




1. 且 [qiě]2. 且 [jū]且 [qiě]尚,还,表示进一层:既高~大。尚~。况~。表示暂时:苟~偷安。姑~。表示将要、将近:城~拔矣。年~九十。一面这样,一面那样:~走~说。表示经久:这双鞋~穿呢!文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”……



汉语拼音:gū qiě








  1. 犹宽宥。


  2. 暂且。

    《老残游记》第四回:“姑且带回衙门去,照失单查对。” 鲁迅 《两地书·致许广平二》:“﹝我﹞在刺丛里姑且走走。”



  1. Since he wants to have a talk with you. I don't see any harm in going to see him.

  2. Assuming the High Septon had not put her to death by the time he got back to the city.

  3. That will never happen because Siroky and co. will take appropriate steps, let's name it 'a preventive attack of lobbyists'.

  4. But a combined Singaporean and Australian exchange -- call it SAX -- does create a new attraction that could make up for it.

  5. Leave on one side the question of whether the Geither plan is a good idea or not.

  6. Across the world, if not within nations, globalisation can be claimed to be making people more equal, not less.

  7. But the difficulty of making that call aside, it is hard to see what would be achieved.

  8. If someone says: "take it or leave it " , then you do not take this statement seriously tentatively, you can immediately make your proposal.

  9. Despite the number of programs offering these services, few programs handle e-mail as well as a dedicated e-mail client.


  1. 我们姑且试试吧。

    We might have a try, anyhow.

  2. 你姑且试一试。

    Have a try, anyhow. or Suppose you give it a try.

  3. 姑且承认此系实情

    granting this to be true

  4. 姑且含笑将它照耀。

    And I sunned it with smiles.

  5. 姑且说是真的吧。

    Let's say that's true.

  6. 起初,我姑且相信了他。

    At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

  7. 我姑且相信她是无辜的。

    I grant her to be innocent.

  8. 我们姑且称它为岛屿网络。

    Let's call it Island Networks.

  9. 姑且称之为骇人听闻的保卫标语。

    It is a horribly defeatist slogan.

  10. 这个故事我们可以姑且听之。

    We can take the story for what it is worth.

  11. 姑且将此称为社会奇点吧

    Which I am going to call the social singularity.

  12. 我并不相信, 但请姑且假设。

    I don't believe in them, but let's imagine.

  13. 姑且不说英语, 法语她也懂得。

    She knows French, not to say English.

  14. 但姑且让我病得更厉害吧。

    Well, let it get worse.

  15. 咱们姑且假设这个消息是真的。

    Eg. let us suppose for a moment that the news is really true.

  16. 她不得不姑且相信他的决定有理。

    She had to grant the reasonableness of his decision.

  17. 就当我脑子进水 姑且信你。

    Let's suppose I just had a massive head injury and believe you.

  18. 感谢你们的辛苦。姑且说是工作吧。

    For their, well. let's call it work.

  19. 这时候, 姑且认为某人是对的吧。

    This is the time to give someone the benefit of the doubt.

  20. 我虽然心里愁闷, 姑且强作欢容。

    I am not merry, but I do beguile the thing I m by seeming otherwise

  21. 上司派我到外地, 姑且称他为丫。

    I was sent by my superior, we'll call him y.

  22. 我不得不姑且相信他的论点合乎逻辑。

    I had to grant the logic of his argument.

  23. 呃, 我们姑且说他不是爱因斯坦吧。

    Well, let's just say he's no Albert Einstein.

  24. 因此他现在只能姑且喝几口酒。

    All he could do for the moment was to drown his sorrows in his brandy.

  25. 姑且不提安吉洛总在曲杆杠铃两头

    You know, not to mention the fact that Angelo.

  26. 姑且不论这些预言的可信程度有多高。

    Let us not wonder how reliable these prophecies are for the moment.

  27. 余下的数目不大,姑且说,只有十个罢。

    The number left was not great, say, only ten.

  28. 我只得送缴当时的京城,运费姑且不计。

    I would send them to the capital city, disregarding the transportation expenses.

  29. 他们对事态会有所好转姑且存一线希望。

    They are hoping against hope for some favourable turn in the affairs.

  30. 其他优劣姑且不论,他们是真正的度假者。

    Apart from anything else, they're the ones having a real holiday.


  1. 问:姑且拼音怎么拼?姑且的读音是什么?姑且翻译成英文是什么?

    答:姑且的读音是gūqiě,姑且翻译成英文是 tentatively; for the moment; the time being




拼音:gū qiě