







汉语拼音:zhī guó






  1. 前往封地。

    《史记·孝景本纪》:“ 广川 、 长沙王 皆之国。” 司马贞 索隐:“遣就国也。”《后汉书·第五伦传》:“举孝廉,补 淮阳国 医工长,随王之国。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第四五章:“如今 潞王 是第二代,他的父亲是 万历 皇帝的同母弟,在之国之前,住在 北京 的 潞王邸 。”



  1. Japan has the meaning of "place where the sun rises" , "Sakura country" and "a nation full of volcanoes " as well.


  2. However, unluckily, Eurydice suddenly passed away, so Orpheus was very sad and he decided to get his wife back from the lower world.


  3. But Jesus said, Allow the little children and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for of such is the kingdom of the heavens.


  4. That the revered Nelson Mandela's rainbow nation is now turning to a man of Mr Zuma's stamp may sharpen prejudices about Africa.


  5. Their teardrops fall on my hand, as if I were leaving them for a long journey to the kingdom of death.


  6. If Mr Westerwelle has his way, the new coalition will begin to move Germany out of the shadow of "father state" .


  7. The term is often used in the New Testament, and it was a central theme in the preaching of John the Baptist and Jesus.


  8. The core of Krishnamurti's teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said: 'Truth is a pathless land'.


  9. "From 1848, Switzerland was an island of freedom in Europe, and that's why companies could flourish, " he said.


  1. 金羊毛之国

    Land of the golden fleece

  2. 南亚美丽之国,

    An enchanting country in South Asia.

  3. 所谓的自由之国?

    Land of the free?

  4. 所谓的自由之国?

    Land of the free?

  5. 黄金之国召唤着你

    The golden fields that beckoned you

  6. 丁丁历险记之黑金之国

    The Adventures of Land of Black Gold

  7. 快餐之国为国为民的人文价值观。

    Humane values for the state and the people.

  8. 这次的理由是橙色之国的威廉。

    And the reason for this one is William of orange.

  9. 我很高兴来到了美丽的枫叶之国。

    It is a great pleasure for me to come to this picturesque land of maples.

  10. 深夜在高丽之国的日谷山林中。

    Deep is the night In a valley of forests in Korea.

  11. 闭上眼, 神游在你隐秘得梦之国!

    Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams!

  12. 闭上眼,神游在你隐秘的梦之国!

    Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams!

  13. 我相信,在上帝之国降临时,万物归一。

    I believe in the kingdom come, then all the colours will bleed into one.

  14. 南非风光秀丽,气候温和,有彩虹之国的美称。

    South Africa Has Beautiful Scenery, Mild Climate, Rainbow Country Good Name.

  15. 这是一个充满对立的国家,但它是国中之国

    It's a country of such contrasts, but it's a nation of nations.

  16. 这些数字给游历这个汽车之国的人以强烈印象。

    These figures are reflected in the powerful impression a visitor receives of a mobile society.

  17. 城中之国梵蒂冈是一个仅有1000多人口的国家。

    In the center of city, is another country, Vatican, yes a country of about only 1000 citizens.

  18. 从此与自然之道为伍,遨游于开阔的大莫之国中。

    After this, you may stay with the nature of Tao, roaming in the broad realm of perfect freedom.

  19. 并非一切事情,都如布谷鸟钟之国所显示的那样美好。

    Not everything is as ticketyboo as the land of cuckoo clocks might suggest.

  20. 出于多项原因,我对有缘造访千山之国深感荣幸。

    I am honoured to be a guest in this land of a thousand hills, for many reasons.

  21. 你就会变成这个极其富有的移民之国的一个新份子。

    Then you would become another addition to America's wonderfully rich nation of immigrants.

  22. 向这个小小的岛国宣战,看来像是一个懦怯之国的行动。

    To declare war on the small island state looks like the action of a cowardly nation.

  23. 他是来建立一个公义之国的,这个宗旨他决不会放弃。

    He had come to establish a kingdom of righteousness, and He would not abandon His purpose.

  24. 小鸟原本要带少女去幸福之国的,但箱子中只有小箱子。

    Originally birdie to take girls to the wellbeing of the country, but only a small box in a box.

  25. 每隔几天,鲁本杜本内就离开他在自由之国南非的家。

    Every few days, Reuben Dubene leaves his home andstates of in Free State, South Africa.

  26. 每隔几天,鲁本杜本内就离开他在自由之国南非得家。

    Every few days, Reuben Dubene leaves his home andstates of in Free State, South Africa.