the sack for petty thieving.

  8. 破窗子就是发生窃盗的证明。

    The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place.

  9. 我们对窃盗得防备工作做得充分吗

    Is our security against theft adequate

  10. 我们已经对火灾和窃盗买了保险。

    We've got full cover against fire and theft.

  11. 遇到持有武器得窃盗, 你将如何对付?

    How would you with an armed burglar ?

  12. 遇到持有武器的窃盗,你将如何对付?

    How would you with an armed burglar ?

  13. 窃盗们如何晓得用以开保险柜得暗码?

    How did the thieves learn the combination used to open the safe ?

  14. 那时犯窃盗罪就可能会被绞死的。

    At that time you could hang for stealing.

  15. 窃盗们如何晓得用以开保险柜的暗码?

    How did the thieves learn the combination used to open the safe?

  16. 我们对窃盗的防备工作做得充分吗?

    Is our security against theft adequate

  17. 脑波窃盗集团就是贼匪侵略掠夺集团就是叛国集团。

    EEG larceny Group is Zeifei predatory aggression Group is the group of treason.

  18. 他必须使自己从窃盗的控诉中摆脱出来。

    He will have to free himself of this charge of stealing.

  19. 在某些国家, 对窃盗罪的刑罚是相当严厉的。

    In some countries, the penalty for theft is very severe.

  20. 警察开了他罚单, 他同时面临窃盗罪的指控。

    Police fined him and he faces a charge of criminal theft.

  21. 警察开了他罚单,他同时面临窃盗罪得指控。

    Police fined him and he faces a charge of criminal theft.

  22. 这一裁定彻底窃盗著名的古巴朗姆酒商标。

    This decision resulted in the theft of the famed Cuban rum trademark.

  23. 掠夺,抢劫,走私和窃盗是每个健康的海盗的嗜好。

    Looting, robbing, smuggling and plundering are the hobbies of every healthy pirate.

  24. 她是个精于窃盗与渗透行动的大师,从未失过手。

    She is the master of infiltration and thievery who never misses her target.

  25. 她是个精于窃盗与渗透行动的大师,从未失过手。

    She is the master of infiltration and thievery who never misses her target.

  26. 但当部落族人尝试把吹倒的榉木带回部落,他们被控诉窃盗。

    When the village people tried to take the wood back to the village after it was transported, they were accused of burglary.


  1. 问:窃盗拼音怎么拼?窃盗的读音是什么?窃盗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃盗的读音是qiè dào,窃盗翻译成英文是 larceny

  2. 问:窃盗案拼音怎么拼?窃盗案的读音是什么?窃盗案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃盗案的读音是,窃盗案翻译成英文是 burglary

  3. 问:窃盗的拼音怎么拼?窃盗的的读音是什么?窃盗的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃盗的的读音是,窃盗的翻译成英文是 burglarious

  4. 问:窃盗罪拼音怎么拼?窃盗罪的读音是什么?窃盗罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:窃盗罪的读音是qiè dào zuì,窃盗罪翻译成英文是 theft or larceny