




1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……



汉语拼音:lì jià







  1. 依照规定放的假。

    沙汀 《凶手》:“于是他牺牲了他的例假,一早便心神不安地等待着他们的会见。”

  2. 婉辞,指女性的月经或月经期。



  1. Menstruation (a period) is a major stage of puberty in girls; it's one of the many physical signs that a girl is turning into a woman.


  2. You just don't expect to have to talk to your six-year-old daughter about having periods.


  3. During your first visit, the doctor will ask you lots of questions, including the date of your last period.


  4. And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing.


  5. Article 36 A worker shall have at least one regular day off in every seven days.


  6. 1 patient underwent implant replacement and autograft due to pseudarthrosis and instrument failure.


  7. In Kenya, a project aims to educate girls about HIV prevention while helping them stay in school during their monthly periods.


  8. And if breast development was occurring earlier, girls would inevitably get their period earlier.


  9. They were also having their first periods, on average, three months earlier.


  1. 周日是例假。

    Sunday is a regular holiday.

  2. 星期日是例假。

    Sunday is a regular holiday.

  3. 简单吃出安全例假

    Safe Menses by Eating Simply

  4. 那是个例假日。

    It was a regular holiday.

  5. 怀孕后还会来例假么

    Can official holiday still come after be pregnant

  6. 玛丽说她来例假了。

    Mary said she has a little visitor.

  7. 谢谢你们来参加例假庆典。

    Thank you, all, for coming out to our annual holiday festival.

  8. 例假期间常更换护垫,卫生巾。

    During your period, change your pads or tampons often.

  9. 我记得那时你正好来例假。

    I remember that you had your period.

  10. 你妻子上一次例假是在什么时候?

    When was your wife's last menstrual period?

  11. 例假走后一个礼拜内会怀孕吗?

    Is the meeting inside a chapel after official holiday goes pregnant

  12. 她例假刚来的时候总是不大舒服。

    She always feels unwell at the start of her period.

  13. 她来例假的时候脾气实在太坏了。

    She is really in bad temper in that time of the month.

  14. 身上来例假了, 为什么半个月还没有过去?

    Official holiday comes on the body, why has not half month gone ?

  15. 一般那个例假多久没来,是有可能怀孕啊?

    General how long didn't that holiday come, be to be pregnant likely?

  16. 医生说女人来例假时不应干过重的活。

    The doctor says that women at that time of the month should avoid doing heavy work.

  17. 医生说女人来例假时不应干过重的活儿

    The doctor says that women at that time of the month should avoid doing heavy work

  18. 我得妻子心情烦燥,一定是到了来例假得日子。

    My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the Month.

  19. 我的妻子心情烦燥,一定是到了来例假的日子。

    My wife is crabby. It must be that time of the Month.

  20. 那么你应该感谢上帝并不是每一天都是例假。

    Then you shall thank god not all the month is that time.

  21. 一次我来例假的头一天呕吐, 我的朋友催我去看医生。

    Once I threw up on the first day of my period. My friend urged me to see the doctor.

  22. 我上个月来例假过, 这个月肚子胀胀的, 有可能怀孕吗?

    I come last month official holiday passes, this month abdomen bilge, be pregnant likely

  23. 所有的移植骨与临近椎体连接良好,没有一例假关节出现。

    All grafts showed good contact to the adjoining vertebrae with no case of a pseudarthrosis.

  24. 工作第一天, 一个男人宣称他能嗅出马奎斯来了例假。

    On the first day one man claimed he could smell that Marquis had her period.

  25. 每次来例假之前, 小腹两边都有轻微的胀痛, 这是什么原因?

    Come every time before official holiday, alvine both sides has bilge slightly painful, what reason is this?

  26. 就像和许多其他与青春期有关的变化一样,例假会令人困惑。

    And like a lot of the other changes associated with puberty, menstruation can be confusing.

  27. 雇员于每七日中至少应有一日并获得正常工资之例假日。

    The employee shall have one regular day off with pay in every seven days.


  1. 问:例假拼音怎么拼?例假的读音是什么?例假翻译成英文是什么?

    答:例假的读音是lìjià,例假翻译成英文是 public holiday

  2. 问:例假日拼音怎么拼?例假日的读音是什么?例假日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:例假日的读音是,例假日翻译成英文是 holiday