




绘图:绘~。~图。~像。~地为牢。~脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。图像:~面。~片。~坛。~板。~卷(juàn )(a.成卷轴形的画;b.喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。~外音。图~。诗中有~。写,签押,署……



汉语拼音:qī huà






  1. 用漆绘的画。

    《后汉书·五行志一》:“ 延熹 中,京都长者皆著木屐;妇女始嫁,至作漆画五采为系。此服妖也。”



  1. Therefore, in addition to painting creative painting to follow the general common law, to abide by painting the character of that paint.


  2. "And occasionally" the theory of painting is in line with China's Zhao Yan, the connotation of throwing creative painting.


  3. The property of lacquer displays the cultural character and aesthetic state of lacquer painting artist.


  4. In the article, some ways of making about the lacquer paintings effect are discussed in terms of techniques.


  5. This essay preliminarily explored the historical protection on this basis of traditional folk furniture lacquer painting in Fengxiang.


  6. The past 50 years, lacquer art is in the senior's efforts to open up and the joint efforts of modern artists, and finally attested.


  7. Takes its essence, causes in it very good application modern lacquer painting, causes it to meet modern people's esthetic need.


  8. Lacquer painting as a craft of material bears unique preponderance from other paintings in materials usage.


  9. Painting as a separate species is painted with lacquer painting of the material creation.


  1. 漆画课程教学

    instruction of lacquer painting

  2. 木板漆画屏风

    Wood based lacquer painting screen.

  3. 漆画奇葩绽放鹭岛

    Lacquer painting booms in Xiamen

  4. 漆画中的肌理美

    The Textural Beauty of Lacquer Painting

  5. 论漆画的特异性

    A Critical Review of Lacquer Painting

  6. 论福州漆画与漆画艺术家

    An Introduction to Development of Fuzhou Lacquer Painting

  7. 广州现代漆画邀请展

    Exhibition of Contemporary Lacquer Painting in Guangzhou

  8. 出版著作漆画技法轻松学。

    Lacquer Painting the Easy Way.

  9. 谈金属材料在漆画中的运用

    Application of Metallic Materials to Lacquer Painting

  10. 漆画有绘画和工艺的双重性。

    Lacquer has the dual nature of painting and craft.

  11. 漆画的装饰性风格与现代漆画创新

    The Ornament Style and the Innovation of the Modern Lacquer Painting.

  12. 瓷漆画干后成坚硬, 光滑的画

    A paint that dries to a hard, glossy finish.

  13. 从审美取向上谈现代漆画的发展

    Discussion about Modern Lacquer Painting Development from Aesthetic Tropism

  14. 聚氨酯漆在漆画中的存在分析及展望

    The Prospect of the Use of Polyurethane in Lacquer Painting

  15. 他跟师傅学到了磨漆画这项技艺。

    He has learned the skill of lacquer painting from his master.

  16. 他跟师傅学到了磨漆画这项技艺。

    He has learned the skill of lacquer painting from his master.

  17. 福州脱胎漆器、漆画在国内外享有盛誉。

    Fuzhou leaves the womb the lacquerware, the lacquer painting in domestic and foreign to enjoy the high reputation.

  18. 正因如此,漆画艺术应当随时代发展而发展。

    So, the art of lacquer painting should develop with time.

  19. 现代漆画对传统漆工艺的传承与创新

    The Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Craft in Modern Lacquer Painting

  20. 意象色彩在人物漆画作品中,自由度更大。

    Image color in the character of lacquer painting works, a greater degree of freedom.

  21. 漆与画是构成漆画的两个重要方面。

    Lacquer and drawing are the both important aspects in the composition of lacquer painting.

  22. 江西漆画的迅速发展得益于众多的社会、历史因素。

    The rapid development of Jiangxi lacquer painting benefit from the many social and historical factors.

  23. 图为奇特、丽的漆画作品吸引了众多兴致勃勃的观众。

    The pictures are the exhibited works that attract a lot of visitors.

  24. 本文从技法上探讨了漆画效果的一些制作方法。

    In the article, some ways of making about the lacquer paintings effect are discussed in terms of techniques.

  25. 因此,漆画具有与其他画种不同的装饰艺术语言。

    Therefore lacquer painting has its own artistic language which is different from that of other kinds of paintings.

  26. 东方精神和本体语言的探求是当代漆画发展的契机。

    Hunting the orient spirit and noumenal language is the developing chance of contemporary lacquer painting.

  27. 而半透明的精髓又正好显现在了漆画的半色彩上。

    Therefore the goody of the transparent lacquer is because of its half transparency.

  28. 漆画作为独立画种是用漆的材料进行的绘画创作。

    Painting as a separate species is painted with lacquer painting of the material creation.

  29. 内壁漆画与外壁漆画关系密切,前者是后者的引导图。

    The inner surface of lacquer painting has close relation with the outer surface and the former is a guide map of the latter.

  30. 材料的运用可以为现代漆画的创作诠释出新的美学价值。

    Material application may interpret brandnew aesthetic values from contemporary lacquer painting creation.


  1. 问:漆画拼音怎么拼?漆画的读音是什么?漆画翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漆画的读音是qīhuà,漆画翻译成英文是 lacquer painting