


1. 那 [nà]2. 那 [nǎ]3. 那 [nèi]4. 那 [nā]那 [nà]指较远的时间、地方或事物,与“这”相对:~里。~个。~样。~些。~时。~么。那 [nǎ]同“哪”(一)(中国大陆地区已不用)。那 [nèi]义同(一),“……


1. 般 [bān]般 [bān]样,种,类:这~。那~。百~。~配。暴风雨~的掌声。古同“班”,散布,分布。同“搬”。……



汉语拼音:nà bān







  1. 犹言什么缘故。如:含辛茹苦为那般?

  2. 元 代公文用语。犹言如此这般。


  3. 那样。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七四回:“ 伯述 接口道:‘怎么你那位令孙,还是那般不孝么?’” 鲁迅 《呐喊·风波》:“ 七斤 既然犯了皇法,想起他往常对人谈论城中的新闻的时候,就不该含着长烟管显出那般骄傲模样。”

  4. 那些。

    王西彦 《人的世界·第三家邻居》:“而另一些所谓‘道地的艺术家’们,也总喜欢借重那般失意政客,彼此酬酢唱和,俨然身价百倍。”



  1. Otherwise, he said, 'that brief moment of glory from ringing the opening bell is just not as attractive as it used to be.


  2. They were now just a luxury item, no longer as necessary as they were before.


  3. So support can be just as "commercial" in an open source environment as in a closed-source one.


  4. And I still don't understand why, if this is all as obvious as it seems to me, equities aren't down 20% now, rather than 2% or 3%.


  5. If you're as smart and haughty as you're trying to come off, you should know about the secret life of bacteria.


  6. But her eyes were still clear and unwearied, and she still moved like a shadow on the sea.


  7. Britain is still locked into a gradual, half-willing decline, destined to be less loved by its closest ally than it would like.


  8. Forget for a moment about his attitude towards others and give yourself a chance to see how much he loves you.


  9. Weight training can be as simple as working out with a pair of dumbbells at home or as formal as a full routine on health club equipment.


  1. 微笑,总是那般微笑。

    And smiling. Always smiling.

  2. 笑的那般天真。

    Naive as to laugh.

  3. 她不像她哥哥那般富有。

    She is not so wealthy as her brother.

  4. 他不像他弟弟那般聪明。

    He is not so clever a boy as his younger brother.

  5. 像燕子那般骄傲而自由?

    Like the swallow so proud and free?

  6. 我没有如此那般喜欢你。

    I'm not attracted to you in that way.

  7. 人生并非如我想象那般。

    Life did not turn out the way I thought it would.

  8. 所有事情并非像外表那般。

    All things are not as they appear.

  9. 是否像我想起你那般想起我?

    Did you miss me just like I missed you?

  10. 勒索不像以前那般有效了。

    Blackmail is not as effective as it once was.

  11. 她承认台步不是那般简单的。

    She admits catwalk is not that easy.

  12. 我没有人们想象的那般聪明。

    I'm not as smart as people think I am.

  13. 好像艾拉那般勇敢,勇于尝试。

    to be brave like Ella and try something new.

  14. 像梦那般绵长。我爱的文字。

    As long as the dream. I love the characters.

  15. 预测装置无需像先知那般顶用。

    Prediction machinery need not see like a prophet be of use.

  16. 它本可以的,如果人那般制造它。

    It would have been if man had made it.

  17. 伴侣是否如我期待的那般恩爱?

    Is my partner affectionate to the degree that I expect?

  18. 你还是一如我们初见时那般美丽。

    You're as beautiful as the day we met.

  19. 亚伦并不如我希望的那般顺利。

    Aaron Not as well as I had hoped.

  20. 往事回想起来总不如当时那般艰难。

    The past always seems better when you look back on it.

  21. 我所写的故事正如我所读到的故事那般。

    I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading.

  22. 你准备告诉我, 你只是对朋友那般喜欢我?

    Are you going to tell me that you really like me as a friend ?

  23. 他的那般朋友每次聚会都会喝醉酒。

    His friends got drunk at every party.

  24. 我们得友情至深, 不是你想象得那般肤浅。

    Our profound friendship is not as shallow as you think of.

  25. 我们的友情至深,不是你想象的那般肤浅。

    Our profound friendship is not as shallow as you think of.

  26. 我们的友情至深,不是你想象的那般肤浅。

    Our profound friendship is not as shallow as you think of.

  27. 不再像当年了那般对我拳脚相加了吧?

    Not so easy to beat me anymore, is it?

  28. 啊,我又成了云雀那般快乐的单身汉。

    Oh, Im as happy as a lark now that Im single again!

  29. 他学习那般刻苦,可学习成绩却依然很糟。

    Though he studies hard, he performs badly.

  30. 他学习那般刻苦,可学习成绩却依然很糟。

    Though he studies hard, he performs badly.


  1. 问:那般拼音怎么拼?那般的读音是什么?那般翻译成英文是什么?

    答:那般的读音是nàbān,那般翻译成英文是 That, so.; Of an uncertain quantity, equivalent...