







汉语拼音:qī miàn






  1. Spruce up old dressers and buffets found on Craigslist with a bit of paint, and use them anywhere in the house.


  2. Recommended substrate: Harden PC, harden PMMA, the surface of UV coating, electroplating layer, stainless steel, stone, marble, glass, etc.


  3. Paint stains on dulcimer, should also promptly wipe clean stubborn stains with a soft clean fabric dipped in a little toothpaste.


  4. After soaking, most of the sand can and the car paint from, then wash with water, can avoid sediment scratch the surface dangerous.


  5. PU lacquer true color, texture clear, easy to repair if damaged.


  6. The product can be used for rust prevention of various vehicle chassis, metal vehicle frames and other objects with lacquer paintings.


  7. The coating thus obtained was a milk white viscous liquid which dried quickly to a smooth film at ambient temperature.


  8. CAR BODY: Protect your car's finish with a good waxing. Wash the underbody of the car to remove winter road salts, prevent rusting.


  9. Its dark red paint was shining and I could see my reflection () in its perfect surface.


  1. 漆面良好。

    The paintwork is in good condition.

  2. 淡黄色的漆面

    primrose paintwork.

  3. 漆面光滑如缎。

    The paint has a satin finish.

  4. 漆面硬质纤维板

    enamelled hard board

  5. 漆面像缎子一样光滑。

    The paint has a satin finish.

  6. 漆面已经开始剥落了。

    The paintwork is beginning to peel.

  7. 这层漆面很难除去。

    The paint will be difficult to strip.

  8. 漆面养护之全攻略

    How to Keep Paint Coating in Good Condition

  9. 表面采用高光漆面处理。

    The surface is varnished giving a proper glossy look.

  10. 涂漆面位于金属底层的外部。

    Painted surfaces are on metal substrates.

  11. 涂漆面位于金属底层得外部。

    Painted surfaces are on metal substrates.

  12. 用块柔软的布把漆面擦亮。

    Buff up the paintwork with a soft cloth.

  13. 热的盘子会损坏桌子的亮光漆面。

    Hot dishes may spoil the varnish on a table.

  14. 浮泡如漆面或层压的表面的气泡

    A raised bubble, as on a painted or laminated surface.

  15. 桌子上得亮光漆面已被刮损了。

    The varnish on the table has been scratched.

  16. 我得汽车撞到墙时,漆面受了损。

    The paintwork was damaged when my car knocked against the wall.

  17. 我的汽车撞到墙时,漆面受了损。

    The paintwork was damaged when my car knocked against the wall.

  18. 彩绘具有光泽石油完成并具有明确漆面漆保护。

    Stained with a lustrous oil finish and protected with a clear lacquer topcoat.

  19. 我得汽车撞上了大门,汽车得漆面被弄坏了。

    The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the gate.

  20. 我的汽车撞上了大门,汽车的漆面被弄坏了。

    The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the gate.

  21. 红色得比较接近标准, 但是漆面也有些溢出。

    The red is very and ok but varnish a little out.

  22. 红色的比较接近标准,但是漆面也有些溢出。

    The red is very and ok but varnish a little out.

  23. 自行车赛场跑道地坪漆面层施工新技术

    New Application Technology for Flooring Coatings Surface of Bicycle Race Runway

  24. 一些漆面公司有一百多种色调的蜡!

    Some paint companies offer over one hundred different hues of white alone!

  25. 有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。

    A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork.

  26. 清洁得漆面很简单或者是不含色素得树脂。

    Clear coat paint is simply paint, or resin without pigment.

  27. 清洁的漆面很简单或者是不含色素的树脂。

    Clear coat paint is simply paint, or resin without pigment.

  28. 清洗是去除漆面松散的灰尘和污物的一种洗法。

    Washing is the process of removing loose dirt and grime from the surface.

  29. 清洗是去除漆面松散得灰尘和污物得一种洗法。

    Washing is the process of removing loose dirt and grime from the surface.

  30. 即使很小一点灰尘颗粒都会造成新制漆面划伤。

    Even a tiny speck of dirt can cause visible scratches in the newly applied finish.


  1. 问:漆面干燥过快拼音怎么拼?漆面干燥过快的读音是什么?漆面干燥过快翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漆面干燥过快的读音是qī miàn gān zào guò kuài,漆面干燥过快翻译成英文是 surface drying

  2. 问:漆面结膜微粒拼音怎么拼?漆面结膜微粒的读音是什么?漆面结膜微粒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漆面结膜微粒的读音是qī miàn jié mó wēi lì,漆面结膜微粒翻译成英文是 spewing