







汉语拼音:xiān hé








  1. 《礼记·学记》:“三王之祭川也,皆先河而后海,或源也,或委也,此之谓务本。”后以先河指本源、根本。

    清 钱谦益 《右春坊右中允兼翰林院编修周延儒授承德郎制》之三:“先河之报,或委或原,绍闻衣德,是诚在尔。” 清 赵翼 《寄题同年项任田青田居祠堂》诗:“探源溯先河,访逸搜 小酉 。”

  2. 称凡事创导于先者。

    清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷一:“世皆以《四库》书成,归功 纪 陆 ,不知学士(指 朱筠 )其先河也。” 孙中山 《祭夏重民文》:“觥觥我 粤 ,革命先河。”



  1. The court approved his applications after careful consideration. This was the first case in which interest was earned from bail money.

  2. Kongzi explained' rites' with 'benevolence', and started to pursue the legitimacy foundation from the point of humanity.

  3. "A famous classic elegant enterprises, Yuan Shu-yin extensive peer precedent, " Ya-tomorrow is an azure blue sky, is an ideal When the sky.

  4. Which American political party was the first to hold a national presidential nominating convention, complete with platform?

  5. we introduce it after passed the test of a notarization line (SGS, ITS) , which founded the domestic beginning of a matter.

  6. In 2000, Pudong District Court of Shanghai released a judgement, in which a E-mail message was taken as an evidence firstly by the Court.

  7. An Amanin brokered the sale of captive rivals to the Imperials as slave, opening up the Amanin to that despicable trade.

  8. Beijing Olympic TV broadcasting is unprecedented in the history of Olympic TV broadcasting in terms of HDTV surround sound live broadcast.

  9. This report is unique in that it has comprehensively canvassed the views of the fishermen themselves.


  1. 蒂托开太空旅游先河

    First Space Tourist Tito Went to ISS

  2. 但它的确开创了先河。

    But this did establish a precedent.

  3. 长春先河装饰材料制造有限公司。

    Changchun Xianhe Ornament Material Manufacture Co., Ltd.

  4. 这幅作品开创了印象派得先河。

    This composition anticipates impressionism.

  5. 这幅作品开创了印象派的先河。

    This composition anticipates impressionism.

  6. 首开先河者斩获了丰厚的回报。

    The pioneers have reaped tremendous rewards.

  7. 这些网站开创了社交网络服务的先河。

    The websites set the trend for social networking services.

  8. 理由颠覆传统思维,开师生恋之先河。

    Reason Subvert the traditional ideas, and start the love between teachers and students.

  9. 埃尔韦斯普雷斯利开创了流行音乐的先河。

    Elvis Presley blazed a trail in pop music.

  10. 这份报告开创先河, 详细分析渔民本身得意见。

    This report is unique in that it has comprehensively canvassed the views of the fishermen themselves.

  11. 这份报告开创先河,详细分析渔民本身的意见。

    This report is unique in that it has comprehensively canvassed the views of the fishermen themselves.

  12. 他被公认是文艺复兴艺术中现实主义的开先河者。

    He is commonly considered the first of the realists in Renaissance art.

  13. 他开创了古希腊哲学研究从天上到人间的先河。

    He initiated the harbinger of Greek philosophy research from heaven to earth.

  14. 海事强制令制度的建立开创了我国行为保全的先河。

    The establishment of the Maritime Injunction was unprecedented in China's preservation of behaviors.

  15. 正是基督教开创了用灵魂得悲歌取代尘世之思得先河。

    It is Christianity that began substituting the tragedy of the soul for contemplation of the world.

  16. 正是基督教开创了用灵魂的悲歌取代尘世之思的先河。

    It is Christianity that began substituting the tragedy of the soul for contemplation of the world.

  17. 就全国的木刻运动而言,客家人在诸多方面开了先河。

    Hakka people once played a positive role in the woodcut movement.

  18. 这一新的想法于1791年在捷克的布拉格首开先河。

    In1791, the new idea was used in prague, Czechic.

  19. 我国1987年海关法首开先河,对单位犯罪作出了相关规定。

    First law in China prescribing unit crime Custom Law in 1987.

  20. 我们完全可以说, 赶州桥首开了敞肩拱式桥型得先河。

    We can say that it is Zhaozhou Bridge that marks the advent of the openspandrel bridge.

  21. 我们完全可以说,赶州桥首开了敞肩拱式桥型的先河。

    We can say that it is Zhaozhou Bridge that marks the advent of the openspandrel bridge.

  22. 首先,本文首开先河地对这一工艺过程进行了清楚的表述。

    This article was, foremost, the first unambiguous demonstration of the process.

  23. 它的重要意义在于,这是开了用水辅注射制造消费品的先河。

    What makes this significant is that it is one of the first consumer applications for WIT.

  24. 谭氏对名教纲常的激烈批判,开五四反传统主义之先河。

    Tam on the Norm Tsunatsune fierce criticism, open 52 antitraditionalism of the first of its kind.


  1. 问:先河拼音怎么拼?先河的读音是什么?先河翻译成英文是什么?

    答:先河的读音是xiānhé,先河翻译成英文是 start





【拼音】 xiān hé

【注音】ㄒㄧㄢ ㄏㄜˊ

【英译】 [anything that is advocated earlier]

【基本解释】 古代以黄河为海的本源,因而帝王先祭河,后祭海,后来称倡导作用的事物为先河 三王之祭川也,皆先河而后海。——《礼记·学记》 宋世学问之盛, 安定、 泰山为之先河。—— 清· 黄宗羲《宋元学案》 详细解释整体解释 《礼记·学记》:“三王之祭川也,皆先河而后海。”古代认为黄河是海的本源,帝王祭祀时,先祭黄河而后祭海。唐代传奇开后代小说的先河。