


1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……









汉语拼音:bié wú suǒ qiú







  1. That's what I've wanted: to walk in such a place with you. With friends, on an earth without maps.


  2. That's all I've wanted, to wack in such a place with you, with friends.


  3. I wish nothing but the best for you two.


  4. That sojourn stripped him of his youthful ambition and left him wanting "nothing more from life than to enjoy it" .


  5. after tonight's game, i ask nothing more for the season. i'm now a happy and satisfied fan, losing to the lakers or not.


  6. He wanted nothing but Jehovah's splendor.


  7. She will want nothing but solitude and you.


  8. I know that if I have heaven there is nothing to desire. Rain and river, a world of wonder may be paradise to me.


  9. This, I'm pleased to announce is my first good love letter to you. Because there is nothing more for you to do.


  1. 我别无所求。

    It is nothing I want more.

  2. 那我就别无所求了。

    That's all I could really ask for.

  3. 连贯整体, 今生别无所求。

    A coherent whole and this life do not want nothing.

  4. 世上除了你, 我别无所求。

    There is nothing more I want in this world than you.

  5. 除了她的一份别无所求

    wanted her share but nothing beyond.

  6. 除了孤独和你,她将别无所求。

    She will want nothing but solitude and you.

  7. 除了留在这里之外,他别无所求。

    He wanted nothing but to stay here.

  8. 除了能在晚年享有清净,我别无所求。

    I ask nothing for myself, only peace in my old age.

  9. 现在她已别无所求, 她得幸福已臻完美。

    She had now nothing more to desire, her happiness was complete.

  10. 现在她已别无所求,她的幸福已臻完美。

    She had now nothing more to desire, her happiness was complete.

  11. 我们又体面又漂亮, 我们是别无所求的小鞋匠。

    So decent and smart are we, We no more need cobblers be.

  12. 爱,除了自身别无所欲,也别无所求。爱,不占有也不被占有。

    Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself. Love pessesses not nor would it be possessed.

  13. 从你慷慨的手里所付予的,我都接受。我别无所求。

    What comes from your willing hands I take. I beg for nothing more.

  14. 他们以上帝和祂所赏赐的一切为满足,此外别无所求。

    They are content with God and what He given them,and they nothing more.

  15. 我已别无所求了,支想跟着你漫步天国,带上一些好友。

    That's all I've wanted to walk in such a place with you with friends.

  16. 一个人无论变得多么富有,也决不会说他已别无所求。

    No matter how rich a man becomes,he will never say that he has nothing left to wish for.

  17. 无所求,无所有。

    Nothing crave, nothing have.

  18. 无所求的人最富

    He is richest that has few wants

  19. 她无所拒,他也无所求。

    She refused nothing, and he asked nothing.

  20. 爱除了自身别无所取。

    Love gives naught but from itself.

  21. 爱除了自身别无所予,除了自身别无所取。

    Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.

  22. 赞美他人而无所求,鼓励他人而无所图。

    Giving praise without demands and encouragement without expectatipns.

  23. 此时此刻,我幸福至极 已无所求。

    I don't need to be any happier than I am already at this very second.

  24. 人无所求最享福, 因他不为失望苦。

    Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.

  25. 人无所求最幸福,因他不为失望所苦。

    Most people except happiness, as he was not disappointed by the bitter.

  26. 一个并无所求的旅行者也到了这地方。

    A harmless traveller was led to the same spot.

  27. 真正的情人除了思考如何取悦他的爱人,别无所想。

    A true lover considers nothing good except what he thinks will please his beloved.

  28. 交换各自生命中重要而隐匿的部分,却彼此无所求。

    Exchange each life's important and dormant parts, but no request each other.

  29. 她为她自己并无所求, 可为父亲和我, 却有着无法遏制的野心。

    For herself she wanted nothing. For father and myself she was incurably ambitious.

  30. 别无他求。

    That's all.



“别无所求”是个多义词,它可以指别无所求(刘惜君歌曲), 别无所求(罗嘉良演唱歌曲), 别无所求(郑源演唱歌曲), 别无所求(汉语词语), 别无所求(电影)。