


体内含脂肪少,肌肉不丰满,与“胖”、“肥”相对:~溜(“溜”读轻声)。~弱。~小。~削。~俏。~长(cháng )。~瘪。消~。清~。~骨嶙峋。衣服鞋袜等窄小:这条裤子太~了。细削,单薄:字小而~。土地瘠薄:~瘠。遒劲有骨力:书贵~硬。水清……


人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:shòu shēn



  1. The collapse marks another difficult sales process for GM since it began to downsize its operations more than a year ago.


  2. So the arrival of beautiful women want a real beauty slimming effect, or to develop some of their nutritional diets.


  3. It also would allow the company to leverage its distributed-computing infrastructure to help clients slim down their internal data centers.


  4. It's also fairly easy to fabricate, making it far more commercially viable than other methods of downsizing battery technology.


  5. A new survey found that over half of women would choose the body of their dreams over a year of love-making.


  6. You will be shocked at how much you can tighten your prose without losing anything.


  7. Mr Brown is still trying to slim down the state, including looking to sell the Royal Mint, which produces the country's legal tender.


  8. Do not be silly joke . . . detail page you can search Baidu Yun Ni thin paste under the vines to see the official website.


  9. But 51 per cent of women have admitted they would sacrifice a year of sex if it meant they could be skinny.


  1. 纤体瘦身精油


  2. 瘦身燃脂精油

    Thin Body Burn Fattiness Essential Oil.

  3. 闻香瘦身减肥液

    incio body creator

  4. 苑美瘦身美体中心

    Yuanmei Reduction Weight Beautiful Body Center

  5. 你接受人们瘦身吗?

    Do you accept others Sliming Culture

  6. 从而促进循环,减脂瘦身。

    Promote circulation, the subtraction grease thereby thin body.

  7. 什么产品瘦腿瘦身最有效?

    What is the most effective weightloss product stovepipe

  8. 资生堂紧致瘦身凝胶

    Shiseido Body Creator Aromatic Gel

  9. 今春,牛仔裤仍旧是瘦身的。

    Jeans are still slim fit this spring.

  10. 健康的瘦身才是追求的目标。

    The healthy thin body is target seek.

  11. 佐伊现在是一名瘦身顾问。

    Today she is a slimming consultant.

  12. 你可以穿上你的瘦身牛仔裤了。

    You'll be able to fit into your skinny jeans.

  13. 大卫决定瘦身, 过著健康的生活。

    David made up his mind to lose weight and keep a healthy life.

  14. 你认为瘦身文化有对你构成压力吗?

    Do you feel pressure under the sliming culture

  15. 千百惠瘦身带有副作用吗 它有用吗

    Does thin body of 100 thousand benefit contain effect Is it useful

  16. 瘦身轻酒缺乏强大还是可取的特点。

    Thin light liquor lacking any strong or desirable characteristics.

  17. 瘦身不只是被我们当作自动成为适合!

    Simply being thin does not automatically qualify us as fit!

  18. 没完没了的追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  19. 没完没了得追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  20. 没完没了的追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。

    The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good.

  21. 针对小我私人环境选择适合得瘦身方法。

    According to individual circumstance to select a suitable method reducing weight.

  22. 针对小我私人环境选择适合的瘦身方法。

    According to individual circumstance to select a suitable method reducing weight.

  23. 裁员将使其瘦身, 但也会大伤其元气。

    The job cuts will make it leaner but also hurt morale.

  24. 有神奇减肥效果的瘦身点心是一个骗局。

    Slimming snacks that offer miraculous weight loss are a con.

  25. 我的瘦身运动总是三天打鱼两天晒网。

    My slimming attempts tend to go in fits and starts.

  26. 她已经做了13次手术,包括一次腹部瘦身整形手术。

    Shed undergone13 operations, including a tummy tuck.

  27. 负疚感又来了, 但这只会有利我瘦身。

    The guilt has begun to kick in but it merely serves to gird my loins.

  28. 香蕉也有排除水分得效果, 是最佳瘦身水果。

    Bananas are also out of the water, is the best slimming fruit.

  29. 香蕉也有排除水分的效果,是最佳瘦身水果。

    Bananas are also out of the water, is the best slimming fruit.

  30. 罗马尼亚一位主教谕令他统管的神父瘦身减肥。

    Romanian bishop has ordered his priests to lose weight.


  1. 问:瘦身拼音怎么拼?瘦身的读音是什么?瘦身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦身的读音是shòushēn,瘦身翻译成英文是 To lose weight To reduce one's weight and make one...

  2. 问:瘦身拟食鲷拼音怎么拼?瘦身拟食鲷的读音是什么?瘦身拟食鲷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦身拟食鲷的读音是shòushēnnǐshídiāo,瘦身拟食鲷翻译成英文是 Slender Mbuna; Pseudotopheus elongatus

  3. 问:瘦身食土鲷拼音怎么拼?瘦身食土鲷的读音是什么?瘦身食土鲷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦身食土鲷的读音是shòushēnshítǔdiāo,瘦身食土鲷翻译成英文是 Slender Geophagus; Geophagus daemon

  4. 问:瘦身维纳斯鲷拼音怎么拼?瘦身维纳斯鲷的读音是什么?瘦身维纳斯鲷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦身维纳斯鲷的读音是shòushēnwéinàsīdiāo,瘦身维纳斯鲷翻译成英文是 Slender Cichlid; Cyprichromis leptosoma



“瘦身”是个多义词,它可以指瘦身(中国香港麦子善导演电影), 瘦身(一般意义的瘦身)。