


1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……





汉语拼音:xǐ shuàn







  1. 指洗涤衣物。

    萧乾 《一本褪色的相册》五:“她为我洗涮缝补。”



  1. But she was amazed to see an African Grey Congo parrot perched on a water butt as she hung out washing in the garden.


  2. Unfortunately neither the water nor electricity were flowing at the time of our arrival, so a much-needed wash-up had to be postponed.


  3. Sunday morning, we washed and dressed Tom, but took him directly to the living room recliner , skipping the dining room part of the routine.


  4. Before we had done cleaning out the round-house, a breeze sprang up from a little to the east of north.


  5. Install a gray-water system that collects soapy water and diverts it to the toilet.


  6. Sometimes people forget to turn the water off after they wash.


  7. I was doing some washing at my aunt's yesterday afternoon.


  8. I know there's a social expectation that I should be using a mug that I wash and reuse each time instead of throwing away a paper cup.


  9. Does the groom substantially help with the housework, cleaning, and cooking?


  1. 他拿出餐具并洗涮它们。

    He took out the dishes and washed them.

  2. 把蔬菜放在水龙头下洗涮干净。

    Give the vegetables a good rinse with running water.

  3. 把蔬菜放在自来水龙头下洗涮干净。

    Give the vegetables a good rinse with running water.

  4. 昨天下午我在我婶母家干些洗涮活。

    I was doing some washing at my aunt's yesterday afternoon.

  5. 他们渴望着一次洗涮耻辱,报仇的机会。

    They pant for an opportunity of revenging that humiliation.

  6. 我自己早上起来没洗涮, 我自己站在大镜子前看自己。

    Up in the morning I did not clean slate, I am standing at the front of the mirror to see themselves.

  7. 每次洗涮完后手上都会脱皮是什么原因?

    Wash rinse to be over every time what reason is desquamate of the metropolis defensive position ?

  8. 槽各种家用或工业用的类似容器,如用于揉面或洗涮

    Any of various similar containers for domestic or industrial use,such as kneading or washing.

  9. 坐在热水浴缸内闲谈并彼此用番笕洗涮后背是爽极的。

    It was great sitting in the hot tub chatting and soaping each others backs.

  10. 坐在热水浴缸内闲聊并彼此用肥皂洗涮后背是爽极的。

    It was great sitting in the hot tub chatting and soaping each other's backs.

  11. 清洗衣物时一定要把洗涤剂的泡沫涮洗干净。

    While washing clothes, one must rinse clean the foam of the detergent.

  12. 清洗衣物时一定要把洗涤剂的泡沫涮洗干净。

    While washing clothes, one must rinse clean the foam of the detergent.

  13. 清洗厨房算是一项家庭洗洗涮涮得重大工程。

    Kitchen cleaning is one of the biggest household cleaning chores.

  14. 清洗厨房算是一项家庭洗洗涮涮的重大工程。

    Kitchen cleaning is one of the biggest household cleaning chores.

  15. 清洗厨房算是一项家庭洗洗涮涮的重大工程。

    Kitchen cleaning is one of the biggest household cleaning chores.

  16. 什么缝缝补补,洗洗涮涮,都是奶奶的事儿。

    In our house it's grandma who does all the sewing, mending, washing and what not.

  17. 别只涮涮瓶子,要仔细地洗洗里面。

    Don't just rinse the bottles. Wash them out carefully.

  18. 诸如洗壶涮锅之类由佣人做的活

    Menial tasks such as washing pots and pans

  19. 安装一套中水回用系统, 把洗涮水收集起来供马桶使用。

    Install a graywater system that collects soapy water and diverts it to the toilet.


  1. 问:洗涮拼音怎么拼?洗涮的读音是什么?洗涮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洗涮的读音是xǐshuàn,洗涮翻译成英文是 to wash