


1. 纤 [xiān]2. 纤 [qiàn]纤 [xiān]细小:~人(卑鄙的小人)。~介(细微,细小。亦作“纤芥”)。~手(指女子细而柔嫩的手)。~尘。~~。~秀。~弱。~毫。~悉(细致而详尽)。~度(天然丝或化纤粗细的程度)。吝啬:~啬……





汉语拼音:xiān xiǎo








  1. 亦作“纎小”。细小。

    《南齐书·刘瓛传》:“ 瓛 姿状纤小。” 明 张纶 《林泉随笔》:“録中言 铁厓 、 杨廉夫 尝以宴饮中见歌儿舞女缠足纤小者,取其鞵擎盃以劝客,号为金莲盃。” 清 吴伟业 《子夜词》之一:“人采莲子青,妾采梧子黄,置身宛转中,纤小欢所尝。” 康有为 《大同书》乙部第一章:“以北五省之褊小而能容万国,其国土之纤小可以推矣。”



  1. She was petite2 and looked younger than her age, unusually pale but there was some glowing in her small eyes.


  2. Her fairy feet tripped along by her nurse's side, as if to the measure of some tune she had lately kept time to.


  3. I stretched out my left out, and on the palm I saw that there was a tiny exquisite kingfisher.


  4. But, if I can't forget, how can I carry such heavy load in this fragile body?


  5. Usually, plants perform photosynthesis by way of tiny organelles called plastids.


  6. He was sorry for the birds, especially the small delicate dark terns that were alawys flying and looking and almost never finding.


  7. For fear of losing you I hold you tight to me breast . what magic has snared the world's treasure in there slender arms of mine ?


  8. He's equally adept at playing gangsters, gentlemen, killers and cops, but in person one is stunned at how short and delicate Leung is.


  9. The mother could consider the weakness, smallness and beauty of life.


  1. 你每一点都比那纤瘦的小女人强

    What does that wispy little brat have that you dont have double

  2. 中药配合小剂量地高辛治疗老年快速型心房纤颤疗效观察

    Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Senile Rapid Atrial Fibrillation with Chinese Drugs in Combination with Digoxin in Small Dosage

  3. 小草亲吻她纤纤秀足。

    That kiss her dainty feet.

  4. 小鼠纤溶酶原信号肽

    Signal peptide of murine plasmingen

  5. 肾小管间质纤雏化

    tubulointerstitial fibrosis

  6. 小盾纤恙螨经卵传递病原体研究

    Study on Transovarian Transmission of Pathogen in Leptotrombidium scutellare

  7. 最小油膜厚度光纤测量系统得设计。

    Design on the minimum lubricating film thickness measurement system.

  8. 最小油膜厚度光纤测量系统的设计。

    Design on the minimum lubricating film thickness measurement system.

  9. 小剂量降纤酶治疗心绞痛的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Little Dose Defibrinogenase to Angina Pectoris

  10. 小玉伸出纤纤玉手, 接受了定婚戒指。

    Xiao Yu extended her nice thin hand, and accepted the engaging ring.

  11. 小玉伸出纤纤玉手,接受了定婚戒指。

    Xiao Yu extended her nice thin hand, and accepted the engaging ring.

  12. 调整两根光纤末端以减小接合损耗。

    Aligning the ends of two optical fibers with the aim of minimizing splice loss.

  13. 更小直径得光纤能在探测器中使用吗

    Can a smaller diameter fiber be used in the probe

  14. 更小直径的光纤能在探测器中使用吗?

    Can a smaller diameter fiber be used in the probe

  15. 做小纤度绞间偏差,提高双宫丝质量

    Decreasing Size Skein Deviation to Improve Quality of Double Cocoon Silk.

  16. 加强现场管理做小生丝纤度偏差和纤度最大偏差

    Strengthen Site Management to Minimize Size Deviation or Maximum Size Deviation of Raw Silk

  17. 基于连通器原理的小探头光纤液位传感器研究

    Study on a Small Probe Optical Liquid Level Sensor Based on the Connected Vessels

  18. 通过限制光纤的长度来减小温度对可见度函数的影响。

    We canlimit fiber length to minis temperature influence of visibility function.

