


手抵物体向外或向前用力使物移动:~车。~搡。~拿。~倒。~敲。顺水~舟。使用工具向前移动进行工作:~头。~土。使事情开展:~广。~行(xíng )。~动。~销。进一步想,由已知之点想到其它:~及。~究。~导。~论。~测。~事。往后挪动(时间……






汉语拼音:tuī wěi








  1. 推卸责任;推辞。

    清 顾炎武 《上国馨叔书》:“千里投到,不惜以一簣障江河,乃其中别有隐情,上下推諉,不能即审。” 张恨水 《啼笑因缘》第十二回:“咱们将军看得起你,才叫你去唱堂会,你倒推诿起来。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第三六章:“ 刘耀庭 推诿说:‘我没害死过人。’”



  1. And yet I often saw that she was sad, though she never explained why she was sad other than by alleging some physical reason.


  2. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.


  3. This is often blamed on erosion, the tides eating the land, another establishment excuse during the sinking process.


  4. You're passing the buck, professor! It was up to you to check!


  5. Jn. 15: 22 If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not have sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin.


  6. He also said it would be a " cop-out " to boycott the opening ceremonies in Beijing.


  7. Smiling evasively, she tells George, "I never hear the noise children make just as long as it's a happy noise. "


  8. The governing class is trying to deflect blame for the debacle.


  9. They should be declared invalid and certainly not be abused as a bureaucratic hurdle to prevaricate in a dangerous crisis .


  1. 搪塞支吾,推诿

    To practice trickery or cunningprevaricate.

  2. 把错误推诿于某人

    to blame a mistake on someone

  3. 他无可推诿, 哑口无言。

    He was silent in default of any excuse.

  4. 要尽职尽责, 不要互相推诿。

    You should do your duty and not pass the buck to each other.

  5. 要尽职尽责,不要互相推诿。

    You should do your duty and not pass the buck to each other.

  6. 你要逃避,推诿责任或工作。

    You are trying to avoid an obligation, duty or job.

  7. 他们一直在推诿许多个星期。

    Theyve been prevaricating for many weeks.

  8. 推诿, 塘塞逃避或欺诈的行为推诿

    An evasive or deceitful action an equivocation.

  9. 因此,让我们别纠缠于推诿责任。

    So let us move past the blame game.

  10. 我们反对任何理由的拖延及推诿。

    We oppose any reason for the delay and prevarication.

  11. 但如今他们的罪无可推诿了。

    Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin.

  12. 不要把你的责任推诿给他人。

    Don't shuffle your own responsibility onto others.

  13. 在华盛顿, 两党互相推诿, 言辞尖刻。

    In Washington, there was acrimony as both parties traded blame.

  14. 不能再推诿责任了,那个政客说。

    The time for buck passing has passed, said the politician.

  15. 不要推诿责任, 是男子汉就站出来。

    Don't shift responsibility onto others. Stand up like a man!

  16. 不要推诿责任,是男子汉就站出来。

    Don't shift responsibility onto others. Stand up like a man!

  17. 你在推诿责任,教授!负责审核是你的责任!

    Youre passing the buck, professor! It was up to you to check!

  18. 认真对待每次笔译任务, 不推诿, 不拖拉。

    Accept every translation assignment positively without any shuffle and drag attitude.

  19. 一遇到麻烦,他就把责任推诿给别人。

    When getting into trouble, he always shifts the blame to others.

  20. 她立刻感到这是何等笨拙的推诿之词。

    This struck her as a clumsy evasion.

  21. 我们绝不能推诿应对这一威胁的责任。

    Our responsibility to meet it must not be deferred.

  22. 马上行动要求人人对工作不推诿、敢于负责。

    Immediate action requests everyone actively taking the responsibility.

  23. 老师的推诿和责怪她,小心,你可能会堕落

    a teacher passes and chides her, Be careful, you might fall.

  24. 不要玩推诿的把戏,尽管有的同事那样做。

    Don't participate in the blame game, even if coworkers play it.

  25. 如果事情陷害入困境, 他就随时准备推诿责任。

    When things get difficult he's too ready to pass the buck.

  26. 所以,对名利的态度应该是,不强求,也不推诿。

    Therefore, the right attitude to fame and wealth is not to importune and not to shuffle them.

  27. 程小姐对开发商推诿责任的态度很不满意。

    Miss Cheng for developers shirk their responsibility very dissatisfied with the attitude.

  28. 到处都是繁文缛节, 我到任何地方他们都推诿不办。

    Red tape everywhere I went. They sent me from pillar to post.

  29. 好的推诿之词或许长期有用,但不会永远有用。

    A good shift may serve long, it will not serve ever.

  30. 谈判拖延的时间越久,长期推诿责任的可能性就越大。

    The longer negotiations drag on, the greater the risk of permanent prevarication.


  1. 问:推诿拼音怎么拼?推诿的读音是什么?推诿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:推诿的读音是tuīwěi,推诿翻译成英文是 pass the buck



推诿指 推卸责任;推辞。也作“推委” 指把责任推给别人(不带宾语)。