


1. 苦 [kǔ]苦 [kǔ]像胆汁或黄连的滋味,与“甘”相对:甘~。~胆。~瓜。感觉难受的:~境。~海(原为佛教用语,后喻很苦的环境)。~闷。含辛茹~。吃~耐劳。~恼。为某种事所苦:~雨。~旱。~夏。~于(a.对某种情况感到苦脑;b.表示……





汉语拼音:kǔ yú








  1. 为某种情况所苦恼。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七九回:“去年又想闹阔了,然而苦于没有题目,穷思极想,才想得一个法子,是给他娘做阴寿。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致王志之》:“青年作家大抵苦于生活,倘有佳作,只能就近卖稿。” 洪深 《戏剧导演的初步知识》上篇四:“譬如抑扬的腔调非不悦耳,而观众苦于不能听出字句的意义。”



  1. by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday.


  2. I doubt that, having suffered obscurity for the first forty years of his life, he really enjoyed the later fluctuations of his reputation.


  3. A strong yen could hurt Japan's export-led economy as it struggles with slow growth and the aftermath of the March earthquake and tsunami.


  4. Everyone knows that drink too much physical injury, but often they suffer from alcohol did not obstruct a good way.


  5. His voice expressed the frustration he felt at being unable to put his feeling into words .


  6. The company suffers from the volatility of sales at its own restaurants, but can rely on steady income from franchisees.


  7. Airlines fear that this behavior will stick, exacerbating the "new normal" the industry has been grappling with for the past eight years.


  8. The Java language has long suffered from escalating complexity because the base object model is not flexible enough to be extended.


  9. Asked to measure whether a crown was made of pure gold, the Sicilian Greek Archimedes (3rd Century BC) puzzled over a solution.


  1. 他苦于痛风

    He is sorely afflicted with the gout.

  2. 他苦于痛风病。

    He is sorely afflicted with the gout.

  3. 苦于无奈做某事

    to be/ get lumbered with doing something

  4. 这个孩子苦于腿病

    The child is Blessed with a Bad leg.

  5. 居民们正苦于缺乏粮食。

    The inhabitants are suffering for provisions.

  6. 他们苦于找不到藉口。

    They were hard up for an excuse.

  7. 我们苦于严重缺乏燃料。

    We are suffering from a severe shortage of fuel.

  8. 地震灾民苦于缺少药物。

    The earthquake victims are suffering from want of medical supplies.

  9. 这老人苦于丧失了记忆力。

    The old man is suffering from loss of memory.

  10. 民工生活苦于一般城里人。

    The migrant workers are worse off than the average city dwellers.

  11. 现在我们就是苦于没有意见。

    At present, we are in urgent need of suggestions.

  12. 可怜的母亲苦于身体不佳。

    Poor Mother is cursed with bad health.

  13. 你苦于现代生活的紧张吗?

    Do you suffer from the strain of modern life?

  14. 爱情有时甜如蜂蜜,有时苦于胆汁。

    Love is full of honey and gall.

  15. 难民苦于缺少食物和医药用品。

    The refugees are suffering for want of food and medical supplies.

  16. 玛丽苦于有个酗酒得丈夫。

    Mary labored under the affliction of having a drunken husband.

  17. 玛丽苦于有个酗酒的丈夫。

    Mary labored under the affliction of having a drunken husband.

  18. 他们苦于得不到足够的资金。

    They labored under the disadvantage of not having enough money.

  19. 让他受苦于租金和微薄的收入。

    You buried him under rent and low pay.

  20. 由于井枯了, 露营者苦于缺水。

    The campers were hard up for water because their well had run dry.

  21. 他正苦于超负荷工作带来的压力。

    He was suffering from stress brought on by overwork.

  22. 运动员们不得不苦于应付异常寒冷的条件。

    The players had to contend with unusually cold conditions.

  23. 这所学校苦于课本不足的不利条件。

    The school labours under the disadvantage of not having enough textbooks.

  24. 这所学校苦于课本不足得不利条件。

    The school labours under the disadvantage of not having enough textbooks.

  25. 但苦于寻找古代煤层的合适的类比物。

    But it is difficult to find a modern suitable analogue of ancient coal.

  26. 他提醒秘书处,有的信托基金苦于没有资金。

    He reminded the secretariat of the existence of a trust fund that was suffering from lack of funds.

  27. 我很想成为漫画家, 但一直苦于无门。

    I had always wanted to be a cartoonist but never knew how to go about it.

  28. 也不会苦于移动的双向收费而没办法。

    But also cannot painstakingly not have the means in the motion bidirectional charge.

  29. 目前的政策和方案苦于残疾数据缺乏和不足。

    Present policies and programmes suffer from a dearth and inadequacy of data on disability.

  30. 史密斯似乎苦于不能理解他人的观点。

    Mr. Smith seems to be cursed with the ability to see the other fellow's point of view.


  1. 问:苦于拼音怎么拼?苦于的读音是什么?苦于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:苦于的读音是kǔyú,苦于翻译成英文是 suffer from; be more bitter than