







汉语拼音:yù yuán






  1. 园名。在 上海市 南市区 。建于 明 嘉靖 三十八年至 万历 五年(公元1559-1577年)。为 江 南著名园林。园内亭、台、楼、阁林立,曲廊回环,保持 明 清 建筑特色。其中 点春堂 是1853年小刀会起义时的指挥部。



  1. The next day we got up and headed for the Yew Gardens, another very famous tourist destination in Shanghai.


  2. What to see: Just outside Yu Garden in a pond graced by lotus plants and goldfish stands the Huxingting teahouse and a huge bazaar.


  3. Shanghai nanxiang steamed bread in a commercial centre, is one of the famous snacks in YuYuan garden shopping mall.


  4. When I was young, my parents always brought me to Yu Garden to celebrate the lantern festival which is one of its special landscapes.


  5. The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden bean in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money.


  6. Now, let me give a brief introduction of Yuyuan Garden . As far as I know , it was first established in 1559 as a.


  7. The Garden regained its splendor after several renovations starting from 1956.


  8. After the garden with the town god's temple, into its "West Garden. "


  9. Railroad Town god's temple in Shanghai and Yiyuan Shopping is such a place.


  1. 豫园有多远?

    How far the Yu Garden?

  2. 玉佛寺和豫园。

    The Jade Buddha Temple and the Yuyuan Garden.

  3. 豫园总是游人如云。

    Yu Garden is always crowded with tourists.

  4. 游览上海老街, 豫园

    Visit Yu Garden and Shanghai Old street Sunday

  5. 你确定你要去豫园吗

    Are you sure you want to visit Yu Garden.

  6. 那么豫园以什么著名呢?

    And what is the Yuyuan Garden famous for?

  7. 豫园购物中心总是非常拥挤。

    The Yu Garden Shopping Center is always very crowded.

  8. 豫园有很多出名的小吃。

    There are many famous snacks in the Yu Garden.

  9. 美国学生们在豫园做了什么?

    What did the American students do in Yu garden?

  10. 豫园总是游客如云,怎么说?

    The Yu Garden always attracts a lot of tourists.

  11. 到了豫园,我会告诉您的。

    When we reach the Yuyuan garden, I'll let you know.

  12. 游览江南四大名园之一的豫园。

    Sightsee the Yuyuan Garden, one of the four most southern gardens.

  13. 上海豫园商城房地产发展有限公司。

    Shanghai Yu Garden Commerce Plaza Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

  14. 豫园始建于1559年,面积约2公顷。

    Yu Yuan Garden was first Built in 1559 with an area of aBout 2 hectares.

  15. 这里是豫园最吸引游人的地方。

    Here, the Yuyuan Gardens are the main attraction.

  16. 豫园给人的是一种家的感觉。

    Yuyuan Restaurant offers guests a homelike feeling.

  17. 豫园和朱家角镇也非常美丽。

    Yu Garden and Zhujiajiao are also beautiful.

  18. 去豫园公园该乘公共汽车还是出租车?

    How shall we get to Yu Yuan garden, by bus or by taxi?

  19. 夏夜,豫园是最迷人的月色夜花园。

    The Yu Garden is the most enchanting moonlight garden at night in summer.

  20. 不管怎样,买到水后,我们去了豫园。

    Anyway after getting the water we went to the gardens.

  21. 每年的元宵灯会是豫园商城的保留节目。

    Lantern Festival each year is one of the highlights in Yu Garden.

  22. 豫园有30多个亭台楼阁, 风格似苏州园林。

    The Garden, reminiscent of those in Suzhou, features more than 30 halls and pavilions.

  23. 她疯了,我去过豫园,那没有威士忌酒吧!

    Hey crazy lady! There is no whiskey bar at Yu Garden, I've looked!

  24. 上海豫园,艺术家在制作剪纸的奥巴马头像。

    An artist makes a papercut portrait of US President Obama at the Yu Gardens in Shanghai.

  25. 从1956年开始,豫园经过多次修缮,重现其昔日光彩。

    The Garden regained its splendor after several renovations starting from 1956.

  26. 你可以在上海买梨糖粘贴在豫园店中店梨糖酱。

    You can buy pear sugar paste in the Shanghai Pear Sugar Paste shop in the Yuyuan Store.

  27. 上海豫园,艺术家在出售木雕的奥巴马头像作品。

    An artist displays woodcut portraits of US President Obama at the Yu Gardens in Shanghai.

  28. 上海老城厢内的城隍庙和豫园, 便是这样的一个地方。

    Railroad Town god's temple in Shanghai and Yiyuan Shopping is such a place.

  29. 豫园万丽充分融合了万丽悠久的传统以及海派文化精华。

    Yu Yuan Renaissance exemplifies a delightful fusion of Renaissance heritage and Shanghai local culture.

  30. 昨日一名外国游客在豫园很快进入了过节的氛围之中。

    A foreign visitor gets into the holiday mood at Shanghai's Yuyuan Garden yesterday.


  1. 问:豫园拼音怎么拼?豫园的读音是什么?豫园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豫园的读音是,豫园翻译成英文是 Yu Garden

  2. 问:豫园站拼音怎么拼?豫园站的读音是什么?豫园站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豫园站的读音是,豫园站翻译成英文是 Yuyuan Garden Station

  3. 问:豫园蛛拼音怎么拼?豫园蛛的读音是什么?豫园蛛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豫园蛛的读音是Yùyuánzhū,豫园蛛翻译成英文是 Araneus henanensis.

  4. 问:豫园商城拼音怎么拼?豫园商城的读音是什么?豫园商城翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豫园商城的读音是,豫园商城翻译成英文是 Yuyuan Tourist Mart