  19. 基于小波阈值滤波的光纤比色测温仪的信号处理

    Signal Processing of Optic Cable Colorimetric Thermometer with Threshold Filtering of Wavelet

  20. 使用纤长睫毛膏后,一定要再用小刷子将睫毛梳开。

    Lengthening mascara to use, be sure to brush the eyelash comb and then a small opening.

  21. 拱坝小比尺石膏模型裂缝定位的分布式光纤传感技术

    Distributed optical fiber sensing technology for crack detection in the small scale plaster model test of arch dam

  22. 龙津降纤酶对小血管吻合口内皮细胞愈合的影响

    Influence of Longjin defibrase on endothelial healing at anastomosis site of small vessels

  23. 猫的个头不大,身形纤美,有着精致的小脑袋和美丽的斑纹。

    The cat was a tiny thing, exquisitely formed, with a delicate skull and beautiful markings.

  24. 光纤的非晶质玻璃中,原子为随机排列,因此拉曼效应相当小。

    The random atomic arrangement in the amorphous glass of optical fibers keeps the Raman effect small.


  1. 问:纤小拼音怎么拼?纤小的读音是什么?纤小翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小的读音是xiānxiǎo,纤小翻译成英文是 fine; tenuous; tiny

  2. 问:纤小的拼音怎么拼?纤小的的读音是什么?纤小的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小的的读音是,纤小的翻译成英文是 minikin

  3. 问:纤小囊鼠拼音怎么拼?纤小囊鼠的读音是什么?纤小囊鼠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小囊鼠的读音是xiānxiǎonángshǔ,纤小囊鼠翻译成英文是 Little pocket mouse; Perognathus longimembr...

  4. 问:纤小大锥蚤拼音怎么拼?纤小大锥蚤的读音是什么?纤小大锥蚤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小大锥蚤的读音是xiānxiǎodàzhuīzǎo,纤小大锥蚤翻译成英文是 Macrostylophora exilia

  5. 问:纤小猕猴桃拼音怎么拼?纤小猕猴桃的读音是什么?纤小猕猴桃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小猕猴桃的读音是xiānxiǎomíhóutáo,纤小猕猴桃翻译成英文是 Actinidia gracilis

  6. 问:纤小裸掌沙鼠拼音怎么拼?纤小裸掌沙鼠的读音是什么?纤小裸掌沙鼠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小裸掌沙鼠的读音是xiānxiǎoluǒzhǎng shāshǔ,纤小裸掌沙鼠翻译成英文是 Taterillus gracilis

  7. 问:纤小马尾松鼠拼音怎么拼?纤小马尾松鼠的读音是什么?纤小马尾松鼠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小马尾松鼠的读音是xiānxiǎo mǎwěisōngshǔ,纤小马尾松鼠翻译成英文是 Slender squirrel; Sundasciurus tenuis

  8. 问:纤小大锥蚤种团拼音怎么拼?纤小大锥蚤种团的读音是什么?纤小大锥蚤种团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纤小大锥蚤种团的读音是xiānxiǎodàzhuīzǎozhǒngtuán,纤小大锥蚤种团翻译成英文是 exilia-group



xiān xiǎo 纤小(纤小) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 亦作“纎小”。细小。《南齐书·刘瓛传》:“ 瓛 姿状纤小。” 明 张纶 《林泉随笔》:“录中言 铁厓 、 杨廉夫 尝以宴饮中见歌儿舞女缠足纤小者,取其鞵擎杯以劝客,号为金莲杯。” 清 吴伟业 《子夜词》之一:“人采莲子青,妾采梧子黄,置身宛转中,纤小欢所尝。” 康有为 《大同书》乙部第一章:“以北五省之褊小而能容万国,其国土之纤小可以推矣。”