







汉语拼音:xiōng qián



  1. It was whispered , by those who peered after her , that the scarlet letter threw a lurid gleam along the dark passage way of the interior.


  2. If it's difficult, lie down on your left side, raise your knees up to your chest , then do it.


  3. Anna liked to drink whisky before they made love, and afterwards, she often held his head on her chest and stroked his hair.


  4. But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: "My hair grows so fast, Jim! "


  5. With her chin on her chest and her eyes staring down, the reluctant farm girl followed Margaret to the back of the somber room.


  6. She took the holy water on her fingertips and made the sign of the cross, fleetingly touched her wet fingertips to her parched lips.


  7. While his pale left hand was upon his chest in an attempt to thwart the going of his life, the blood came between his fingers.


  8. and then the two passed round to the rose trees, whence he gathered blossoms and gave her to put in her bosom.


  9. Chest bright red scarf will solemnly tell you that, "Today's journey has begun, and tomorrow's better to wait for you to open up. "


  1. 胸前送话器

    breast transmitter.

  2. 戴在胸前。

    Wear it on your chest.

  3. 胸前双手投篮

    chect shot

  4. 就在左胸前?

    In my front left pocket.

  5. 但胸前有齿印。

    But she has bite marks on her breasts.

  6. 她把手按在胸前。

    She put her hand on her heart.

  7. 佩于胸前的十字架

    a pectoral cross.

  8. 我感到胸前巨痛。

    I started feeling pains all over my chest.

  9. 但是在胸前的口袋。

    But in the lapel pocket.

  10. 他的头垂向胸前。

    His head sank forward on his breast.

  11. 他的胡须垂在胸前。

    His beard fell to his chest.

  12. 他把下巴缩到胸前

    He tucked his chin into his chest.

  13. 她偎依在他的胸前。

    She snuggled up to his chest.

  14. 但是在胸前的口袋袋

    but in the lapel pocket.

  15. 移到胸前,手腕别转。

    Over the heart, don't move the wrist.

  16. 我双手交叉抱在胸前。

    I fold my arms on my chest.

  17. 他正在他的胸前玩牌。

    He is playing his cards close to his chest.

  18. 两臂胸前交叉, 头下垂。

    Arms crossed on breast, head bowed.

  19. 你把它放在胸前了。

    You keep it in your cleavage.

  20. 而红字就在她胸前!

    And there was the scarlet letter on her breast!

  21. 她将孩子紧抱在胸前。

    She pressed her child to her heart.

  22. 她在胸前撒上了香水。

    She sprayed perfume over her chest.

  23. 她把孩子紧抱在胸前。

    She strained her child to her breast.

  24. 她将她的婴儿抱到胸前。

    She took her baby to her breast.

  25. 她把女儿紧抱在胸前。

    She clasped her daughter tightly to her breast.

  26. 他胸前佩带着一枚勋章。

    He is wearing a medal on his chest.

  27. 他胸前佩带着一枚勋章。

    He is wearing a medal on his chest.

  28. 这只鸟胸前有棕色斑点。

    The bird's breast flecked with brown.

  29. 她凝视着, 双手叉在胸前。

    She gazed, her clasped to her breast.

  30. 他把手按在胸前口袋上。

    He clapped his hand to his breast pocket.


  1. 问:胸前板拼音怎么拼?胸前板的读音是什么?胸前板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前板的读音是xiōng qián bǎn,胸前板翻译成英文是 presternal plate, pretosternum

  2. 问:胸前的拼音怎么拼?胸前的的读音是什么?胸前的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前的的读音是,胸前的翻译成英文是 prethoracic

  3. 问:胸前投篮拼音怎么拼?胸前投篮的读音是什么?胸前投篮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前投篮的读音是xiōng qián tóu lán,胸前投篮翻译成英文是 chest shot

  4. 问:胸前拖带拼音怎么拼?胸前拖带的读音是什么?胸前拖带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前拖带的读音是xiōng qián tuō dài,胸前拖带翻译成英文是 cross-chest carry

  5. 问:胸前神经拼音怎么拼?胸前神经的读音是什么?胸前神经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前神经的读音是xiōng qián shén jīng,胸前神经翻译成英文是 nervi thoracales anteriores, nervus pectorali...

  6. 问:胸前臂肌拼音怎么拼?胸前臂肌的读音是什么?胸前臂肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前臂肌的读音是xiōng qián bì jī,胸前臂肌翻译成英文是 musculus pectoantibrachialis

  7. 问:胸前淋巴结拼音怎么拼?胸前淋巴结的读音是什么?胸前淋巴结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前淋巴结的读音是xiōng qián lín bā jié,胸前淋巴结翻译成英文是 lymphonodus prepectoralis

  8. 问:胸前牛排肉拼音怎么拼?胸前牛排肉的读音是什么?胸前牛排肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前牛排肉的读音是xiōng qián niúpái ròu,胸前牛排肉翻译成英文是 Neck Chain

  9. 问:胸前心电描记法拼音怎么拼?胸前心电描记法的读音是什么?胸前心电描记法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸前心电描记法的读音是xiōng qián xīn diàn miáo jì fǎ,胸前心电描记法翻译成英文是 precordial electrocardiography



胸前是歌手徐良在早期时的一首中文歌曲作品,由徐良 作曲作词编曲及演唱。