







汉语拼音:xiāo mǐ








  1. 亦作“ 消弥 ”。消除。

    《后汉书·文苑传下·赵壹》:“以贵下贱,握髮垂接,高可敷翫坟典,起发圣意,下则抗论当世,消弭时灾。” 宋 叶适 《虞夫人墓志铭》:“夫人从其子守 温州 ,明简静恕,能消弭大鬪,使之轻微。” 清 周亮工 《巡抚山东救荒碑》:“粤自警洚水,祷 桑林 以来,圣帝贤王不难消弥天变。” 郭沫若 《蔡文姬》第四幕:“丞相用兵作战是为了平定中原,消弭外患。”



  1. The antagonism generated at their first meeting a year and a half earlier would remain a permanent part of their relationship.


  2. The ordinariness of the home setting offsets the desperation that charged the old man to make such a drastic decision within a minute.


  3. Education has always been a great bridge builder.


  4. Eye have dry lines, to eliminate, Which wrinkle cream effective? Do not know how to pick the cream of the.


  5. However, his ideas of civil rights aimed to eliminate the impact of the Communist Party of China, which had strong political purposes.


  6. If you start a local increase of birds, be prepared to do what may be required to eliminate hazards to those you want to befriend.


  7. Truly great powers do not fear small threats or, if they come to, they diminish themselves and lift up the small.


  8. This meant making it slightly larger, which is said to have neutralised a manufacturing advantage Philips would otherwise have had.


  9. Price is a bit high but it does the job with a great scent. Wonderful for the dry winters up here in helping to control static.


  1. 历史和地理消弭了。

    History and geography dissolve.

  2. 在朋友之间消弭纷争

    to accommodate the dispute between the friends

  3. 消声器把发动机得噪音消弭了。

    A silencer quietens the noise of the engine.

  4. 消声器把发动机的噪音消弭了。

    A silencer quietens the noise of the engine.

  5. 截止11月,经济增长已大体消弭。

    By November, growth had already quietened substantially.

  6. 相互了解是消弭代沟的好方法。

    Mutual understanding is a good way to bridge the generation gap.

  7. 益处振奋肉体, 消弭肉体压制, 培育自律肉体。

    Benefits encouraging the body, eliminate physical repression, fostering selfregulation body.

  8. 教育一直是消弭鸿沟极好的方式。

    Education has always been a great bridge builder.

  9. 我和我的客户需求消弭热疯丫头疯丫头?

    Do I or my client need Minx Heat to remove Minx

  10. 十一年来我一直在偏僻边疆消弭叛变。

    I've been putting down rebellions in this rotten outpost for eleven years.

  11. 经济发展是消弭社会罪恶的一种方法。

    Economic progress is a remedy for social evils.

  12. 我得依赖大麻来消弭内心的痛苦和愤懑。

    I relied on weed to handle my pain and anger.

  13. 去最终消弭暴力对你我共有的世界的控制。

    To finally break the grip of violence over our world.

  14. 他们发表了主张消弭内战、共御外侮的宣言。

    They issued a declaration calling for ending the civil war and uniting to resist foreign aggression.

  15. 现代社会,个体与群体之间的道德冲突是不可消弭的。

    In modern society, the moral conflict between individuals and groups can not eliminate.

  16. 鼓励教师调动本身不会消弭教学队伍中的种族隔离。

    Encouraging teacher transfer would not, by itself, integrate the teaching corps.

  17. 手术损伤小,恢复快,一周左右基本消弭肿涨,淤血。

    surgical injury, quick recovery, a week or so basic to eliminate swelling, congestion.

  18. 谷垣拒绝, 理由是自民党与民主党未消弭政策分歧。

    Tanigaki refused on the grounds that the LDP does not eliminate policy differences with the Democratic Party.

  19. 揉压这三个部位, 委靡立可取得缓解或消弭。

    The three part of the kneading, legislation can be achieved remission or eliminate fatigue.

  20. 此现象只要我们调减驱动阈值得敏感度就可以消弭。

    Ventilator autotriggering can be easily eliminated by decreasing the triggering sensitivity.

  21. 和平并不是以牺牲弱者的不可剥夺权利来消弭战争。

    Peace is not just the absence of war at the expense of the inalienable rights of the weak.

  22. 它还赞赏南非采取措施处理挑战和消弭不平等现象。

    It also commended South Africa on the measures taken to address challenges and redress inequalities.

  23. 此现象只要我们调减驱动阈值的敏感度就可以消弭。

    Ventilator autotriggering can be easily eliminated by decreasing the triggering sensitivity.

  24. 天择产生某些对抗癌症的方法,但未能完全消弭癌症。

    Natural selection has favored certain defenses against cancer but cannot eliminate it altogether.

  25. 核裁军和彻底销毁核武器对消弭核战争的危险至关重要。

    Nuclear disarmament and the total elimination of nuclear weapons are essential in order to avert the danger of a nuclear war.

  26. 比利和马可已经吵了七年, 才决定要消弭他们之间的歧见。

    Billy and Mark fought each other for seven years before they decided to out their differences.


  1. 问:消弭拼音怎么拼?消弭的读音是什么?消弭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:消弭的读音是xiāomǐ,消弭翻译成英文是 prevent; to put an end to


