


1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……





汉语拼音:liào wàng







  1. The lady trembled, and cast her eyes upward to the verge of the basin, as if meditating to return with her purpose unaccomplished.


  2. When the results came out, I looked and looked at the teacher, and his eyes just as the phase, four-head interface, I also lowered his head.


  3. He stopped at the corner and looked about him vacantly .


  4. Numerous fishing traffic, including the unlit ones may be met while en route, hence vigilant look out to be maintained at all times.


  5. True or False: If I were to stand on high ground in Key West with a good pair of binoculars, I would be as informed as I am right now.


  6. So from the ancient bridge we viewed the train that hurried toward us along the other tract- kept moving, like the first, by stinging whips.


  7. It was a look-out built for the public, but I had the feeling that no one had been there for years, certainly no tourist.


  8. He opened his eyes and looked around.


  9. At this time, it looked at me, my sight when it turned back forced boarding, the fierce look of the fly to the sky.


  1. 了望通信器

    lookout telegraph.

  2. 了望观察台

    lookout observatory.

  3. 认真注意了望!

    keep sharp lookout!

  4. 认真注意了望!

    Keep sharp lookout!

  5. 侧面了望端窗

    side bay end window

  6. 圆顶式了望客车

    dome car

  7. 他望了望阿尔贝。

    Andrea was supported by two priests.

  8. 我走上了望台。

    I went up to the observatory.

  9. 守望员了望的人

    One who keeps watch.

  10. 我望了望那些个疯子。

    I looked at the lunatics.

  11. 他在了望甲板上。

    He's at the observation deck.

  12. 他在了望甲板上。

    He's at the observation deck.

  13. 有了望顶棚的守车

    cupola car

  14. 守车了望顶棚标志灯

    cupola marker lamp

  15. 王了望的天水诗文

    Poems Which Wangliaowang Wrote in Tianshui

  16. 他坐起来,向四周望了望。

    He sat up and looked around.

  17. 了望,审视用光学仪器了望

    To scanwith an optical instrument.

  18. 他惊奇地向四围望了望。

    He looked round him in astonishment.

  19. 军官抬起头来望了望。

    The officer looked up from his slip of paper for a moment.

  20. 他们垂头丧气地四下望了望。

    They looked round with dismay.

  21. 布卢姆先生回头望了望唱诗班。

    Mr Bloom looked back towards the choir.

  22. 它回头望了望他,喵喵叫着。

    She looked back at him, mewing.

  23. 他睁开眼睛往周围望了望。

    He opened his eyes and looked around.

  24. 她睁开眼睛向四周望了望。

    She opened her eyes and looked around.

  25. 她睁开眼睛向四周望了望。

    She opened her eyes and looked around.

  26. 她以关心的神情抬头望了望。

    She looked up with a concerned air.

  27. 王大爷突然停了下来, 望了望我。

    Uncle Wang stopped short and looked at me.

  28. 她回过身来,沉思地望了望他。

    She turned round and regarded him thoughtfully.

  29. 他往前面望了望,没有发现什么问题。

    He looked ahead and saw nothing wrong at all.

  30. 保持对遇险船视觉了望并报告。

    Keep sharp lookout for sightings of vessel in distress and report.


  1. 问:了望台拼音怎么拼?了望台的读音是什么?了望台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:了望台的读音是liǎo wàng tái,了望台翻译成英文是 observatory

  2. 问:了望塔拼音怎么拼?了望塔的读音是什么?了望塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:了望塔的读音是liǎo wàng tǎ,了望塔翻译成英文是 observation tower

  3. 问:了望室拼音怎么拼?了望室的读音是什么?了望室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:了望室的读音是liǎo wàng shì,了望室翻译成英文是 tower cupola

  4. 问:了望用的拼音怎么拼?了望用的的读音是什么?了望用的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:了望用的的读音是,了望用的翻译成英文是 vistaed

  5. 问:了望台联络图拼音怎么拼?了望台联络图的读音是什么?了望台联络图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:了望台联络图的读音是liǎo wàng tái lián luò tú,了望台联络图翻译成英文是 area map