


1. 屈 [qū]屈 [qū]使弯曲,与“伸”相对:~曲(qū)。~折。~膝。~伸(弯曲和伸直,引申为失意和得意)。首~一指。卑躬~膝。低头,降服:~服。~从。威武不~。冤枉,叫人不痛快:冤~。委~。~辱。~才。~就(受委屈而担任某种职务,……





汉语拼音:qū rǔ








  1. 屈节辱命。

    《史记·滑稽列传》:“﹝ 淳于髠 ﹞滑稽多辩,数使诸侯,未尝屈辱。”

  2. 蒙受委屈和耻辱。

    三国 魏 李康 《运命论》:“驱骤於蛮夏之域,屈辱於公卿之门。”《张子语录》卷中:“ 郑 介於大国之间,其时得以不屈辱。”《东周列国志》第九五回:“太史 敫 有女,年及笄,偶游园中,见 法章 之貌,大惊曰:‘此非常人,何以屈辱於此?’”

  3. 指委屈和耻辱。

    宋 司马光 《田横墓》诗:“忍死祗能添屈辱,偷生不足爱须臾。” 明 陈继儒 《珍珠船》卷二:“三更后车马甚众,来至肉所,问太岁何故受此屈辱,不讐报之。” 清 吴伟业 《吾谷行》诗:“一株偃蹇踞阴崖,半死半生遭屈辱。” 沙汀 《呼嚎》:“而且,她还额外碰到过多少的纠纷和屈辱啊!”

  4. 使蒙受委屈和耻辱。

    唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·礼遣》:“ 张延赏 为 河南 尹,官人有过,未尝屈辱。” 唐 牛僧孺 《齐推女传》:“彼必大怒,乃至詬駡屈辱。”



  1. There must have been a great deal of cultural humiliation felt by the English when they revolted under Saxon leaders like Hereward the Wake.


  2. Fate to be so unfair to you, perhaps you intended to shun him, with one death to the humiliation is endless and grief.


  3. I saw that she was thirsting for explanations that be humiliating to me and - I did not give them.


  4. He laboured under a severe sense of mortification and wrath, which it was no easy task to suppress.


  5. The clay rebelled at this new disgrace. This is the worst of all that has happened to me, to be rifled with dirt and rubbish.


  6. One of the names given to him here is 'man of sorrows'. While he was on earth he knew so much of humiliation and loneliness.


  7. All the surface world offered was defeat, disgrace, and the searing horror that was the sun.


  8. Ever since she was little, she had an astute awareness of her "bad family background, " living constantly in humiliation.


  9. For a century and a half, China smarted over its domination by the West, leaving it with a deep sense of humiliation.


  1. 屈辱性条约

    an ignominious treaty.

  2. 所谓的屈辱教育

    Sort of leadership by humiliation.

  3. 当时她只得忍受屈辱。

    She had to eat the leek then.

  4. 甘受屈辱。不愿反抗

    To turn the other cheek

  5. 他过着屈辱的生活。

    He was resigned to a life of dishonor.

  6. 她满脸屈辱和怨愤。

    She is the severe and dishonored figure.

  7. 她在屈辱中生活。

    She lives in contempt.

  8. 怎会容许这样的屈辱。

    How can allow such humiliation.

  9. 跪拜崇拜或屈辱的状态

    The state of being prostrate.

  10. 去改变那些屈辱的岁月,

    And convert the outrage of the years

  11. 请求别人允许使他感到屈辱。

    It galled him to ask permission.

  12. 他讨厌在同事面前受屈辱。

    He dislikes being humiliated in the presence of his colleagues.

  13. 与其屈辱偷生, 宁愿光荣而死。

    I would rather die than live in dishonour.

  14. 被迫承认屈辱性的失败。

    Eat crow To be forced to accept a humiliating defeat.

  15. 不时受点儿屈辱是有好处的。

    A certain humbling from time to time is good.

  16. 因失败和屈辱而产生的愤怒。

    An anger born of frustration and humiliation.

  17. 在旧社全, 他们受过许多屈辱。

    Under the old regime, they suffered many humiliations.

  18. 所有的这些屈辱,让我越来越矮

    All that humiliation, it makes you shorter.

  19. 哈维被迫忍受屈辱心里很难受。

    Harvey felt bad when he was obliged to eat the leek.

  20. 她描述了自己被迫经受的屈辱。

    She described the degradations she had been forced to suffer.

  21. 好友在受到屈辱后会互相扶持。

    Good friends support each other after they've been humiliated.

  22. 受气包逆来顺受的可怜虫,受屈辱的受气包

    One who submits meekly to domination or mistreatment by others.

  23. 使屈辱,使丢脸降低自豪,尊严或自尊

    To lower the pride, dignity, or selfrespect of.

  24. 想起那些屈辱的日子, 真是不寒而栗。

    I shudder to recall those days of humiliation.

  25. 他知道被拒绝和受屈辱的感觉。

    He knows what it feels like to be rejected and humiliated.

  26. 她和她的家人仍在继续遭受屈辱。

    The humiliation she and her family suffered is still continuing.

  27. 在那黑暗的年月,他们受过许多屈辱。

    They suffered many humiliations in those dark days.

  28. 后退就只能是甘受屈辱和奴役。

    There is no retreat but in submission and slavery!

  29. 他在成为足球名将前受过许多屈辱。

    He suffered many humiliations before he became a football star.

  30. 他不得不在死亡和屈辱之间进行抉择。

    He had to choose between death and dishonour.


  1. 问:屈辱拼音怎么拼?屈辱的读音是什么?屈辱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:屈辱的读音是qūrǔ,屈辱翻译成英文是 humiliation



“屈辱”是个多义词,它可以指屈辱(澳大利亚2008年史蒂夫·雅各布执导电影), 屈辱(美国Bethesda制作单机游戏), 屈辱(汉语词语)。