







汉语拼音:hán lěng








  1. 温度低;感觉温度低。

    唐太宗 《初秋夜坐》诗:“寒冷鸿飞疾,园秋蝉噪迟。”《水浒传》第二二回:“那廊下有一个大汉,因害疟疾,当不住那寒冷,把一锨火在那里向。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部三:“ 汤阿英 跨进 朱 家的门,迎接她的是饥饿和寒冷。” 徐迟 《真迹》:“我又看了几件玉器和一把放在白缎子上的铜斧。后者有虎形图案,色泽寒冷,布满斑斓的铜绿。”



  1. It was a cold still afternoon with a hard steely sky overhead, when he slipped out of the warm parlour into the open air.


  2. A cup of hot tea in the cool English climate has been a favorite of the British ever since Assam tea was discovered in India.


  3. So he stood outside the door in the New England winter chill, asking people walking in to say they were there to see him.


  4. Ant and grasshopper On a cold, frosty day an ant was dragging out some of the corn which he had laid up in the summertime, to dry it .


  5. a heavy snow was falling - a fine picking , whipping snow , borne forward by a swift wind in long , thin lines.


  6. to him, it was as though an Arctic explorer had expressed a fear that the weather might turn cold.


  7. The key to being ready to race in warmer weather when you're training in the cold weather is to get acclimatized to warm weather.


  8. With the attachment of the winter snow would not melt, then thoroughly cold, people were always the cold of winter and did not leave.


  9. His hair and clothes were whitened with snow, and his sharp cannibal teeth, revealed by cold and wrath, gleamed through the dark.


  1. 寒冷刺骨。

    A chill pierced into the marrow.

  2. 寒冷不多。

    Hanz nit mbouj lai.

  3. 寒冷的早晨

    a sharp morning.

  4. 寒冷的冬月

    a cold wintry moon.

  5. 我喜欢寒冷

    Oh, I love the cold.

  6. 寒冷的东风

    a cold easterly wind.

  7. 仲冬的寒冷

    the chill of midwinter.

  8. 寒冷损伤, 冻伤

    cold injury

  9. 天气寒冷刺骨

    it's bitterly cold

  10. 天气寒冷至极

    It was incredibly cold.

  11. 有些地方寒冷。

    In places it is cold.

  12. 天气十分寒冷。

    It was bitterly cold.

  13. 空气极度寒冷。

    The air was deadly cold.

  14. 空气寒冷刺骨。

    There is a nip in the air.

  15. 今天极其寒冷。

    It is extremely cold today.

  16. 北风寒冷刺骨。

    The north wind was bitter and deadly cold.

  17. 坐在寒冷之中?

    And sit here cold?

  18. 住在寒冷地带

    lives in a cold climate.

  19. 寒冷的气温低的

    Having a low temperature.

  20. 冬湿寒冷气候

    cold climate with moisture winter.

  21. 他对寒冷过敏。

    He is hypersensitive to cold.

  22. 我最讨厌寒冷。

    Above all else I hate the cold.

  23. 寒冷阴沉的拂晓

    the chill grey dawn

  24. 极其寒冷或严寒

    Severely sharp cold or frost.

  25. 我受不了这寒冷。

    I cannot stand the cold.

  26. 今天寒冷和多云。

    It's cold and cloudy today.

  27. 我觉得寒冷刺骨。

    I felt frozen to the marrow.

  28. 天气阴沉而寒冷。

    The day was chill and sombre.

  29. 他感到寒冷刺骨。

    The cold pierced him to the bone.

  30. 冬季的寒冷季风,

    The winter monsoon flow brings very cold


  1. 问:寒冷拼音怎么拼?寒冷的读音是什么?寒冷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷的读音是hánlěng,寒冷翻译成英文是 cold

  2. 问:寒冷性拼音怎么拼?寒冷性的读音是什么?寒冷性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷性的读音是hán lěng xìng,寒冷性翻译成英文是 chill-coma

  3. 问:寒冷感拼音怎么拼?寒冷感的读音是什么?寒冷感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷感的读音是hán lěng gǎn,寒冷感翻译成英文是 creeping chill

  4. 问:寒冷病拼音怎么拼?寒冷病的读音是什么?寒冷病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷病的读音是hán lěng bìng,寒冷病翻译成英文是 cryopathy

  5. 问:寒冷的拼音怎么拼?寒冷的的读音是什么?寒冷的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷的的读音是,寒冷的翻译成英文是 bitterer

  6. 问:寒冷刺激拼音怎么拼?寒冷刺激的读音是什么?寒冷刺激翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷刺激的读音是hán lěng cì jī,寒冷刺激翻译成英文是 cold stimulation; cold stimulus

  7. 问:寒冷型疟拼音怎么拼?寒冷型疟的读音是什么?寒冷型疟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷型疟的读音是hán lěng xíng nüè,寒冷型疟翻译成英文是 algid malaria

  8. 问:寒冷席藻拼音怎么拼?寒冷席藻的读音是什么?寒冷席藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷席藻的读音是hánlěngxízǎo,寒冷席藻翻译成英文是 Phormidium frigidum

  9. 问:寒冷恐怖拼音怎么拼?寒冷恐怖的读音是什么?寒冷恐怖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷恐怖的读音是,寒冷恐怖翻译成英文是 psychrophobia

  10. 问:寒冷指数拼音怎么拼?寒冷指数的读音是什么?寒冷指数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷指数的读音是hán lěng zhǐ shù,寒冷指数翻译成英文是 coldness index

  11. 问:寒冷气候拼音怎么拼?寒冷气候的读音是什么?寒冷气候翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷气候的读音是hán lěng qì hòu,寒冷气候翻译成英文是 cold climate

  12. 问:寒冷变应性拼音怎么拼?寒冷变应性的读音是什么?寒冷变应性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷变应性的读音是hán lěng biàn yìng xìng,寒冷变应性翻译成英文是 cold allergy

  13. 问:寒冷西北风拼音怎么拼?寒冷西北风的读音是什么?寒冷西北风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷西北风的读音是,寒冷西北风翻译成英文是 mistral

  14. 问:寒冷不毛之地拼音怎么拼?寒冷不毛之地的读音是什么?寒冷不毛之地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷不毛之地的读音是hánlĕngbùmáozhīdì,寒冷不毛之地翻译成英文是 cold desert

  15. 问:寒冷天气演习拼音怎么拼?寒冷天气演习的读音是什么?寒冷天气演习翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷天气演习的读音是hán lěng tiān qì yǎn xí,寒冷天气演习翻译成英文是 Cold Weather Exercise

  16. 问:寒冷的沙漠气候拼音怎么拼?寒冷的沙漠气候的读音是什么?寒冷的沙漠气候翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷的沙漠气候的读音是hánlĕngdeshāmòqìhòu,寒冷的沙漠气候翻译成英文是 cold desert climate

  17. 问:寒冷地区试验中心拼音怎么拼?寒冷地区试验中心的读音是什么?寒冷地区试验中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷地区试验中心的读音是hán lěng dì qū shì yàn zhōng xīn,寒冷地区试验中心翻译成英文是 Cold Regions Test Center

  18. 问:寒冷适应性突变型拼音怎么拼?寒冷适应性突变型的读音是什么?寒冷适应性突变型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寒冷适应性突变型的读音是hán lěng shì yìng xìng tū biàn xíng,寒冷适应性突变型翻译成英文是 cold-adapted mutant


