







汉语拼音:rén děng






  1. 众人,许多人。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷五:“尚书夫人及姑姨姐妹合衙人等,看见了 德容小姐 ,恰似梦中相逢一般。” 茅盾 《子夜》三:“ 吴 府的上下人等,一切都准备好了,专等那口棺材来,就可以把这一天的大事了结。”



  1. Just a minute, please. Let me write it down.


  2. Girl: Just want you know, no matter what, you always have somebody here for you.


  3. Their piece appeared just a few weeks after Obama, European leaders, and others intervened in Libya for exactly this purpose.


  4. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon declared a state of emergency and said he is 'optimistic that there are still lives out there to be saved. '


  5. What we want to wear is a badge that would be worn by an American, by an Ethiopian, by a Lebanese, by any nationality, he said.


  6. I saw right away he was a fine-appearing, gentlemanly young man, and when he told me he was an Oggsford I knew I could use him good.


  7. It was no longer able to hunt with the packs. It even feared its own kind, but now it stalked the man, waiting for him to die.


  8. As long as you can get on well with them, you will meet a wealth of kind-hearted people who are waiting to know you and cooperate with you.


  9. For a while the German stayed still until, eager to be certain, he peered over the trench. Gorbatenko shot him through the head.


  1. 他老是要人等他。

    He always has to be waited for.

  2. 她总是让人等。

    She always has to be waited for.

  3. 人等孢子球虫病

    Human coccidiosis

  4. 人等孢子球虫感染

    Infection by Isospora hominis

  5. 新闻媒体一类人等

    the world of media people and their ilk

  6. 无耻的骗子, 说谎的人等

    a shameless cheat, liar, etc

  7. 各色人等参加了那个会议。

    A mix of people attended the meeting.

  8. 我们尽力不让人等太久。

    We try not to keep people waiting so long.

  9. 我问是否有许多人等着。

    I asked whether there were many people waiting.

  10. 忠实的基督徒、保守党人、共和党人等。

    A staunch christian, conservative, republican, etc.

  11. 门厅有几十人等着要签名。

    There were dozens of people waiting in hall for autographs.

  12. 她邀请了各色人等来参加宴会。

    She invited a mixed bag of people to her party.

  13. 钓鱼人等了好久,可是没有鱼上钩。

    The angler waited long but the fish would not bite.

  14. 如果我让这人等,他会发疯的。

    This guy gets crazy if I keep him waiting.

  15. 未开化的,奴隶或自由人等的分别。

    Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free.

  16. 委托展览设计者和展览承包商的人等。

    The person commissioning designers and contractors, etc.

  17. 我们两人家里都没人等着赶回去。

    Either one of us has anybody to run home to.

  18. 揭露罪犯, 冒名顶替者, 犯错误的人等。

    expose a criminal, an impostor, a culprit, etc

  19. 还有很多人等着上车,往后走。

    There are more people waiting to get on. Move to the rear.

  20. 和两个电视台的人等着你发表声明

    And there's also two tv crews who are asking for a statement.

  21. 与各色人等交朋友不是件容易的事。

    Making friends with different kinds of people is not easy work.

  22. 请向前走,还有很多人等着上车。

    Move along, please. There are more people waiting to get on.

  23. 到底要哪种,我这还有很多人等着呢

    What's it gonna be? I got a line here.

  24. 时间总是让人等, 却不等人, 我们在耗着!我们在耗着什么

    Always make time, but others, We Exertion!We Exertion

  25. 我知道那些恨切尼的人等不及发表自己的意见。

    And I know you Cheney haters out there can't wait to make a comment.

  26. 她所到之处都有成群的人等著见她。

    Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her

  27. 她所到之处都有成群的人等着见她。

    Wherever she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.

  28. 他让电话那头的人等一下,他找一下那个号码。

    He told the caller to hang on while he looked for the number.

  29. 这个群组容纳了具有不同背景的各色人等。

    This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds.

  30. 这个群组容纳了具有不同背景的各色人等。

    This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds.


  1. 问:人等孢子球虫拼音怎么拼?人等孢子球虫的读音是什么?人等孢子球虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人等孢子球虫的读音是rén děng bāo zǐ qiú chóng,人等孢子球虫翻译成英文是 Isospora hominis