







汉语拼音:zhāo lái







  1. 见“ 招徠 ”。



  1. He piled up hard currency like British pounds in his palace in Muscat, but rats began to gnaw at it, Mr. Weatherford said.


  2. It's good that you're thinking about your scent, but having too much fragrance on your body can be just as revolting.


  3. How much would such an island fetch in the real estate market? ! ?


  4. I'm not a very superstitious person, but I've taken a few precautions to help prevent jinxing future events.


  5. The idea of bribing people to behave well (in this case, by letting banks enjoy market power) may be objectionable but is at least familiar.


  6. "Now the government is trying to upset those who can afford buying homes by imposing the tax, " he said.


  7. It was widespread skepticism about the strategy that turned the name into a lightning rod for criticism.


  8. But that would allow Mr Ahmadinejad to blame outsiders just as he is about to incur the people's wrath by cutting petrol subsidies.


  9. In characteristic style he did so with a politically incorrect quip that drew criticism even from his supporters.


  1. 招来工程师

    To call out an engineer.

  2. 男孩们招来麻烦。

    The boys were heading for trouble.

  3. 男孩们招来麻烦。

    The boys were heading for trouble.

  4. 宠物猪招来怒气

    Pet Pigs Draw Ire in Lake Forest, Ill

  5. 然后打架,招来警察

    knock each other around, then the cops come.

  6. 厄运招来一连串灾祸。

    Bad luck with a whole of misfortunes.

  7. 歌手招来了大批观众。

    The singer packed the crowds in.

  8. 打碎肾结石招来糖尿病

    Diabetes From Kidney Stone Blaster

  9. 你在给自己招来灾祸。

    You are courting disaster.

  10. 说不定真把贼招来了。

    Probably did invite some thieves.

  11. 出事现场招来一群人。

    A crowd was attracted to the scene the accident.

  12. 她的行动招来上司的批评。

    Her actions drew criticism from her superior.

  13. 他的行动招来不少的猜疑。

    His actions generated a good deal of suspicion.

  14. 离开之前,他招来了邮递员。

    He fetched the mailman before he left.

  15. 离开之前,他招来了邮递员。

    He fetched the mailman before he left.

  16. 他们招来一些人,又解雇一些人。

    They draw some people in,and push others out.

  17. 糖罐连黄蜂也能招来。

    Even the hornet is attracted to the sugarpot.

  18. 她的惨叫声招来了警察。

    Her screams brought the police.

  19. 你都不知道招来了什么

    You never know what you're inviting in.

  20. 你都不知道招来了什么。

    You never know what you're inviting in.

  21. 这招来她出身高贵的亲戚

    So that her highborn kinsman came

  22. 你和他交往会招来麻烦。

    You are wooing trouble if you associate with him.

  23. 我得问题只招来茫然得凝视。

    My questions only drew blank stares.

  24. 我的问题只招来茫然的凝视。

    My questions only drew blank stares.

  25. 他给我们招来了许多悲痛。

    We were caused a great deal of grief by him.

  26. 这些是他自己招来的恶果。

    Those are the evils he has drawn on himself.

  27. 喊话招来了一阵密集的射击。

    A barrage of fire greeted these words.

  28. 他给自己招来许多额外工作。

    He let himself in for a lot of extra work.

  29. 天真的态度招来了他们的嘲弄。

    His naive attitude provokes their derision.

  30. 他的意见招来了一连串的批评。

    His comments provoked a barrage of criticism.