


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……



汉语拼音:tuī xíng








  1. 推广施行。

    《尚书大传》卷五:“‘舜’者,推也,循也。言其推行道德,循 尧 绪也。” 宋 张载 《经学理窟·自道》:“世学泯没久矣,今试力推行之。” 清 梁章鉅 《退庵随笔·读史》:“ 延祐 申举而未遑, 天歷 推行而弗竟。” 毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》八:“利用行政力量,强制推行一种风格,一种学派,禁止另一种风格,另一种学派,我们认为会有害于艺术和科学的发展。”

  2. 推动物体向前。

    清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·史料二·谢忠愍公保卫天津》:“村民有弋鳧者,善用排枪,置小舟,上覆以席,推行水中,百发百中,僉呼之为雁户。”



  1. As the president continued his cross-country appeals on health care reform, partisan disagreements continued to echo on Capitol Hill.

  2. If the tightening does not happen it will not be due to any easing by the chancellor, but to an even worse than expected growth performance.

  3. The notice is an attempt to push through a policy decided more than a year ago but delayed partly because of resistance from PC makers.

  4. Why Is All-round Quality Control Hard to Be Introduced into College?

  5. Vice general manager should make sure that the policy ramps through the company and keeps manpower, money and material available for it.

  6. Its aim is nothing less than to draw up an internationally agreed framework ofr decentralization and the practice of local democracy.

  7. The ethnic hatred seems to have been pushed aside and now people are pushing a common agenda and pursuing economic survival.

  8. The International Monetary Fund also said it stands ready to join the support program, including through a multi-year loan.

  9. The guidelines are being tested at the moment; UBS may roll them out for employees at retail banks around Switzerland, Reuters reports.


  1. 加紧进行, 推行

    press ahead with

  2. 推行政务公开

    make government more open

  3. 推行实施畅通无阻

    Doors open on command.

  4. 强制推行和平解决

    Impose a peace settlement.

  5. 社会责任推行困境

    dilemma of CSR fulfillment

  6. 西樵推行绿色印染

    The Xi Qiao area is initiating the green printing and dyeing process

  7. 推行风险担保势在必行

    Its imperative to impel risk guarantee

  8. 工作正顺利全速推行。

    The work is in full swing.

  9. 推行和规范家庭林场

    Carring out and Standardizing the Family Forest Farm

  10. 建筑工程保险亟待推行

    Getting Ready For Construction Insurance

  11. 强制推行和平解决参见

    impose a peace settlement.See Synonyms at dictate

  12. 推行员工绩效管理系统。

    Launched staff performance management system.

  13. 浅谈推行全面预算管理

    Brief talk about pushing of total budgetary management

  14. 我们大力推行了土地改革。

    We have pushed forward with land reform.

  15. 他巧妙地推行他的计划。

    He pushed his plan cleverly.

  16. 王安石变法, 推行新政。

    Wang Anshi and initiated new policies.

  17. 如何更有效地推行启发?

    How to run Alpha effectively ?

  18. 推行最低小时工资标准

    Introduce a minimum hourly wage system

  19. 他强制性地推行了改革。

    He railroaded the reforms through.

  20. 依法推行清洁生产的探讨

    On Clean Produce by Law

  21. 推行侗文社会效果论略

    Many Good Social Results in Using Kam Script Since New China

  22. 认真推行政务公开制度。

    We should conscientiously implement the system of making government affairs known to the public.

  23. 政府已决定推行其计划。

    The government has decided to go ahead with its plan.

  24. 设计监理应予强力推行

    Design Management System Should Put Strongly into Operation

  25. 政府拟推行私有化计划

    The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plan

  26. 这个计划由该委员会推行。

    The plan was set forward by the committee.

  27. 设备初期管理的推行方法

    Early equipment maintenance implementation methodologies

  28. 浅议推行招生政务公开

    A Shallow Discussion about Carrying out Admissions Government Affairs Public

  29. 主任在推行他的新政策

    And the chief's on his new thing.

  30. 在公司内部推行持续改善。

    Carry out continuous improvement actions in the company.


  1. 问:推行拼音怎么拼?推行的读音是什么?推行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推行的读音是tuīxíng,推行翻译成英文是 implement



tuī xíng 1.推广施行。

《尚书大传》卷五:“‘舜’者,推也,循也。言其推行道德,循尧绪也。” 宋·张载《经学理窟·自道》:“世学泯没久矣,今试力推行之。” 清·梁章钜《退庵随笔·读史》:“ 延佑申举而未遑, 天历推行而弗竟。” 毛泽东《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》八:“利用行政力量,强制推行一种风格,一种学派,禁止另一种风格,另一种学派,我们认为会有害于艺术和科学的发展。” 2.推动物体向前。清·薛福成 《庸盦笔记·史料二·谢忠愍公保卫天津》:“村民有弋凫者,善用排枪,置小舟,上覆以席,推行水中,百发百中,佥呼之为雁户。”