







汉语拼音:líng chén








  1. 迫近天亮的时光;清晨,清早。

    北周 王褒 《入朝守门开》诗:“凤池通复道,严驾早凌晨。” 唐 徐敞 《白露为霜》诗:“入夜飞清景,凌晨积素光。” 唐 杜甫 《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》:“凌晨过 驪山 ,御榻在嵽嵲。” 元 马祖常 《驾发上京》诗:“苍龙对闕夹天閽,秋驾凌晨出国门。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·劳山道士》:“其门人甚众,薄暮毕集。 王 俱与稽首,遂留观中。凌晨,道士呼 王 去,授以斧,使随众採樵。” 峻青 《壮志录》:“现在,当我写完了这篇短文的时候,已是凌晨四点钟了。”

  2. 淩晨:天快亮的时候;清晨。

    清 冯桂芬 《潘母张太夫人墓志铭》:“凌晨盥潄毕,易新衣,有顷,遂不语。”



  1. The problem was that McGovern began to talk at 2: 48 a. m. , or prime time in Samoa, as the humorist Mark Shields quipped.


  2. The next morning, she saw a light on the front of her, so she knew that she was nearing the shoreside as the light was on a high cliff.


  3. It is not unusual for the scientist to go to bed at two or three in the morning.


  4. Now ask yourself: If it were 2 in the morning, and you were in trouble, who would you want to see on your doorstep?


  5. The flock, which had been abandoned by their former owner, prowled the streets in a pack and would begin crowing at 0400 BST each morning.


  6. It was 3 a. m. when a 95-year-old Bartlesville woman heard somebody break the glass on her front door and push the door open.


  7. When I think would be perfectly good because If I have been trying to ring BT at two o'clock in the morning, yes it may have taken hours.


  8. There are enough men prepared to make an early morning start for the sake of an open-air job with a fair measure of freedom.


  9. We finished the "Star Sign Guide To Your Legs" by 4 a. m. Downtown was an empty set. I felt like a New York copywriter now as I drove home.


  1. 凌晨四时。

    Four in the Morning.

  2. 凌晨几小时

    In The Wee Small Hours.

  3. 凌晨2点睡觉。

    At two in the morning.

  4. 凌晨3点/ 早上7点

    at 3 o'clock/ 7 o'clock in the morning

  5. 现在凌晨三点。

    It's three in the morning.

  6. 现在凌晨三点。

    It's three in the morning.

  7. 凌晨一两点钟

    the wee hours of the morning.

  8. 现在是凌晨3点整。

    Its three oclock in the morning.

  9. 是否能工作到凌晨

    Are you staying up until the wee hours.

  10. 他於星期日凌晨逝世。

    He died in the early hours of Sunday morning

  11. 现在是凌晨零点十分。

    It's ten minutes after midnight.

  12. 在凌晨发起了进攻。

    The attack happened in the early hours of the morning.

  13. 凌晨一, 二, 三点钟

    the wee hours of the morning.

  14. 他于星期天凌晨去世。

    He died in the early hours of Sunday morning.

  15. 凌晨一,二,三点钟。

    The wee hours of the morning.

  16. 他常常到凌晨才睡觉。

    He often stays up late till the wee hours.

  17. 他们在凌晨打响了战斗。

    They took the field at dawn.

  18. 凌晨三点应该可以完成

    I mean,Cristina,no.It's not working.

  19. 那个患者是凌晨断气的

    The patient expired early this morning.

  20. 我喜欢凌晨破晓的天空。

    I like the early morning dawn sky.

  21. 我们能赶上凌晨的火车。

    We can catch the early morning train.

  22. 星期四深夜或星期五凌晨

    either late Thursday night or early Friday morning.

  23. 下议院凌晨3点还在开会。

    The House of Commons was sitting at 3 a.m.

  24. 凌晨4点钟,伞兵们开始跳伞。

    At 4 a.m. parachuters began to jump.

  25. 离凌晨只有十五秒了

    Fifteen seconds to midnight.

  26. 下议院在凌晨3点还在开会。

    The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 a. m.

  27. 我们凌晨3时才上床睡觉。

    We didnt get to bed till 3 am.

  28. 凌晨三点你在干什么?

    What are you doing at the unholy hour of three in the morning ?

  29. 那地方几点关门,凌晨吧

    That place closes at, what, like midnight?

  30. 战斗是在24日凌晨开始得。

    The battle started on the early morning of the24th.


  1. 问:凌晨拼音怎么拼?凌晨的读音是什么?凌晨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凌晨的读音是língchén,凌晨翻译成英文是 before daybreak



“凌晨”是个多义词,它可以指凌晨(小说《凌天传说》女主角), 凌晨(汉语词语), 凌晨(当代作家), 凌晨(中国传媒大学南广学院教授), 凌晨(安徽大学文学院副教授), 凌晨(富春江书画院院长)。