







汉语拼音:jǐn còu








  1. 见“ 紧凑 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 紧凑 ”。密切连接,中间无空隙。

    《金瓶梅词话》第十六回:“情浓胸紧凑,欵洽臂轻笼。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·浪游记快》:“再折而西,垒土立庙,曰‘小金山’,有此一档,便觉气势紧凑,亦非俗笔。” 丁玲 《粮秣主任》:“虽然我时时都合着这音节行走,可是我仍然经常的要为着这紧凑的节奏,激烈的音响而震动。”



  1. Before bringing the technology to market, Haile said, the reactor design needs to be much tighter to get better efficiency.


  2. Testers are easy to carry, they are compact, lightweight, and powered by a rechargeable.


  3. Its compact table-top size makes it a perfect fit in a prototyping lab or rework station.


  4. But it is going to be tough. A lot of hard work is needed but we are all prepared to put the shift in.


  5. But the corseted, wandering life of a diplomat's wife did not suit her and one son was schizophrenic.


  6. The Vampir was not the first German Infrared System, but by the end of the war in 1945 it was the most compact and advanced system they had.


  7. It's also very compact, though not as compact as the HTC Aria, since the Ally has the slider keyboard that makes it a little more bulky.


  8. Minification basically involves stripping out the extra bits of your source code to produce a lean and smaller file.


  9. This product both may be hanging, and may the ground support, the structure be compact, easy to operate.


  1. 紧凑的日程

    a tight schedule of events.

  2. 影片节奏紧凑。

    The film belts along at a cracking pace.

  3. 紧凑换热器

    compact heat exchangers.

  4. 结构紧凑, 造型美观。

    With tight structure and graceful outline.

  5. 结构紧凑,造型美观。

    With tight structure and graceful outline.

  6. 日程安排得很紧凑。

    We're on a very tight schedule.

  7. 紧凑型荧光灯管

    compacted fluorescent lamp

  8. 小而紧凑,趾甲短。

    The feet are small and compact with short nails.

  9. 紧凑型内城住宅

    Compact housing in inner city

  10. 紧凑型节能荧光灯

    energy saving CFL

  11. 紧凑式换热器

    compact heat exchanger.

  12. 紧凑型自交系

    compact type inbred lines.

  13. 足爪小, 猫足, 圆, 紧凑。

    Feet small, catlike, round, compact.

  14. 紧凑可换只读存储器

    dense interchangeable ROM

  15. 紧凑的伺服解决方案。

    The compact servodrive solution.

  16. 她轻便, 紧凑, 灵巧, 好用。

    It is light, compact, handy and easy to handel.

  17. 紧凑汉字库系统的开发

    Developing of Compact Chinese Character Bank System

  18. 一套可紧凑摆放的座椅。

    A chair set is revealed from the compact form.

  19. 美洲身体紧凑的驯养马。

    an American breed of small compact saddle horses.

  20. 因时间紧凑, 剧本稍微缩短

    We shorten it due to time constraints.

  21. 选举日程从未如此紧凑过。

    The electoral calendar has never been so crowded.

  22. 结构紧凑,使用和保养方便。

    Compact structure, convenient use and maintenance.

  23. 这个工厂整个布局显得紧凑。

    The factory is compactly laid out as a whole.

  24. 紧凑的原子内核现身了。

    The compact core of the atom begins to appear.

  25. 紧凑标准设计,安装简单经济

    Compact modular design for easy and economical installation.

  26. 结构紧凑,操作简单,携带方便。

    Close in construction, simple in operation and portable.

  27. 此表示法非常紧凑和有效。

    This representation is extremely compact and efficient.

  28. 设计紧凑,寿命长,可靠性高。

    Compact design, long life and high reliability.

  29. 熔成了紧凑的一团的层。

    Layers that were fused into an indiscrete mass.

  30. 这将导致非常紧凑的流量计。

    This will result in a very compact flowmeter.


  1. 问:紧凑拼音怎么拼?紧凑的读音是什么?紧凑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑的读音是jǐncòu,紧凑翻译成英文是 tight

  2. 问:紧凑编码拼音怎么拼?紧凑编码的读音是什么?紧凑编码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑编码的读音是jǐn còu biān mǎ,紧凑编码翻译成英文是 compact code

  3. 问:紧凑型机器拼音怎么拼?紧凑型机器的读音是什么?紧凑型机器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑型机器的读音是jǐn còu xíng jī qì,紧凑型机器翻译成英文是 compact robot

  4. 问:紧凑多项式拼音怎么拼?紧凑多项式的读音是什么?紧凑多项式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑多项式的读音是jǐn còu duō xiàng shì,紧凑多项式翻译成英文是 deflation polynomial

  5. 问:紧凑型换热器拼音怎么拼?紧凑型换热器的读音是什么?紧凑型换热器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑型换热器的读音是jǐn còu xíng huàn rè qì,紧凑型换热器翻译成英文是 compact heat exchanger

  6. 问:紧凑型荧光灯拼音怎么拼?紧凑型荧光灯的读音是什么?紧凑型荧光灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑型荧光灯的读音是jǐn còu xíng yíng guāng dēng,紧凑型荧光灯翻译成英文是 compact fluorescent lamp

  7. 问:紧凑字体格式拼音怎么拼?紧凑字体格式的读音是什么?紧凑字体格式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑字体格式的读音是jǐn còu zì tī gé shì,紧凑字体格式翻译成英文是 Compact Font Format

  8. 问:紧凑建筑计划拼音怎么拼?紧凑建筑计划的读音是什么?紧凑建筑计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑建筑计划的读音是jǐn còu jiàn zhù jì huà,紧凑建筑计划翻译成英文是 compact planning

  9. 问:紧凑网关服务器拼音怎么拼?紧凑网关服务器的读音是什么?紧凑网关服务器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧凑网关服务器的读音是jǐn còu wǎng guān fú wù qì,紧凑网关服务器翻译成英文是 compact gateway server



紧凑 jǐncòu [compact] 连接很紧,没有空隙、间隔或多余的部分 活动安排得很紧凑