







汉语拼音:zhuān diāo






  1. 一种雕刻工艺品。用凿和木锤在砖上钻打出各种人物、花卉等图像,作为建筑物上某一部位的装饰品。种类有浮雕、多层雕、堆砖等。以 北京 、 安徽 、 浙江 、 山西 、 江苏 等地所产较出名。



  1. Gate toward the east, sit on the top, with a tall among the doorways and abutted city gate opposite is brick 100 longevity figure screens.


  2. The steles , and the preservation of the temple building is still good, brick, stone carving, wood carving is extremely fine.


  3. If approved, people hoping to become Lanzhou beef noodles chefs and Linxia brick carvers must first pass the exam before qualifying to work.


  4. The clay, wooden or stone statues were sculptured carefully with the techniques including the hollow-out, relief and flat carving.


  5. The brick sculpture The remaining exquisite brick sculpture on the top of the gate.


  6. Column preservation Song Dynasty murals, Zhuandiaodougong, painted ceilings .


  7. But the move in the new environment after burial preserved process again appeared brick crisp painted pastel colors fade etc new problems.


  8. The brick, and the Song dynasty, "to create a French" is contained in line is China's ancient buildings in the history of valuable material.


  9. The carvings include wood carvings, stone carvings and brick carvings.


  1. 砖雕遗存现状

    current situation of brick arts

  2. 宁夏砖雕历史

    history of brick carving in Ningxia

  3. 河州砖雕影响

    Hezhou brick arts influence

  4. 修定寺塔砖雕

    brick sculptures on pagoda of Xiuding Temple.

  5. 元代砖雕壁画墓

    the bricked mural tomb of the Yuan Dynasty

  6. 精制的室外砖雕装饰

    ornamented on the exterior with finely carved bricks

  7. 查济古民居的砖雕艺术

    Brick Carving Art of Zhaji Folk Houses

  8. 我在研究这里的砖雕啊。

    I'm studying this brick carving here.

  9. 苏州砖雕的遗迹与风格

    Relics and Style of the Brick Sculpture in Suzhou

  10. 苏州砖雕的源流与艺术特点

    The Origin and the Artistic Feature of Suzhou Brick Engraving

  11. 大牛, 你看那边墙上的砖雕。

    Daniel, look at the brick carvings over there.

  12. 即雕刻包括了木雕, 石雕, 砖雕。

    The carvings include wood carvings, stone carvings and brick carvings.

  13. 河州砖雕的题材, 构图和工艺初探

    Preliminary Study on the Theme Composition of Hezhou Brick Carving Craft

  14. 徽州传统建筑砖雕中的灰塑工艺研究

    A Study on the Clay Sculpture in Huizhou Traditional Brick Carving.

  15. 砖雕过去大户人家门头上遗留的精美砖雕。

    The brick sculpture The remaining exquisite brick sculpture on the top of the gate.

  16. 在艺术上, 砖雕远近均可观赏, 具有完整的效果。

    In the arts, the brick may be viewing distance, with complete results.

  17. 塔座周围有砖雕歌舞伎,是辽代砖雕艺术的珍品。

    Tazuo surrounded by brick Kabuki is a Liao Dynasty brick art treasures.

  18. 中殿佛台有砖雕,纹饰多样细致,雕刻刀法熟练。

    Buddhist Temple of Taiwan have the brick, decoration and meticulous diverse, skilled graver law.

  19. 这幅绘画真实地反映了当年的砖雕,石刻的制造过程。

    This picture is a real record of the process of brick and stone carvings at that time.

  20. 砖雕艺术是中华民族传统民间艺术百花园中的一朵奇葩。

    Art of brick carving is an important component part of traditional folk art in China.

  21. 在我大牛看过的塔里面就属它的砖雕最精美。

    Of all the pagodas I've seen, this one has the most beautiful relief carvings.

  22. 庙内碑石及建筑保存尚好,砖雕,石雕,木雕极为精细。

    The steles, and the preservation of the temple building is still good, brick, stone carving, wood carving is extremely fine.

  23. 临夏砖雕是临夏州民族民间文化艺术中的一朵绚丽奇葩。

    Linxia Linxia brick is the state folk arts and culture in a brilliant wonderful work.

  24. 他除了擅长木雕之外,石雕、砖雕、牙雕等无一不精。

    He besides excels at the woodcarving, the stone carving, the brick carving, the ivory carving and so on every kind are skilled in.

  25. 发现于荥阳杜常村的砖雕墓,其时代属金代早中期。

    The sculptured brick tomb at Duchangcun, Xingyang County belongs to the early or middle period of Jin Dynasty.


  1. 问:砖雕拼音怎么拼?砖雕的读音是什么?砖雕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砖雕的读音是zhuāndiāo,砖雕翻译成英文是 brick carving


