







汉语拼音:huī pāi







  1. 犹挥抹。

    唐 张随 《无弦琴赋》:“振素手以挥拍,循良质而周旋。”

  2. 舞动球拍。

    《浙江日报》1988.6.13:“ 日本 队左手直握球拍的 斋藤清 挥拍上阵,以二比一战胜 陈龙灿 ,先得一分。”



  1. The racquet should drop at least one foot below the contact point before swinging forward to meet the ball .


  2. We found racquet head speed easy to generate making this racquet a joy when hitting topspin angles or when taking a rip at short balls.


  3. Until this point in the book, you haven't had a way to gauge your own swing or even practice accurately.


  4. The answer is: As long as you adjust your grip when you take your backswing , hold your racquet with any grip that feels comfortable.


  5. In conclusion, the more explosive swing player will benefit more of a stiffer shaft in terms of control and power.


  6. By doing this, you will be assured of having accelerated ALL the way through the hit; only decelerate at the end of your follow-through.


  7. Another aspect to consider is the coiling and uncoiling of the body during your swing. See the Forehand section on generating power.


  8. Even when you swing in slow motion, you're grooving a muscle memory that will stay with you.


  9. So concentrate on a steady forearm and wrist as you swing from the shoulder.


  1. 挥拍的幅度

    amplitude of swing.

  2. 挥拍时得身体转动如何?


  3. 挥拍时的身体转动如何?

    What about body rotation during the swing?

  4. 他对准球猛地挥拍一击。

    He took a wild swing at the ball.

  5. 网球的弹性主要靠主动挥拍。

    Elasticity of the ball depend on the swing of racket.

  6. 打高远球的挥拍的规范动作。

    swing the ball hit the norms lofty movement.

  7. 乒乓球运动员让球自由落下并挥拍发球。

    The table tennis player dropped the ball the table to serve.

  8. 学习内外挥拍,藉由中心标示站在底线的中心。

    To learn an inside out swing stand at the center of the baseline by the center mark.

  9. 慢慢地,他挥拍和握拍的动作就是自然而然的了。

    Over time the swings and racquet grip are adopted automatically.

  10. 要注意步法,挥拍的角度和击球动作的平稳。

    Attention to footwork, angle of the racket, smoothness of strokes.

  11. 因为他有足够长且快的挥拍来供给足够的力量。

    An advanced player may prefer a flexible racquet because he or she has a long, fast swing and provides plenty of power.

  12. 我能加速挥拍产生令人满意的旋转和击球。

    I served pretty well with this racquet. I was able to generate some decent spin and kick.

  13. 从这点,你将向前和向上挥拍以迎接来球。

    From this point you'll swing forward and up to meet the ball.

  14. 另一个考虑的方面是在你的挥拍期间身体的盘绕解盘绕。

    Another aspect to consider is the coiling and uncoiling of the body during your swing.

  15. 一般来说, 选择一个拍杆弹性合适的拍子取决于你的挥拍。

    Generally speaking, choosing a racket with the correct shaft flexibility depends on how you swing your racket.

  16. 我感觉击球时候挥拍破风更好, 所以球能打得更重。

    I felt like the racquet was plowing through my strokes better, so the ball I hit was heavier.

  17. 长而快的挥拍会带来有控制的威力和极其精确的落点。

    A long fast swing results in lots of controllable power and pinpoint accuracy.

  18. 现在,当你从肩膀向前和向上挥拍,自然地网拍变成垂直。

    Now, as you swing forward and up from the shoulder the racquet naturally becomes vertical.

  19. 因此一当你从肩膀挥拍的时候,要专注于使前臂和手腕稳定。

    So concentrate on a steady forearm and wrist as you swing from the shoulder.

  20. 他挥拍击球。

    He swung his batat the ball.

  21. 棒球运动中不挥拍打出的球。

    The act of hitting a baseball lightly without swinging the bat.

  22. 选手在完成挥拍击球动作后, 身体是否正面向前?

    Does the player's body opens up at the end of the swing?

  23. 削球向下挥拍触球,使球后旋。

    Chop A downward stroke producing backspin.

  24. 你的挥拍将在自动装置上很自然发生。

    Your swing will be on automatic pilot.

  25. 当你由低往高挥拍的时候, 球将离开你的拍线上升。

    When you swing low to high, the ball will leave your strings ascending.

  26. 拍拍胳膊,蹦蹦高,挥挥手,以手触天把歌唱。

    Flap your arms, jump up high, wig gle your fin gers and reach for the sky.


  1. 问:挥拍拼音怎么拼?挥拍的读音是什么?挥拍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挥拍的读音是huī pāi,挥拍翻译成英文是 swing the racket; wind-up

  2. 问:挥拍弧线拼音怎么拼?挥拍弧线的读音是什么?挥拍弧线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挥拍弧线的读音是huī pāi hú xiàn,挥拍弧线翻译成英文是 racket trajectory; arc of swing

  3. 问:挥拍路线拼音怎么拼?挥拍路线的读音是什么?挥拍路线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挥拍路线的读音是huī pāi lù xiàn,挥拍路线翻译成英文是 path of the bat

  4. 问:挥拍速度拼音怎么拼?挥拍速度的读音是什么?挥拍速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挥拍速度的读音是huī pāi sù dù,挥拍速度翻译成英文是 speed of swing